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1801 |
Jason & Crystalina Evert Romance Without Regret DVD
So many people have a distorted understanding of what true love is. If it doesn't seek what's really best for another, it's not authentic love. Of course, who do you love more than your kids, your grandkids, and all the young people in your life? DVD 88 min. Price:
19.95 USD
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1802 |
Jason & Crystalina Evert Romance Without Regret 2 CD
So many people have a distorted understanding of what true love is. If it doesn't seek what's really best for another, it's not authentic love. Of course, who do you love more than your kids, your grandkids, and all the young people in your life? 2 CD Set min. Not Music Price:
21.95 USD
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1803 |
Jason Evert If You Really Loved Me c The questions in this landmark work are the most common ones Evert is asked when speaking about the virtue of chastity in hundreds of Catholic, Evangelical, and public schools. His humorous, friendly, and blunt approach opens hearts and minds to a topic often either rejected or misunderstood. Teens will find this book a useful guide to starting a relationship, deciding one's vocation, one day finding a potential spouse, and maintaining purity - without forsaking love. This book will give parents and educators new insights to help teens know the difference between love and lust. They may even look at their own lives differently, because chastity is both for singles and married couples. 318 pp Price:
14.95 USD
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1804 |
Jason Evert Pure Love c You've heard the questions before: * Is sex bad? * Isn't everyone else doing it? * Aren't I being good as long as I don't have sex? These questions and more are all answered in Pure Love. This booklet is the result of countless interactions between Jason Evert and teenagers during his seminars on chastity. It is the ideal complement to classes on human sexuality. Rich with scriptural reference, this booklet is in complete compliance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. 62 pages Price:
2.95 USD
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1805 |
Jason Evert Pure Manhood c How to Become the Man God Wants You to Be Every day boys and young men are bombarded with messages and images that encourage them to make sexual impurity a way of life. And since it looks like so much fun, they can easily be made to feel as if they�re foolishly missing out on something really great. However, Jason Evert�s Pure Manhood will help them to see things in a new light. Best of all, it will give them the spiritual tools they need to stay pure�or to return to purity. Evert also answers the most common questions boys have about women, sex, and dating, including� * How far is too far? * What�s wrong with just thinking about it? * What�s wrong with porn? You�re not hurting anyone. * What if it�s just a swimsuit magazine? * If she�s willing to do it, why is it wrong? * What about safe sex? * Shouldn�t I be free to do whatever I want? * How do I stay pure? Pure Manhood will be a priceless gift to both the young men who read it and to their future families. 56 pages Price:
2.95 USD
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1806 |
Jason Evert Amor Puro
Es malo tener sexo? , Todos lo estan haciendo, que no? , Estoy bien al cuidarme solo de no tener sexo? Estas preguntas y muchas mas seran contestadas en este folleto de Amor Puro. Este folleto es el resultado de las interacciones innumerables entre Jason Evert y los adolescentes durante sus seminarios de la castidad. Es el complemento ideal para clases en la sexualidad humana. Repleto de referencias bíblicas, este folleto está en la conformidad completa con las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica. 62 paginas Price:
2.95 USD
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1808 |
Jason Evert Pure Intimacy
In an accessible question-and-answer format, Catholic Answers staff apologist Jason Evert explains the biological, spiritual and relational benefits of NFP. 42 pages Price:
2.95 USD
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1809 |
Jason Evert Goretti
Goretti tells the true-life story of Maria, an eleven-year-old girl, as she tries to adjust to her new life in the small town of Ferriere. Initially excited with the simplicity of her new home and its people, Maria's faith and strength are tried when her father becomes weriously ill, and a neighbor's lust for her comes to an unforeseen end. 32 pp Price:
2.95 USD
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1810 |
Jay Dunlap Raising Kids in the Media Age c Raising Kids in the Media Age is a realistic, informative look at how today's media impacts individuals and families. Based on extensive research, author Jay Dunlap shows that, regardless of the content, the media affects our interactions with others, especially those closest to us. Since TV, computers, and the Internet are all here to stay, this book offers valuable advice to parents on dealing with their children's (and their own) consumption of media. Raising Kids in the Media Age offers Positive, fresh ideas on how parents can control the media outlets in their home.Soft cover, 96 pages Price:
12.95 USD
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1811 |
Jean Aulagnier The Diary of Jesus lm Account of Jesus' Life based on ancient calendars and on the writings of Maria Valtorta. The author took five years to study the chronology of Maria Valtorta's The Poem of the Man-God. Here are new elements in the growing evdence for the authenticity of this realistic "Life in Jesus'. 6x9 368 pages. Price:
25.00 USD
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1812 |
Jean Corbon The Wellspring of Worship ip 1586170228 The Sacred Liturgy, declares Vatican II, is the font from which all the Church's spiritual power flows. In his modern classic work The Wellspring of Worship, Fr. Jean Corbon explores the meaning of the Liturgy as the "wellspring" or source of the Church's life and worship of God. The Liturgy itself is a sharing in the mystery of the Triune God and in the Incarnation, Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. Corbon writes that it is "the mystery of the river of life that streams from the Father and the Lamb", into which believers are to be drawn. In this way, the divine river waters their entire lives, renewing and transforming them. The Wellspring of Worship is a masterful reflection on the mystery of God's Trinitarian life and how the Church's members participate in that life through the Liturgy. �Our thanks to Father Corbon for guiding us on this return to the source.� � Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, in the Foreword �I have no doubt that this book will be recognized for centuries as a classic of Catholic liturgical spirituality and theology.� � Aidan Nichols, O.P., Author, Looking at the Liturgy Length: 262 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
17.95 USD
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1813 |
Jean Delannoy Mary Of Nazareth DVD ip From acclaimed French film director Jean Delannoy comes this beautiful drama about Our Lady that traces her life as the blessed mother of Jesus, the wife of the humble carpenter, Joseph, and as an inspiring symbol of purity and faith. A unique perspective of the life of our Savior through the eyes of his Blessed Mother. Filmed on location in the Middle East featuring 110 actors and 8,500 extras.115 minutes Price:
19.99 USD
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1814 |
Jean Galot, SJ ABBA FATHER We Long to See Your Face A To come to know the Father is to come to know something of the very depths of God, an aspiration which Jesus gave birth to in his disciples. "Show us the Father," one of them asked him, "and we will be satisfied." His reply took them all by complete surprise: "He who has seen me has seen the Father." It is in Jesus himself that we come to know and recognize the countenance of God the Father. This work will help us to make this discovery for ourselves. It introduces us into the mystery of the Father, and seeks to make the Father�s role in the whole of each human life known � most especially in the solicitude of his divine Providence. It underlines the meaning of prayer addressed to the Father and studies the problem of inaugurating a special liturgical feast in honor of "God, our Father." Most of all it opens our eyes to a new way of relating to him who wants to be approached, addressed and honored as our Father. 349 pages Price:
13.95 USD
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1815 |
Jean Marie Hiesberger Fostering Leadership Skills in Ministry: A Parish Handbook lig 0764808478 A useful resource for pastors and all who play an active role in the life of a parish, Fostering Leadership Skills provides help in dealing with some of the challenging aspects of present-day church ministry and stresses the importance of community building, planning together, and empowering small groups. Sections on change, transition, and ministerial development complete this comprehensive ministry leadership manual. Paperback Pages: 128 Price:
14.95 USD
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1816 |
Jean Marie Hiesberger Spirituality for the 21st Century: Experiencing God in the Catholic Tradition, A Study Guide lig 0764813862 This booklet contains a synopsis of each presentation, reflection questions, and possible action responses for each talk as well as an opening and closing prayer to be used with each adult study group session. The Third Annual Conference on The Catholic Church in the 21st Century sponsored by the Catholic Community Foundation of Kansas City took place on June 4, 2005. Six distinguished Catholic theologians addressed a symposium of over six hundred people on the topic of Spirituality for the 21st Century. The symposium treated this topic from the following perspectives: 1. What is Spirituality?--Dr. Colleen M. Griffith, Institute for Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry, Boston College 2. Spirituality and the Triune God--Msgr. John J. Strynkowski, Former Executive Director of the Secretariat for Doctrine and Pastoral Practices, USCCB 3. Spirituality and the Incarnate God--Rev. Michael J. Buckley, SJ, Boston College 4. Spirituality and the Human Creature--Sr. Mary Ann Hinsdale, IHM, Boston College 5. Spirituality and Redemption--Rev. Michael J. Himes, Boston College 6. Spirituality and Eucharist--Rev. Kenan Osborne, OFM, Franciscan School of Theology Booklet Pages: 24 Price:
4.95 USD
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1818 |
Jean Vanier L'Arrche Marthe Robin f This booklet was written for the "little ones" (Matthew 11, 25). It is a family album. Color photographs, pictures, and drawings were selected because of the symbolic meaning. Let yourself be carried away by the history of Marthe; it will tell you of a Father's love - Our Father. 63 pages Price:
2.95 USD
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1819 |
Jean-Jacques Antier Charles De Foucauld ip 0898707560 The popularity of Charles de Foucauld continues to spread around the globe as time goes on. Unknown during his lifetime as a solitary monk in the Sahara Desert, and assassinated by bandits in 1916, this former French playboy had a radical conversion to Christ that compelled him to live a deeply ascetical religious life that has had a great impact on the world since his death. This definitive biography by Jean-Jacques Antier, a renowned French author of more than 50 books, is the fruit of his exhaustive research on Foucauld's life, writings and correspondence. He was given access to the complete archive on the life of Foucauld from the Congregation of the Saints compiled for his beatification process. Antier also interviewed numerous witnesses resulting in a powerful, inspiring biography of this holy, 20th century figure, a "personality of fire". Illustrated. "In seeking the true and the good, our contemporaries tend to prefer authentic and modest witnesses, symbols of the salvation of the human family. That was the intuition which guided Charles de Foucauld, a great man of God, who sought to show the Gospel in a hidden, laborious way, in the silence which God signifies his presence as if it were a gentle breeze." �Pope John Paul II Jean-Jacques Antier has published more than fifty books, translated in eight languages. His many books include Martha Robin: The Still Journey and with Jean Guitton, The Mysterious Powers of Faith. Length: 450 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
18.95 USD
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1820 |
Jeanne Bendick Archimedes and the Door of Science i.p. 1883937124 Jeanne Bendick, through text and pictures, admirably succeeds in bringing to life the ancient Greek mathematician who enriched mathematics and all branches of science. Against the backdrop of Archimedes' life and culture, the author discusses the man's work, his discoveries and the knowledge later based upon it. The simple, often humorous, illustrations and diagrams greatly enhance the text. Of special interest to school and home educators. Price:
13.95 USD
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1821 |
Jeanne Bendick Galen and the Gateway to Medicine ip 1883937752 We know about Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine. But we owe nearly as much to Galen, a physician born in 129 A.D. at the height of the Roman Empire. Galen's acute diagnoses of patients, his botanical wisdom and studies of physiology were recorded in numerous books, handed down through the Middle Ages and Renaissance. He developed sports medicine, doctoring gladiators. Not least, Galen passed on the medical tradition of respect for life. In this fascinating biography for young people, Jeanne Bendick brings Galen�s Roman world alive with the clarity, humor, and outstanding content we enjoyed in Archimedes and the Door to Science. An excellent addition to schools, libraries, and homes; ideal for home education. Length: 152 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
13.95 USD
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1822 |
Jeff Calvins Great Adventure Bible Timeline 24 Week-24CD cw This CD series contains the audio from The Bible Timeline DVD series in which Jeff Cavins provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the fourteen narrative books of the Bible. Each 50-55 minute talk is designed to accompany a lesson in The Bible Timeline Study Kit. About The Bible Timeline: A clear understanding of the underlying Scriptural narrative is essential to all Bible reading and study, and for this reason The Bible Timeline is the first foundational study in The Great Adventure Bible Study Series. A combination of individual reading and study, group discussion, and lecture commentary guides participants as they read through the 14 narrative books of the Bible and discover the meaning of each in light of the whole. The Bible Timeline is an immenseley rich study, diving deep into each time period of salvation history. The Bible Timeline is basic enough to suit those who haven't studied the Bible before while at the same time offering ways to go deeper that will challenge the Bible study veteran. Salvation history is covered from its beginning in Genesis through the coming of Christ and the establishment of the Catholic Church. The Bible Timeline has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Your Bible Study Group will: * Read for yourselves the 14 narrative books of the Bible - the ones that tell the story - in chronological order. * Learn God's marvelous plan of salvation history and see how your faith story fits into "His-story." * Study key Old Testament passages in light of their fulfillment in Christ. * Learn how Catholic Tradition views the biblical narrative and how to use the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a study reference. * Gain a greater appreciation for the Scripture readings you hear in Mass. * Encourage one another as you learn together how God's Word applies to your lives. * Lay a strong foundation for further Bible reading and study. Price:
149.95 USD
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1823 |
Jeff Calvins Great Adventure Bible Timeline Kit cw This Study Kit is intended for use with The Bible Timeline video DVDs and audio CDs. It includes everything a participant needs to complete the 24-part study. The Study Set Questions (100 pages) guide participants through their study of Salvation History with thought-provoking questions about the Bible and related portions of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Comprehensive Study Set Responses (96 pages) provide answers and further commentary on the questions as well as a substantive review of each lesson. Each lesson is designed to be followed by the corresponding talk from the DVD or CD series. This Kit includes: * Bible Timeline Workbook (52 pages) * Study Set Questions and Responses (196 pages) * Custom Bible Timeline Binder * Bible Timeline Chart * Bible Timeline Bookmark * Memory Bead Wristband About The Bible Timeline: A clear understanding of the underlying Scriptural narrative is essential to all Bible reading and study, and for this reason The Bible Timeline is the first foundational study in The Great Adventure Bible Study Series. A combination of individual reading and study, group discussion, and lecture commentary guides participants as they read through the 14 narrative books of the Bible and discover the meaning of each in light of the whole. The Bible Timeline is an immenseley rich study, diving deep into each time period of salvation history. The Bible Timeline is basic enough to suit those who haven't studied the Bible before while at the same time offering ways to go deeper that will challenge the Bible study veteran. Salvation history is covered from its beginning in Genesis through the coming of Christ and the establishment of the Catholic Church. The Bible Timeline has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Your Bible Study Group will: * Read for yourselves the 14 narrative books of the Bible - the ones that tell the story - in chronological order. * Learn God's marvelous plan of salvation history and see how your faith story fits into "His-story." * Study key Old Testament passages in light of their fulfillment in Christ. * Learn how Catholic Tradition views the biblical narrative and how to use the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a study reference. * Gain a greater appreciation for the Scripture readings you hear in Mass. * Encourage one another as you learn together how God's Word applies to your lives. * Lay a strong foundation for further Bible reading and study. Price:
44.95 USD
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1824 |
Jeff Calvins Adventures in Matthew 24 Talk-12DVD cw In this DVD series Jeff Cavins provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the gospel of Matthew. Each 50-55 minute talk is designed to accompany a lesson in the Matthew Study Set. About Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Building directly on the foundation laid in The Bible Timeline, Step Two in The Great Adventure Bible Study Series, Matthew: The King and His Kingdom, shows how Jesus builds on the foundation laid in the Old Testament to inaugurate the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Experience how Jesus relived the life and struggles of Israel to become the faithful and victorious King, and see how the promises of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ and his Apostles.This series is an ideal follow-up study to the basic narrative of Scripture taught in The Bible Timeline course. Matthew: The King and His Kingdom has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. You will: * See Jesus as the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, the new Moses, the true manna, the new Temple - and learn what this means for us today. * Learn how Jesus reconstituted the struggling kingdom of Israel around Himself and brought it to a new level in the Kingdom of God, open to all people. * Witness the seeds of the Church in the foundation Christ built on the twelve apostles, with Peter as His vicar. * Discover the roots of the sacraments, and see how Jesus' words and actions are reflected in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. * Watch Jesus re-live the life and history of Israel as the obedient Son who trusts the Father to the very end, defeats death, hell, and the grave, and rises to new life. Price:
399.95 USD
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1826 |
Jeff Cavins Show product details for Evangelizing in the Midst of the Culture of Death Evangelizing in the Midst of the Culture of Death cw How do we bridge the gap between our faith and every day life? How can we communicate the Catholic faith in a way people can understand it? What resources does the Church give us to accomplish this vitally important task? In this 2-part series, popular author, media host, and theologian Jeff Cavins answers these questions and more, pointing out that all of us are called to take part in the "new evangelizations" spoken of by Pope John Paul II. Jeff notes that the Church gives us a powerful tool to spread the faith - the Catechism. It is in the four parts of the Catechism that we see the "four pillars" of our faith: Creed, Sacraments, Moral Law, and Prayer. These pillars show the profound interconnection of the Catholic truth, and give us framework we can use to share the truth with a desperate world. During Vatican II, Pope Paul VI stated that "the separation between faith and everyday life is one of the gravest errors of our modern age." After listening to this talk, you will be inspired and equipped to help close this gap and effectively present our Catholic faith to a desperate world. Price:
14.95 USD
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1827 |
Jeff Cavins Faith, Hope & Love: The Three Keys to a Holy Life cw CDs/DVDs > Spoken Talk CDs Jeff Cavins, author of My Life On the Rock and creator of The Great Adventure Bible study program, begins this three-part series on the theological virtues with the question, "Who are you?" With this simple, disarming question, he illustrates that our search for identity - for who we are - is not rooted in our jobs and careers, our talents and abilities, or any external reality. As Cavins notes, we are created in the image and likeness of God, and Price:
19.95 USD
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1828 |
Jeff Cavins The Greatest Story Ever Told cw CDs/DVDs > Spoken Talk CDs In this inspiring presentation, well-known Catholic author Jeff Cavins points out that our Christian faith truly is "the greatest story ever told." He notes that many in the Church today have never been taught the "narrative thread" that ties the faith Price:
9.95 USD
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1829 |
Jeff Cavins How to Simplify Your Life - CD cw The chaos of modern life: got to get it, got to see it, got to have it, got to be it; deadlines, commitments, the things I need to do, whether for work or family. How can you navigate though the stress and strife. "Just simplify," says Catholic theologian and media host Jeff Cavins. But don't just buy a weekly planner or listen to an Anthony Robbins "success" tape or read Seven Habits of Highly Successful People. As Jeff points out, simplicity is not an external but an inner struggle. In this inspiring presentation, you will learn practical ways to separate the wheat from the chaff in your life; to stop organizing the frantic and urgent calls in your life and answer the one true call to right relationship with Christ. Price:
9.95 USD
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1830 |
Jeff Cavins I'm Not Being Fed - CD cw In this audio series, well-known Catholic television host and author Jeff Cavins explores the reasons why many Catholics have left the Church for evangelical Christianity. He responds to the most commonly-heard complaint of these former Catholics -- that they simply were not being "fed" by their Church and that they longed for a more personal, "spiritually nourishing" relationship with Jesus. With disarming wit, humorous asides, and anecdotes drawn from his own history as a cradle Catholic who left the Church only to return, Cavins points out the obvious: no hymn or sermon, however emotionally-satisfying or exciting, can ultimately satisfy without the Holy Eucharist. In part one, entitled Hungering for God: A Scriptural Look at the Real Meal, Cavins focuses on the clear biblical evidence for the Real Presence. He makes the pointed observation that it is impossible to read much of the New Testament (particularly the sixth chapter of John's Gospel) without recognizing that the Eucharist is not just a "nice symbol" or as a helpful "option" for fostering Christian fellowship � rather, it is the essence of Christianity, the very core of our faith. The second part, I"ve Cooked My Last Supper: A Pastor Comes Home to the Eucharist, is more biographical. Cavins shares the story of his upbringing as a typical Catholic in a suburban Midwestern parish, the experiences which led him to embrace evangelical Christianity as a teenager, his twelve years of ministry as a protestant pastor, and the events which brought him "home" to the Catholic Church. Even if you are a Catholic "die-hard," I�m Not Being Fed will inspire and strengthen your faith in the Eucharist and in the truth of the Catholic faith. Price:
9.95 USD
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1831 |
Jeff Cavins A Message to Dads Spoken Talk CDs In this inspirational presentation to fathers, Catholic theologian and media host Jeff Cavins asks fathers a critical question: "What would you die for?" This question, he notes, helps fathers cut through the many distractions and challenges of everyday. Price:
9.95 USD
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1832 |
Jeff Cavins The Pornography Plague - CD cw Spoken Talk CDs In recent decades, pornography has become pervasive in our culture. The days when obscene materials were confined to an urban "red-light" district have long passed - the Internet, cable television, and even advertising make it nearly impossible to avoid. Pornography has become a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addition, ruined marriages, and shattered lives. In this powerful presentation, Catholic theologian and media host Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. Given our fallen human nature and the profound effects of permissive society, it is not surprising that even christian men fall prey to its snares. With great insight and charity, Cavins shows how we can fight pornography's devastating influence and helps us chart a course to true Christian purity. Price:
9.95 USD
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1834 |
Jeff Cavins Turning Pain into Gain cw Spoken Talk CDs When was the last time that everything was perfect in your life? Never, right? In this remarkable presentation, well-known Catholic author, speaker, and media host Jeff Cavins discusses just exactly what is "wrong with life" by unpacking the meaning of human suffering. Price:
14.95 USD
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1835 |
Jeff Cavins Adventures in 1 Corinthians 10-Part Series-4DVD cw In this DVD series Dr. Tim Gray provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians. Each 30 minute talk is designed to follow a lesson in the First Corinthians Study Set. About First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community: The conflicts of the early Christians in Corinth were in many ways similar to our struggles today as Christians. With divisions, immorality, persecution, and other trials of the faithful, the message of St. Paul to the Corinthians is a much-needed message for our own times. First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community explores the key elements that the apostle Paul introduced to a new and growing Church. St. Paul taught the Corinthians about the nature of grace and the Church as the Body of Christ. In addition, he introduced the Corinthian Christians to the most powerful gift of all, the Eucharist. Your Bible study group will: * Learn the importance of Christian unity in relation to the Church as the Body of Christ. * Explore St. Paul's strategy for successful evangelization. * See how to live a Christian life in the midst of a pagan culture. * Discover why St. Paul sees the Church as the Body of Christ. * Learn how St. Paul's letter proves that the sacrifice of Christ is truly made present in the Eucharist. * Gain a new vision for seeing the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. Price:
99.95 USD
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1836 |
Jeff Cavins Adventures in 1 Corinthians 10-Part Series Study cw The First Corinthians Study Set Questions (48 pages) guide participants through their study with thought-provoking questions about Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians and related portions of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Comprehensive Study Set Responses (46 pages) provide answers and further commentary on the questions as well as a substantive review of each lesson. Each lesson is designed to be followed by the corresponding talk from the DVD or CD series. Price:
26.95 USD
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1837 |
Jeff Cavins Adventures in Acts 20 Week-10DVD cw In this DVD series Jeff Cavins provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the book of Acts. Each 50-55 minute talk is designed to follow a lesson in the Acts Study Set. About Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom: Step Three in The Great Adventure Bible Study Program, Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom, builds on The Bible Timeline and Matthew by showing how Christ's Kingdom on earth is empowered to carry out his work in the world. The book of Acts shows the Church, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, teaching, preaching, healing, and restoring outcasts in the same way that Jesus did on earth. The Acts of the Apostles provides an historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. Paul's letters in particular come alive in a new way when they are read within the context of the Acts narrative. Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Your Bible study group will: * See how the Gospel witness spread outward in waves, from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria, and finally to the ends of the earth. * Share with the early Christians the joys and struggles of living the life of Christ, and learn how these apply to us today. * See how the Holy Spirit guided the apostles into Truth. * Observe the way the Spirit-filled Church adapted to new cultures when proclaiming the Gospel. * Watch the seeds of Church structure and authority take root, and see how conflicts were resolved even at that early stage. * See your place in Christ's Church, and how you should live day-to-day as a disciple of Christ. Price:
329.95 USD
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1838 |
Jeff Cavins Adventures in Acts 20 Week-20CD cw This CD series contains the audio from the Acts DVD series in which Jeff Cavins provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the book of Acts. Each 50-55 minute talk is designed to accompany a lesson in the Acts Study Set. About Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom: Step Three in The Great Adventure Bible Study Program, Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom, builds on The Bible Timeline and Matthew by showing how Christ's Kingdom on earth is empowered to carry out his work in the world. The book of Acts shows the Church, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, teaching, preaching, healing, and restoring outcasts in the same way that Jesus did on earth. The Acts of the Apostles provides an historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. Paul's letters in particular come alive in a new way when they are read within the context of the Acts narrative. Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Your Bible study group will: * See how the Gospel witness spread outward in waves, from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria, and finally to the ends of the earth. * Share with the early Christians the joys and struggles of living the life of Christ, and learn how these apply to us today. * See how the Holy Spirit guided the apostles into Truth. * Observe the way the Spirit-filled Church adapted to new cultures when proclaiming the Gospel. * Watch the seeds of Church structure and authority take root, and see how conflicts were resolved even at that early stage. * See your place in Christ's Church, and how you should live day-to-day as a disciple of Christ. Price:
139.95 USD
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1839 |
Jeff Cavins Adventures in Acts Study Set with Color Binder cw The Acts Study Set Questions (100 pages) guide participants through their study with thought-provoking questions about the book of Acts and related portions of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Comprehensive Study Set Responses (96 pages) provide answers and further commentary on the questions as well as a substantive review of each lesson. Each lesson is designed to be followed by the corresponding talk from the DVD or CD series. Price:
29.95 USD
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1840 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Bible Timeline 24 Week-12DVD cw In this DVD series Jeff Cavins provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the fourteen narrative books of the Bible. Each 50-55 minute talk is designed to accompany a lesson in The Bible Timeline Study Kit. About The Bible Timeline: A clear understanding of the underlying Scriptural narrative is essential to all Bible reading and study, and for this reason The Bible Timeline is the first foundational study in The Great Adventure Bible Study Series. A combination of individual reading and study, group discussion, and lecture commentary guides participants as they read through the 14 narrative books of the Bible and discover the meaning of each in light of the whole. The Bible Timeline is an immenseley rich study, diving deep into each time period of salvation history. The Bible Timeline is basic enough to suit those who haven't studied the Bible before while at the same time offering ways to go deeper that will challenge the Bible study veteran. Salvation history is covered from its beginning in Genesis through the coming of Christ and the establishment of the Catholic Church. The Bible Timeline has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Your Bible Study Group will: * Read for yourselves the 14 narrative books of the Bible - the ones that tell the story - in chronological order. * Learn God's marvelous plan of salvation history and see how your faith story fits into "His-story." * Study key Old Testament passages in light of their fulfillment in Christ. * Learn how Catholic Tradition views the biblical narrative and how to use the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a study reference. * Gain a greater appreciation for the Scripture readings you hear in Mass. * Encourage one another as you learn together how God's Word applies to your lives. * Lay a strong foundation for further Bible reading and study. Price:
399.95 USD
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1841 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Bible Timeline 24 Week-24CD cw This CD series contains the audio from The Bible Timeline DVD series in which Jeff Cavins provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the fourteen narrative books of the Bible. Each 50-55 minute talk is designed to accompany a lesson in The Bible Timeline Study Kit. About The Bible Timeline: A clear understanding of the underlying Scriptural narrative is essential to all Bible reading and study, and for this reason The Bible Timeline is the first foundational study in The Great Adventure Bible Study Series. A combination of individual reading and study, group discussion, and lecture commentary guides participants as they read through the 14 narrative books of the Bible and discover the meaning of each in light of the whole. The Bible Timeline is an immenseley rich study, diving deep into each time period of salvation history. The Bible Timeline is basic enough to suit those who haven't studied the Bible before while at the same time offering ways to go deeper that will challenge the Bible study veteran. Salvation history is covered from its beginning in Genesis through the coming of Christ and the establishment of the Catholic Church. The Bible Timeline has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Your Bible Study Group will: * Read for yourselves the 14 narrative books of the Bible - the ones that tell the story - in chronological order. * Learn God's marvelous plan of salvation history and see how your faith story fits into "His-story." * Study key Old Testament passages in light of their fulfillment in Christ. * Learn how Catholic Tradition views the biblical narrative and how to use the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a study reference. * Gain a greater appreciation for the Scripture readings you hear in Mass. * Encourage one another as you learn together how God's Word applies to your lives. * Lay a strong foundation for further Bible reading and study. Price:
149.95 USD
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1842 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Bible Timeline 24 Week-12DVD cw In this DVD series Jeff Cavins provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the fourteen narrative books of the Bible. Each 50-55 minute talk is designed to accompany a lesson in The Bible Timeline Study Kit. About The Bible Timeline: A clear understanding of the underlying Scriptural narrative is essential to all Bible reading and study, and for this reason The Bible Timeline is the first foundational study in The Great Adventure Bible Study Series. A combination of individual reading and study, group discussion, and lecture commentary guides participants as they read through the 14 narrative books of the Bible and discover the meaning of each in light of the whole. The Bible Timeline is an immenseley rich study, diving deep into each time period of salvation history. The Bible Timeline is basic enough to suit those who haven't studied the Bible before while at the same time offering ways to go deeper that will challenge the Bible study veteran. Salvation history is covered from its beginning in Genesis through the coming of Christ and the establishment of the Catholic Church. The Bible Timeline has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Your Bible Study Group will: * Read for yourselves the 14 narrative books of the Bible - the ones that tell the story - in chronological order. * Learn God's marvelous plan of salvation history and see how your faith story fits into "His-story." * Study key Old Testament passages in light of their fulfillment in Christ. * Learn how Catholic Tradition views the biblical narrative and how to use the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a study reference. * Gain a greater appreciation for the Scripture readings you hear in Mass. * Encourage one another as you learn together how God's Word applies to your lives. * Lay a strong foundation for further Bible reading and study. 12DVDs Price:
399.95 USD
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1843 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Bible Timeline Chart (Tan) v2.5/v3.0 cw The Bible Timeline learining system is built upon this chart, which arranges the key people, places, and events of the Bible in chronological order. This revolutionary study aid shows how all of the books of the Bible fit together to tell the story of salvation history. Click here for detail and explanation. * Each period of The Bible Timeline is assigned a unique color to help you remember the narrative; for example, in the Early World, during which the world is created, turquoise is used to represent the color of the earth seen from space. * The growth of God's family is traced through history from "One Holy Couple" (Adam and Eve) in Genesis through "One Holy Catholic Church." * 14 "narrative" books tell the story of salvation from beginning to end. * The other 59 "supplemental" books are placed into their historical context. * The bloodline of Jesus, beginning with Adam, is traced throughout the biblical narrative. * 68 key events provide an outline to the biblical story. * Events in world history are provided to place the biblical events in "real time." * The reigning world power is indicated for each time period. Price:
4.95 USD
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1844 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Bible Indexing Tabs cw Easily index your Bible with pre-cut, self-adhesive tabs! Bible Tabs are essential tools to assist you as you embark on The Great Adventure and discover the "big picture" of the biblical narrative. These tabs are color-coded to match The Great Adventure Bible Timeline's 12 periods of salvation history, and make it easy to find the book of the Bible you're looking for. You'll always know where you are in the story. The Bible Tabs * Help you quickly locate each Book of the Bible. * Show you the Narrative thread of salvation history * Help you easily memorize the timeline Period colors The pack includes a color coordinated tab for each of the 73 books of the Bible plus 12 addition tabs, along with easy instructions for application. You just peel, position and apply. Price:
6.95 USD
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1845 |
Jeff Cavins Adventures in Matthew 24 Talk-24CD cw This CD series contains the audio from the Matthew DVD series in which Jeff Cavins provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. Each 50-55 minute talk is designed to accompany a lesson in the Matthew Study Set. About Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Building directly on the foundation laid in The Bible Timeline, Step Two in The Great Adventure Bible Study Series, Matthew: The King and His Kingdom, shows how Jesus builds on the foundation laid in the Old Testament to inaugurate the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Experience how Jesus relived the life and struggles of Israel to become the faithful and victorious King, and see how the promises of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ and his Apostles. This series is an ideal follow-up study to the basic narrative of Scripture taught in The Bible Timeline course. Matthew: The King and His Kingdom has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. You will: * See Jesus as the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, the new Moses, the true manna, the new Temple - and learn what this means for us today. * Learn how Jesus reconstituted the struggling kingdom of Israel around Himself and brought it to a new level in the Kingdom of God, open to all people. * Witness the seeds of the Church in the foundation Christ built on the twelve apostles, with Peter as His vicar. Discover the roots of the sacraments, and see how Jesus'words and actions are reflected in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. * Watch Jesus re-live the life and history of Israel as the obedient Son who trusts the Father to the very end, defeats death, hell, and the grave, and rises to new life. Price:
149.95 USD
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1846 |
Jeff Cavins Adventures in Matthew Study Set in Color Binder cw The Matthew Study Set Questions (100 pages) guide participants through their study of the Gospel with thought-provoking questions about the book of Matthew and related portions of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Comprehensive Study Set Responses (96 pages) provide answers and further commentary on the questions as well as a substantive review of each lesson. Each lesson is designed to be followed by the corresponding talk from the DVD or CD series. About Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Building directly on the foundation laid in The Bible Timeline, Step Two in The Great Adventure Bible Study Series, Matthew: The King and His Kingdom, shows how Jesus builds on the foundation laid in the Old Testament to inaugurate the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Experience how Jesus relived the life and struggles of Israel to become the faithful and victorious King, and see how the promises of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ and his Apostles. This series is an ideal follow-up study to the basic narrative of Scripture taught in The Bible Timeline course. Matthew: The King and His Kingdom has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. You will: * See Jesus as the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, the new Moses, the true manna, the new Temple - and learn what this means for us today. * Learn how Jesus reconstituted the struggling kingdom of Israel around Himself and brought it to a new level in the Kingdom of God, open to all people. * Witness the seeds of the Church in the foundation Christ built on the twelve apostles, with Peter as His vicar. * Discover the roots of the sacraments, and see how Jesus' words and actions are reflected in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. * Watch Jesus re-live the life and history of Israel as the obedient Son who trusts the Father to the very end, defeats death, hell, and the grave, and rises to new life. Matthew: The King and His Kingdom has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Price:
29.95 USD
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1847 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Bible Timeline Quick Journey 8 Week-4CD cw This CD series contains the audio from A Quick Journey Through the Bible DVD series in which Jeff Cavins provides an overview of the fourteen narrative books of the Bible. Each 30 minute talk is designed to follow a lesson in A Quick Journey Through the Bible Student Pack and Leader's Pack. About A Quick Journey Through the Bible: This eight-part program provides an excellent introduction to The Bible Timeline learning system as well as a meaningful overview of salvation history. Jeff Cavins briefly covers the same information taught in The Bible Timeline seminar in a series of eight, half-hour talks that are complemented by group discussion questions, useful maps and charts, and brief assignments for home study. This is a great way to "get your feet wet" and learn how to begin authentic Catholic Bible study. Your Bible study group will: * Learn the 14 narrative books of the Bible and the 12 major time periods of salvation history. * Discover the major people, places, events, & themes of the Bible. * Study the six covenants God made with humanity, leading to the establishment of the Catholic Church. * See how the 14 narrative books fit in with the other 59 books of the Bible. * Learn how to use the color-coded tools to remember the important time-periods of the Old and New Testaments. Price:
39.95 USD
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1848 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Bible Timeline Quick Journey 8 Week-4DVD cw In this DVD series Jeff Cavins provides an overview of the fourteen narrative books of the Bible. Each 30 minute talk is designed to accompany a lesson in A Quick Journey Through the Bible Student Pack and Leader's Pack. About A Quick Journey Through the Bible: This eight-part program provides an excellent introduction to The Bible Timeline learning system as well as a meaningful overview of salvation history. Jeff Cavins briefly covers the same information taught in The Bible Timeline seminar in a series of eight, half-hour talks that are complemented by group discussion questions, useful maps and charts, and brief assignments for home study. This is a great way to �get your feet wet� and learn how to begin authentic Catholic Bible study. Your Bible study group will: * Learn the 14 narrative books of the Bible and the 12 major time periods of salvation history. * Discover the major people, places, events, & themes of the Bible. * Study the six covenants God made with humanity, leading to the establishment of the Catholic Church. * See how the 14 narrative books fit in with the other 59 books of the Bible. * Learn how to use the color-coded tools to remember the important time-periods of the Old and New Testaments. Price:
99.95 USD
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1849 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Bible Timeline Quick Journey 8 Week-Leaders cw The Leader's Pack provides Bible study facilitators with suggested responses to the questions from the Student Pack, helpful suggestions, and answers to the home study material. Each lesson is designed to accompany the corresponding talk from the DVD or CD series. A Quick Journey Through the Bible Leader's Pack Includes: * The 33" full-color Bible Timeline Chart * A Quick Journey Through the Bible Leader's Guide (116 pages) * Full-color Bible Timeline Bookmark * Memory Bead Wristband About A Quick Journey Through the Bible: This eight-part program provides an excellent introduction to The Bible Timeline learning system as well as a meaningful overview of salvation history. Jeff Cavins briefly covers the same information taught in The Bible Timeline seminar in a series of eight, half-hour talks that are complemented by group discussion questions, useful maps and charts, and brief assignments for home study. This is a great way to "get your feet wet" and learn how to begin authentic Catholic Bible study. Your Bible study group will: * Learn the 14 narrative books of the Bible and the 12 major time periods of salvation history. * Discover the major people, places, events, & themes of the Bible. * Study the six covenants God made with humanity, leading to the establishment of the Catholic Church. * See how the 14 narrative books fit in with the other 59 books of the Bible. * Learn how to use the color-coded tools to remember the important time-periods of the Old and New Testaments. Price:
24.95 USD
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1850 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Bible Timeline Quick Journey 8 Week-Student cw The Student Pack will guide participants through their study with thought-provoking questions about the fourteen narrative books of the Bible, helpful notes, and home study material. Each lesson is designed to accompany the corresponding talk from the DVD or CD series. A Quick Journey Through the Bible Student Pack Includes: * The 33" full-color Bible Timeline Chart * A Quick Journey Through the Bible Student Guide (64 pages) * Full-color Bible Timeline Bookmark * Memory Bead Wristband About A Quick Journey Through the Bible: This eight-part program provides an excellent introduction to The Bible Timeline learning system as well as a meaningful overview of salvation history. Jeff Cavins briefly covers the same information taught in The Bible Timeline seminar in a series of eight, half-hour talks that are complemented by group discussion questions, useful maps and charts, and brief assignments for home study. This is a great way to "get your feet wet" and learn how to begin authentic Catholic Bible study. Your Bible study group will: * Learn the 14 narrative books of the Bible and the 12 major time periods of salvation history. * Discover the major people, places, events, & themes of the Bible. * Study the six covenants God made with humanity, leading to the establishment of the Catholic Church. * See how the 14 narrative books fit in with the other 59 books of the Bible. * Learn how to use the color-coded tools to remember the important time-periods of the Old and New Testaments. Price:
19.95 USD
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1851 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Revelation 11CD cw This CD series contains the audio from the Revelation DVD series in which Jeff Cavins provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the book of Revelation. Each 50-55 minute talk is designed to follow a lesson in the Revelation Study Set. About Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come: In this intriguing look at one of the most talked-about books in Scripture, Jeff Cavins explores Revelation to demonstrate how the Kingdom established by Christ in His Church is intimately connected with the Kingdom of Heaven, especially through the celebration of the Mass. You will also learn what all the mysterious figures and images of Revelation represent, as well as what will happen during the Second Coming of Christ, what has already happened, and what is happening now in salvation history. Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Your Bible study group will: * Learn the meaning of the mysterious figures and events in the book of Revelation. * Discover how the Mass is really heaven on earth. * Learn about the Antichrist and his destruction. * See the Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment in the context of history. * Learn what will happen at the end of time and the establishment of a new heaven and a new earth. Price:
89.95 USD
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1852 |
Jeff Cavins Great Adventure Revelation 6DVD cw In this DVD series Jeff Cavins provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the book of Revelation. Each 50-55 minute talk is designed to follow a lesson in the Revelation Study Set. About Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come: In this intriguing look at one of the most talked-about books in Scripture, Jeff Cavins explores Revelation to demonstrate how the Kingdom established by Christ in His Church is intimately connected with the Kingdom of Heaven, especially through the celebration of the Mass. You will also learn what all the mysterious figures and images of Revelation represent, as well as what will happen during the Second Coming of Christ, what has already happened, and what is happening now in salvation history. Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come has been granted the Imprimatur by Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop of Philadelphia. Your Bible study group will: * Learn the meaning of the mysterious figures and events in the book of Revelation. * Discover how the Mass is really heaven on earth. * Learn about the Antichrist and his destruction. * See the Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment in the context of history. * Learn what will happen at the end of time and the establishment of a new heaven and a new earth. Price:
179.95 USD
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1853 |
Jeff Cavins I'm Not Being Fed cw In this book, Jeff Cavins explores the reasons why many Catholics don't seem to fully appreciate the unparalleled gifts of the Holy Eucharist, and why some have even left the Church for evangelical Christianity. He responds to the most commonly-heard complaint of these former Catholics that they simply were not being "fed" by their Church and that they longed for a more personal relationship with Christ. Softcover, 141 pages Price:
12.99 USD
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1854 |
Jeff Cavins My Life on the Rock Revised cw My Life on the Rock is the dramatic, emotional and humorous conversion story of Jeff Cavins, one of the brightest new teachers and converts to come into the Catholic Church in recent years. Jeff's story is one of "rebellion" and homecoming. He rebelled against his father and his faith, and then returned home after a series of providential events. The perfect book for friends who have left the Church and for those who desire a powerful Catholic "re-conversion" story! Soft cover 241 pages Price:
13.99 USD
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1855 |
Jeff Cavins Scripture Studies-Galatians c In time for the Year of St. Paul! A fresh, easy-to-use workbook format. Catholic Scripture Study presents an in-depth picture of the foundations of the Catholic Church by relating Scripture to the Catechism and the sacraments. This widely acclaimed 10-lesson study teaches you how to apply the Bible to your daily life, and discusses the differences between Catholic and Protestant versions of the Bible. Grab your study group and dig in! Soft cover, 141 pages Price:
14.95 USD
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1856 |
Jeff Cavins I'm Not Being Fed c In this book, Jeff Cavins explores the reasons why many Catholics don't seem to fully appreciate the unparalleled gifts of the Holy Eucharist, and why some have even left the Church for evangelical Christianity. He responds to the most commonly-heard complaint of these former Catholics that they simply were not being "fed" by their Church and that they longed for a more personal relationship with Christ. # Language: English # Softcover, 141 pages Price:
12.99 USD
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1858 |
Jeff Cavins, Matthew Pinto, Mark Armstrong, Patti Armstrong Amazing Grace for Fathers cw Amazing Grace for Fathers celebrates the power of fatherhood and that power is love. The love of our fathers on earth reflects the infinite love of God, our heavenly Father, from which all fatherly guidance, discipline, and protection flows. The powerful stories in this book show just how deep a father�s love is for his children, particularly when he lives in and is strengthened by God�s grace. Here, you will find support and inspiration for your own fatherhood. Price:
13.99 USD
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1860 |
Jeff Cavins, Matthew Pinto, Patti Armstrong Amazing Grace for Families cw The word family brings to mind thoughts of joy, sacrifice, affection, hardship, and humor. Yet it is love that defines what it means to be a family, and it is this same love that gives a family their purpose. In bearing witness to the mystery of the love of Christ, the family becomes the domestic sanctuary of the Church. Amazing Grace for Families contains 101 stories of faith, hope, inspiration, and humor. Some are sorrowful, others are humorous, but all will inspire you and your family to grow in love for each other as you fulfill your roles in the domestic church. Price:
13.99 USD
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1864 |
Jeffrey J Moynihan Father Aloysius Wonder Worker in America q Become enthralled reading how this saintly Claretian priest matured in America amid sufferings and how his faithful response in using God's mystical gifts that were given to him won many souls. Read about the many healing and cures procured by those who suffered and sought Father's Blessing. born in Spain in 1905, He was commissioned to California in 1931 and served most of his priestly years in the Los Angeles area. He is buried in the garden of the San Gabriel Mission, California. 58 pages. Price:
4.95 USD
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1865 |
Jeffrey J. Moynihan Sister Mary Mediatrix: A Mystic in America q A Mystic in America Few people know of the apparitions of Jesus Christ that took place right here in the United States. The privileged soul who was blessed with these apparitions of Christ is virtually unknown, yet she deserves our attention. Her name at birth was Frances Hennessey. Her name at death was Sister Mary Mediatrix, S.S.C.M This is the story of the events of her blessed life and how it was interwoven with that of the healer, Father Aloysius Ellacuria, C.M.F, who had the gift of reading souls. She foretold of his gifts and more that came to pass during her life and afterwards. Sister Mary Mediatrix: A Mystic in America reveals her struggles in life and her mystical union with Christ through the lens of her written correspondence with Fr. Aloysius and others. "Sister Mary Mediatrix was such a gift of God. Her influence changed my life completely." -Father Aloysius Ellacuria, C.M.F "We regarded her as saintly, close to God. She constantly radiated Christ. I felt it a great grace God gave me in knowing these two saintly souls, Sister Mary Mediatrix & Father Aloysius." -Sister Gertrude Marie Kare, S.S.C. Price:
8.95 USD
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1866 |
Jeffrey Vomund What Catholics Believe About The Church DVD l 0977917924 In this overview of the Church, host Fr. Jeff Vomund invites viewers to come along on this fast paced half-hour interactive program. Such topics discussed include the role of the church, the importance of congregation, and changes that have occurred throughout its history. Basic introductory questions have been chosen and are presented here in an interesting multiple choice, true or false, or yes-and-no format to actively involve and inform the viewer. Fr. Joe Classen, our expert for this program, gives concise, down to earth, explanations to the history and meaning of the mysteries of the Church, and how they relate to everyday life. DVD video Playing time: 30 minutes Price:
29.95 USD
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1867 |
Jeroid O'Neil Roussell, Jr., D.Min Dealing with Grief: Theirs and Ours A There are few areas of ministry which require more of the minister from a personal, physical and psychological point of view than that of helping others cope with the often overwhelming emotional impact of death. In these situations, the pastoral caregiver is a transforming presence, a concrete sign of God's unconditional love, sent by Him to be a light and a companion to the dying and their families in their hour of darkness. In these pages, Dr. Roussell offers caregivers a number of practical suggestions for improving their effectiveness and enhancing their personal and spiritual growth as individuals and as professional healthcare providers.140 pp. Price:
10.95 USD
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1869 |
Jerry Morin To The World - A Conversion Story A conversion Story An extraordinary true story of someone far too busy with the things of the world, yet still chosen for a special task. It shows the love of Our Heavenly Father, of Our Lord Jesus who is our merciful savior and brother, and of the Holy Spirit, who waits to fill each and every person with His consolation and inspiration. It also shows how deep is the love our heavenly mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, has for all of us. This true story has been heard by literally thousands of people over the past eight years. You will find your heart walking with the author along the life-changing path of inspirations, miracles graces and events which which led him to form Respond Ministry, a non-profit apostolate. Jerry Morin is an instrument through which Our Lord and Our Lady have brought many lost souls back to true fatih in God. When you read this book, you will find your heartfelt desire to ask of Jesus and His Blessed Mother: Please help this poor sinner, for I desire to know what purpose, healing and direction you have for my life. Jerry's amazing story proves that it is never to late to ask. 179 pages Price:
12.00 USD
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1870 |
Jesuit Fathers Of St. Mary's The Church Teaches
The Church Teaches. 354 pages of famous dogmatic Church pronouncements: The Athanasian Creed; Oath against Modernism; Interpretation of Sacred Scripture; Condemnation of the Modernists; Papal Infallibility; etc. Fully indexed; excellent reference! 416 pgs Price:
18.00 USD
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1871 |
Jim Auer Handbook for Today's Catholic Teen l 0764811738 This invaluable resource for Catholic teenagers covers traditional topics like Catholic doctrine, practices, and prayers, then tackles serious contemporary issues like violence, media, sex, substance abuse, and matters of conscience. Teens will appreciate the Handbook's honest, friendly tone; their parents and teachers will appreciate the conversations it starts. Used alone or with the Handbook for Today's Catholic Teen Activity Notebook, it's the perfect guide on the journey to Catholic Christian adulthood. Paperback Pages: 112 Price:
4.95 USD
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1872 |
Jim Auer Handbook for Today's Catholic Teen l 0764811738 This invaluable resource for Catholic teenagers covers traditional topics like Catholic doctrine, practices, and prayers, then tackles serious contemporary issues like violence, media, sex, substance abuse, and matters of conscience. Teens will appreciate the Handbook's honest, friendly tone; their parents and teachers will appreciate the conversations it starts. Used alone or with the Handbook for Today's Catholic Teen Activity Notebook, it's the perfect guide on the journey to Catholic Christian adulthood. Paperback Pages: 112 Price:
4.95 USD
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1873 |
Jim Auer Handbook for Today's Catholic Teen Activity Notebook lig 0764813781 This activity notebook is a companion to Handbook for Today's Catholic Teen. It has pertinent, useful questions to help readers connect subject matter with their personal experience, draw conclusions, and formulate further questions. It also offers suggested activities to help readers apply the content of the Handbook in practical ways. A general section allows participants to record specific events such as sacramental celebrations, retreats, inspiring talks, service projects, and general religious experiences. This Activity Notebook will provide opportunities for readers to carry out something physically and mentally after reading a section of the Handbook for Today's Catholic Teen. The notebook provides teachers and group leaders with instruments for discussion and sharing of experiences, ideas, and questions, especially when structured classroom time is lacking. Booklet Pages: 48 Price:
3.95 USD
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1875 |
Jim Shaw The Deadly Deception hhi Most of us see only the exterior of the building, usually an unattractiv, forbidding exterior with a locked door and no windows. It is a grim fortress of mystery, saying to the rest of the world, "Stay away...your profane eyes and ears may not see or hear what we do in here. "Behind that door are men you know and see regularly, many of them good men, some them Christians, and all of them victims... victims of a deadly deception. Through that door unsuspecting men step, blindfolded, into a vast and powerfull system which will control their lives, to varying degrees, from that moment on. The vast majority will never proceed beyond the local lodge. A small minority will go highter into the degrees of the York Rite and Scottish Rite. And, within this small minority, only a committed few will take it all very seriously, studying and learning, making the endless search for "light" the center of their lives, Jim Shaw was such a man. Totally commited to Freemasonry and its lessons in morality and religion, Jim went quickly to the top, not only winning Masonry's highest honors, but in record time. There, at the top of the masonic mountain and thinking he already had everything he needed, he found the Light of the World and was set free. Now you can come, with Jim as your guide, behind that locked door. See for yourself this deadly deception which is vitimizing multitudes of sincere men even as you read these words. Come inside the secret place, see for yourself what really happens in there, and learn what the participants never learn...its true meaning. 158 pages Price:
11.95 USD
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1876 |
Jim Zinger Use My Gifts amcop Apparitions in Ontario, Canada? During the last decade there has been and incredible outbreak of supernatural phenonmena with apparitions reported in every part of the world. Jim Singer is a resident of Burlington, Canada who reports that our Lord began appearing to him and giving him messages since May 28, 1989. Our Lord gives spiritual guidance, admonishment, prophesy, and talks about the influence of the devil in the world today. The messages are meant for all of God's Children. From the forward by Michael H. Brown -- The messages you are about to read are as interesting and powerful as any to have come out fo North America in the recent eruption of locutions and apparitions. In fact, they rank among the most interesting in the world. They contain an originality, economy of language, and power that fully justify their presentation before a mass audience... A number of prophecies, it appears, have already come true. We are also introduced to a new term, the "Shining Darkness", which is used to describe Satan-a truly brilliant description and the kind of original verbiage native to authentic apparitions. I believe the reader will find the messages herein contained tremendously fresh and relevant. I believe they give us a sweeping insight into Heaven's plans. And most of all they give us a new feel for God's mercy, justice, and love. 64 pages. Higly recommended by Maranatha Catholic Books. Price:
9.95 USD
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1877 |
Jimmy Akin Mass Appeal
In Mass Appeal: the ABC's of Worship, Jimmy masterfully walks you through the Mass from beginning to end, explaining precisely what is happening and -- more importantly -- why. In the end you'll see -- perhaps for the first time -- precisely how all the pieces of the Mass fit together to create a single, coherent whole. 32 pp Price:
2.95 USD
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1878 |
Jo Croissant The Priesthood of the Heart: Woman's Unique Vocation A The Priesthood of the Heart: Woman's Unique Vocation is a beautiful title. It could seem provocative or enigmatic to some, but the author of this book is not seeking to develop a thesis or launch a "new concept." She is not following a current, nor is she part of a counter current. Rather, she believes that: "The hour is coming, in fact has come, when the vocation of woman is being achieved in all its fullness..." as Vatican II affirmed. In this work, a woman speaks to women simply, warmly, humbly. She passes on to them that which she has shared with numerous others in private and during conferences: many women have thus been enlightened to live in a new and full way the specificity and beauty of their identity, their unique vocation, and to take their true places in their homes, in the Church and in society. Mrs. Croissant invites them to bring to realization that which each of them is called to be: daughter of God, spouse of Christ, mother of men and of all humanity. This book is for all women no matter what their state in life, but it could as well help more than one man understand the mystery of the woman. "The book... converns the uniqueness of female spirituality, with special reference to the times we are living in. It would be a very good answer to the philosophy of secular feminism and a great affirmation for Catholic women." - Rev. Kevin Scallon, C.M., St. Vincent Ministry to Priests.152 pp Price:
14.95 USD
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1879 |
Joan Carol Cruz Prayers and Heavenly Promises t A key to obtaining many rich graces and blissings, Prayers and Heavenly Promises is a unique little prayerbook that contains a treasury of powerful prayers and devotions, along with many wonderful promises made by Our Lord or the Blessed Mother. These include promises revealed to St. Gertrude, St. Mechtilde, St. Margaret Mary, St. Gertrude, St. Mechtilde, St Margaret Mary, St Catherine Laboure, etc...This little prayerbook contains devotions to the Blessed Mother, the infant Jesus, the Precious Blood, the Holy Face, the Sacred Heart, the Divine Mercy, Our Lady of Fatima and St. Michael, plus devotions for the souls in Purgatory and much more. The promises set forth in this book show that God is eager to greant us many favors, both spiritual and temporal, if we will only exercise our God-like faclty and pray! 130 pages. Price:
6.00 USD
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1880 |
Joan Carrol Cruz Miraculous Images Of Our Lord
Miraculous Images of Our Lord-the companion to Miraculous Images of Our Lady-is one of the most telling revelations ever written about our Saviour. In this book the best-selling author, Joan Carroll Cruz, has again proved herself one of the foremost Catholic writers and researchers of our time. For the 42 remarkable true accounts included here describe miraculous manifestations of Our Lord from various parts of the globe; plus, they are richly illustrated by actual photos-some n full color-of miraculous statues, crucifixes and other holy images, with descriptions of the of the persons whose lives they touched. The Church's two most treasured images of Our Lord-the Holy Shroud and the Veil of Veronica-are of course included, as are the beloved Infant Jesus of Prague statue and the famous San Damiano Crucifix (picture on the cover), from which Our Lord told St Francis of Assisi to rebuild His Church. Also described are the Crucifix of Limpias, which "re-enacted" the Passion of Christ; the Crucifix that spoke to St. Thomas Aquinas, endorsing his writings; the Crucifix of St. Bridget of Sweden, which spoke to her in the year 1350, resulting in the beautiful and famous 15 prayers and promises; plus, many other images of comparable interest and inspiration. In writing Miraculous Images of Our Lord, Mrs. Cruz corresponded with authorities at the sources where these images reside. Those who have enjoyed any of here other books (Prayer and Heavenly Promises, The Incorruptibles, Eucharistic Miracles, Secular Saints, Miraculous images of Our Lady) will especially appreciate the present one, for it is a treasure that conveys a profound realization of Our Lord's infinite love for us-a love that from time to time causes Him to speak through, or otherwise manifest His great love for us from those images of Himself that have been the object of special veneration. her is yet another well of inspiration and buttress to our Faith from the pen of a great Catholic writer. 233 pages Price:
16.50 USD
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1881 |
Joan Carroll Cruz Angels And Devils
Angels And Devils. This has to be the most thorough book about the Angels yet written in modern times. Here, the bestselling author Joan Carroll Cruz expounds upon the traditional definitions and delineations of the Angels, asking and answering virtually every conceivable question about them. Among the many recent books about Angels, this has to be one of the very best, if not the very best yet. And it is definitely another Mrs. Cruz bestseller! Impr. 290 pgs 35 Illus, PB Price:
17.95 USD
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1882 |
Joan Carroll Cruz Eucharistic Miracles t Eucharistic Miracles. The story of 36 major Eucharistic Miracles from Lanciano, Italy in 800 to Stich, Bavaria in 1970. Details the official investigations. Tells where some are still venerated today. Covers Hosts that have bled, turned to flesh, levitated, etc.; plus, of Saints who have lived on the Eucharist alone. Reinforces the Church's doctrine of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament like no other book! Impr. 305 pgs, Price:
16.50 USD
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1883 |
Joan Carroll Cruz The Incorruptibles
The Incorruptibles. The stories of 102 canonized Saints and Beati whose bodies were found incorruptible long periods after their deaths, many of which endured abnormally adverse conditions in remaining intact. A fascinating and absolutely documented study--and one which will reinforce people's faith in the Catholic Church--the only religion that possesses the phenomenon of bodily incorruption. A now classic book that belongs in every Catholic home. impr. 310 pgs 33 Illus, PB Price:
16.50 USD
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1887 |
Joan Carter McHugh My Daily Eucharist w The Real Presence through the Ages Take this book with you on your spiritual journey and join the entourage of pilgrims-lay and religious-doctors,nurses, mystics, saints, theologians, lawyers, writers,converts, priests, bishops, cardinals and popes, who along with St. Peter and the apostles, join hands across the centuries in support of Jesus as the Living Bread come down from heaven. The voices of history come alive, as true believers from every age witness to the transforming power of Christ's love for us in the Mass and the Eucharist. 365 pages. Highly recommended by Maranatha Catholic Books. Price:
12.95 USD
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1888 |
Joan Chittister In Search Of Belief: Revised Edition lig 0764814842 Contemporary political venues have put religious belief at the forefront of our thinking. Yet, we live in a world where religion has become a tool people can use to their advantage rather than a means of growing closer to God. In this revised edition of In Search of Belief, Sister Joan Chittister challenges readers to reflect upon whether they truly live what they say they believe or whether they have created their own images of God to suit whatever is convenient for their personal and/or social situations. With a new foreword by Tom Roberts (National Catholic Reporter) and a new Introduction by the author, this fresh edition examines the Apostles' Creed phrase-by-phrase, offering challenging interpretations of its familiar themes and a provocative way of understanding--and expressing--its tenets. Paperback Testimonials "Chittister's meditations on the mysteries that her belief affirms in the Creed are rich. She cautions that disbelief in God inevitably leads to a myopic affirmation of one's own divinity, and she repeats the ancient caveats against creating God in our own image, or believing that a human being is able to grasp God intellectually...Her characterization of heaven is both refreshing and challenging...Her reflections on the annunciation and incarnation soar with hope as she affirms the reality of miracles, the active presence of God who fills human flesh 'with an insatiable capacity for the divine.'" --America Magazine "A refreshing and contemporary analysis of the true meaning of the Creed. Honest and thought provoking, In Search of Belief calls us to a spiritual adulthood...Not for the spiritually faint-hearted.� --Edwina Gately Each age has those who understand more deeply than most the essence of belief and the need to liberate religion from itself -- and God from the constrictions of religion. Joan Chittister brings a religious vision, one deeply considered and richly experienced, to the task. In doing so, she offers us the way to new eyes and new hearts when we pray, "I believe." --Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter "...In Search of Belief raises several questions about the Creed.... The book is an invitation to examine the extent to which we have made the Creed a personal statement of what we truly believe....The life of faith is a perilous journey because it involves placing one's trust in God and in transcendent reality. What makes the book so refreshing is that the Creed is made relevant to the modern age. There is absolutely no chance of anyone being bored!" --Trefoil, Southern African Catholic Quarterly "In this stirring testament to the resiliency of the Christian faith, Joan Chittister ...spells out the meaning of the apostles Creed, phrase by phrase. For her, this testament is not an index of dogmas, but a "catalog of choices, an inventory of possibilities, a roster of visions...She breathes new life into these familiar phrases...This is a path-breaking resource for Christian educators to study and use in parishes." --Spirituality & Health "This book is dangerous. Once you have read it, you can never again mumble the Creed complacently, without thought. --Joan Chittister Pages: 232 Price:
16.95 USD
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1889 |
Joan Chittister In Search Of Belief: Revised Edition lig 0764814842 Contemporary political venues have put religious belief at the forefront of our thinking. Yet, we live in a world where religion has become a tool people can use to their advantage rather than a means of growing closer to God. In this revised edition of In Search of Belief, Sister Joan Chittister challenges readers to reflect upon whether they truly live what they say they believe or whether they have created their own images of God to suit whatever is convenient for their personal and/or social situations. With a new foreword by Tom Roberts (National Catholic Reporter) and a new Introduction by the author, this fresh edition examines the Apostles' Creed phrase-by-phrase, offering challenging interpretations of its familiar themes and a provocative way of understanding--and expressing--its tenets. Paperback Testimonials "Chittister's meditations on the mysteries that her belief affirms in the Creed are rich. She cautions that disbelief in God inevitably leads to a myopic affirmation of one's own divinity, and she repeats the ancient caveats against creating God in our own image, or believing that a human being is able to grasp God intellectually...Her characterization of heaven is both refreshing and challenging...Her reflections on the annunciation and incarnation soar with hope as she affirms the reality of miracles, the active presence of God who fills human flesh 'with an insatiable capacity for the divine.'" --America Magazine "A refreshing and contemporary analysis of the true meaning of the Creed. Honest and thought provoking, In Search of Belief calls us to a spiritual adulthood...Not for the spiritually faint-hearted.� --Edwina Gately Each age has those who understand more deeply than most the essence of belief and the need to liberate religion from itself -- and God from the constrictions of religion. Joan Chittister brings a religious vision, one deeply considered and richly experienced, to the task. In doing so, she offers us the way to new eyes and new hearts when we pray, "I believe." --Tom Roberts, National Catholic Reporter "...In Search of Belief raises several questions about the Creed.... The book is an invitation to examine the extent to which we have made the Creed a personal statement of what we truly believe....The life of faith is a perilous journey because it involves placing one's trust in God and in transcendent reality. What makes the book so refreshing is that the Creed is made relevant to the modern age. There is absolutely no chance of anyone being bored!" --Trefoil, Southern African Catholic Quarterly "In this stirring testament to the resiliency of the Christian faith, Joan Chittister ...spells out the meaning of the apostles Creed, phrase by phrase. For her, this testament is not an index of dogmas, but a "catalog of choices, an inventory of possibilities, a roster of visions...She breathes new life into these familiar phrases...This is a path-breaking resource for Christian educators to study and use in parishes." --Spirituality & Health "This book is dangerous. Once you have read it, you can never again mumble the Creed complacently, without thought. --Joan Chittister Pages: 232 Price:
16.95 USD
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1890 |
Joan Holman Hands That Touch Hands That Heal
This was the headline that appeared in 1983 in the St. Paul Pioneer Press newspaper, magazines and radio and television stations picked up the story throughout the country and the world. Widespread media coverage of Sister Rosalind and her message about the benefits of massage have been instrumental in putting massage in a new light and bringing massage out of prostitution, accoding to Sister Rosalind. Hands That Touch, Hands That Heal is the true life story of a remarkable woman who has been determind to have a therapeutic massage take its rightful place. Sister Rosalind was raised on a farm in Strasburg. North Dakota curing the Dust Bowl and Depression. She did no finish school beyount the eight grade and entered a convent in St. Paul, Minesota, at the age of 18. At at age of 40, after nearly 20 years of daily chest pains that no doctor could diagnose or treat, Sister Rosalind experienced a miraculous healing when she had her first massage. 114 pages Price:
12.95 USD
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1891 |
Joanne Kriva Tribulations and Triumph The End of An Evil Era The dawn of a New Glorious Time... That's the message being sounded by an army of visionaries, prophets, and locutionists scattered throughout the world. A message sounded from Akita, Betania, Medjugorje, and More. Now, a new voice from the American Midwest is added to the chorus. The Lord is giving an American housewife words of warning and pleas for peace-and imparting details of events that will soon overtake the world. From the people who brought you The Thunder of Justice-new and urgent revelations interpreting today's extraordinary signs of the times....242 pages. Price:
13.95 USD
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1892 |
Joanne Williamson God King: A Story in the Days of King Hezekiah ip 1883937736 A never before published tale carries the reader back to Ancient Egypt and to the biblical Jerusalem. Around 701 B.C. Egypt is being ruled by the Kushite dynasty. Young Prince Taharka, a very minor royal son interested in healing, is content to have no principal part to play in that rule. However, it is he and not the expected Prince Shabataka who succeeds to the throne of Kush and Egypt-a "divine" rulership. As Taharka grows older, he becomes resigned to the duties of being a god. Then, a treacherous plot pushes him into sudden exile and into the hands of Amos, an emissary of King Hezekiah, sent to seek help for Judea from the Egyptians against the Assyrians. Far from home, Taharka encounters two kings in conflict. One is the mighty Assyrian, Sennacherib, promising alliance; the other is Hezekiah, the Jew who trusts in Yahweh. Taharka must choose with whom to live or die. This novel of historical fiction is inspired by research into the historical King Taharka and his period. Introduction, with home-education suggestions, by Daria Sockey. Ages 10 and up Length: 220 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
13.95 USD
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1893 |
Joanne Williamson Hittite Warrior ip 1883937388 When Uriah Tarhund's Hititte home is destroyed by invading Greeks, his dying father tells him to go seek a Canaanite named Sisera. "He will help you. For my sake...." When Uriah reaches Judea and saves a young boy from being sacrificed to Molech, he is given succor for a time by the Hebrews. Later, he finds Sisera and joins him in war against these same people. When the Canaanites are defeated, the young Hittite has the opportunity to come to a peace with himself, the Hebrew people and their God. Ages 10 and up Price:
13.95 USD
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1894 |
Joe Kempf My Sister Is Annoying: And Other Prayers for Children l 0764818279 My Sister Is Annoying: And Other Prayers for Children By author: Joe Kempf Product Code: 818271 ISBN: 9780764818271 Price: $16.95 Qty: Pages: 48 Size: 8" X 8" Inches Availability: In stock. Description: Children say the most wonderful things! This book of prayers, by Fr. Joe Kempf and his furry friend, Big Al, is written the way children talk�and the way they think! My Sister is Annoying is a beautifully illustrated, fun way for children to talk to God about things that are important to them, such as the joy of playing outside, celebrating a birthday, and trying to figure out the right thing to do. Read the prayers and listen to the CD with a child you love as Father Joe and Big Al introduce these prayers read by children. My Sister is Annoying will help children�and their parents�to pray the way Jesus taught us to pray�simply and from the heart. Pages: 48 Audio CD included. Price:
16.95 USD
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1895 |
Joe Kempf You Want Me to Be Good All Day?: and Other Prayers for Children l 0764818430 Father Joe Kempf and his furry friend, Big Al, are back with more heartwarming prayers for children and their parents. This follow-up to the best-selling My Sister is Annoying, addresses some of the challenges of growing up. In a delightful combination of events that impact children's lives, Big Al learns lessons including compassion, responsibility, and individuality through prayer. Read the prayers and enjoy the included audio CD where Father Joe and Big Al introduce each prayer read by children. With an introduction by Annie (Big Al's "annoying" sister), You Want Me to Be Good ALL DAY? is perfect for every child in your life.Pages: 48 Price:
16.95 USD
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1896 |
Joe Kempf A Child's First Communion DVD L 0764816195 This 20-minute video gives children preparing for first Communion a deeper understanding and appreciation of Jesus in the Eucharist. Students can watch and learn as Father Joe Kempf talks one-on-one with Adam, a second-grade candidate for first Communion, who is confused about what it means for Jesus to be "The Bread of Life." Their discussion, filled with simple analogies, explanations, and a visual portrayal of Jesus in Adam's imagination, responds to the many questions young Catholics ask as they prepare for first Communion. These go fast. Price:
34.95 USD
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1897 |
Joe Kempf Confirmation: A Commitment to Life for Grades 9-12 DVD L 0764817949 Here is positive support for today�s young Catholics as they prepare to join the community of the Church. Join the popular Father Joe Kempf and a group of high school students as they prepare for�and learn about�confirmation. In a series of video vignettes, these young Catholics face the same problems as other adolescents: issues of sexuality, peer pressure, relationships, commitments, and doubts about themselves and their faith. As they prepare for confirmation, Andy, Michelle, Sarah, and the other students learn that the sacrament of confirmation is a way to say yes to the love of God that resides in all of us and that confirmation is a way to choose to love God and God�s people. The students discover how God and confirmation fit into the real world, how they are welcomed into the community of the Church, and how they must accept responsibilities as members of that community. The students, each in his or her own unique way, discover �they are not in this alone.� The video concludes with a moving and affirmative confirmation service. Download leader's guide. DVD video Playing time: 57 minutes Price:
34.95 USD
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1898 |
Joe Oka Rosary Reflections for Kids - Tablet cw Rosary Reflections for Kids Tablet is a drawing pad with 30 sheets of 11 x 17-inch paper, formatted to help children draw, color and think about the Mysteries of the Rosary. As you pray the Rosary, children can express the Mysteries by drawing their own. Tablet Price:
3.00 USD
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1899 |
Joel Giallanza, CSC Questions Jesus Asked: Provisions for the Spiritual Journey A The reflections in this book are based on seven key questions that Jesus asked in the course of his public life and continues to ask us now. The chapters are designed to be reflective and meditative, their purpose to nourish one's spiritual life and enhance one's relationship with the Lord: Who do you say that I am? Whom are you looking for? Do you want to be made well? Do you love me? Was it not necessary? Do you know what I have done to you? Could you not stay awake with me for one hour? The questions, like their answers, are always personal and pastoral, coming as they do from the heart. Our responses, to be authentic, must reflect the truth of our experience if we are to grow in the image and likeness of God who created us.106 pp Price:
6.95 USD
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1900 |
Joel Peters Scripture Alone? 21 Reasons to Reject Sola Scriptura Scripture Alone?. Here are the classic reasons why the Protestant dogma of Sola Scriptura - "Scripture Alone" - is absolutely wrong, is unscriptural, man-made and prevents Protestants from ever having a firm doctrinal foundation. The book shows that: Christ gave us Tradition and the teaching authority of His Church; the first Christians did not have a complete Bible and Scripture itself states that it is insufficient of itself calling the Church and not the Bible "the pillar and ground of the truth. 72 pgs Price:
3.00 USD
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