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Arthur And Elizabeth Sheehan Listings

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1 Arthur and Elizabeth Sheehan Father Damien and the Bells
ip 1586170333 / 9781586170332 
This 25th volume in the acclaimed Vision Books series of saints’ lives for youth 9-15 years old is the story of the saintly Fr. Damien, who in 1872 went to the island of Molokai, where lepers had been exiled to live in miserable surroundings. Damien earned the trust of the lepers, and his appeals for help resonated throughout the world. He spent his life caring for all the needs of the outcast lepers, and even after Damien himself contracted leprosy he carried on working for his “fellow lepers” to the end. Illustrated Length: 180 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 9.95 USD
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