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Hans Urs von Balthasar Bernanos i p 0898705762 / 9780898705768 This book is a double-treat: it combines the genius of the towering theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar and his ability to make his subject come alive before the reader, along with the focus of that genius on someone with the spiritual depth and creative stature of Georges Bernanos, considered by many to be the greatest Catholic creative writer of the twentieth century. The goal of this book is to simply convey what Bernanos wanted to say as the devout Christian that he was. Bernanos was a deeply prayerful, practicing sacramental Catholic whose profound love for the Church made everything he created or wrote an "ecclesial existence that has been given form: existence derived not merely from an abstract, individual faith but from the faith of the Church." With judicious quoting of the primary source and careful juxtaposing of texts and commentary, Balthasar provides a unique forum from which Bernanos can speak to the reader in a way that he can be clearly heard and genuinely understood. Length: 617 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
29.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Christian Meditation ip 0898702356 / 9780898702354 While von Balthasar's classic Prayer is unparalleled in its development of the Trinitarian, Christological, Mariological and ecclesiological dimensions of prayer, Christian Meditation is a short, readable and eminently practical guide to that form of prayer which God's revelation in Jesus Christ has made indispensable: meditation on the word of God revealing the inner depths of God to man and--since it comes from God made man--the inner depths of man to himself. In a treatment that is both fresh and profound, Balthasar describes the central elements of all Christian meditation, provides a guide for making the meditation and then points the way to the union that prayer achieves in the footsteps of Mary, within the Church and in and for the world. "Consequently, Christian meditation is entirely trinitarian and at the same time entirely human. In order to find God, no one need reject being human personally or socially, but in order to find God all must see the world and themselves in the Holy Spirit as they are in God's sight." - Hans Urs von Balthasar Length: 97 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
9.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Convergences ip 0898700329 / 9780898700329 To the Source of Christian Mystery In an age of theological fragmentation, Hans Urs von Balthasar urges a reintegration of theology. The increasing specialization and compartmentalization to which theology has been subjected leads to confusion and disunity. Convergences: To the Source of Christian Mystery begins by showing the unity between Christian thought (theology) and Christian living (spirituality). Then Balthasar turns to the specializations and divisions of theology, and shows how the unity of dogma governs and directs the specializations. Next, he examines "the dreadful multiplicity of churches and its pseudo-justfication through the alleged variety of theologies" in the New Testament". Finally, Balthasar has the reader focus on himself, challenging him to consider where "the integrated simplicity of his own existence might lie". Balthasar argues against an imprudent simplification of theology which seeks to return to the “simplicity” of ancient Christian thought by throwing away allegedly useless accretions. “It is thought,” says Balthasar in the Foreword, “that liberating unity is achieved by ridding oneself of superfluous amassed goods.” One cannot remain true to theology, argues Balthasar, by throwing parts of the tradition overboard in an attempt to find a lost, longed-for theological unity. A prior experience of the unity of theology is required to make sound judgments about what is useless and what is helpful. Length: 153 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
9.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Cosmic Liturgy ip 0898707587 / 9780898707588 Maximus the Confessor, saint and martyr, is the theologian of synthesis: of Rome and Byzantium, of Eastern and Western theology, of antiquity and the Middle Ages, reexcavating the great treasures of Christian tradition, which at that time had been buried by imperial and ecclesial censure. Von Balthasar was an authority on the Church Fathers—Irenaeus, Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius Ponticus, Augustine, and above all, Maximus the Confessor. This masterpiece on Maximus broke new ground at that time. Subsequent editions included new material from decades of research. This is the first English translation of the latest edition of this acclaimed work. This book presents a powerful, attractive, religiously compelling portrait of the thought of a major Christian theologian who might, for this book, have remained only an obscure name in the handbooks of patrology. It is based on an intelligent and careful reading of Maximus’s own writings. Here the history of theology has become itself a way of theological reflection. “The spirituality of Maximus is pithily summarized in what is probably the most profound scholarly book ever written about Maximus, Cosmic Liturgy, by Hans Urs von Balthasar.” —Jeroslav Pelikan, Author, Maximus Confessor: Selected Writings Length: 420 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
24.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Credo ip 0898708036 / 9780898708035 Meditations on the Apostles' Creed In the twelve months before his sudden death, Hans Urs von Balthasar had been writing a series of reflections on the twelve articles of the Apostles' Creed. These texts, which are undoubtedly among the last things he wrote, take on the character of a legacy, a spiritual testament. For they amount in their extraordinary compactness and depth to a little "summa" of his theology. What he had set out in detail in numerous book over five decades, he summarizes here in contemplative plainness and simplicity. All the characteristics that make von Balthasar's work so distinctive and valuable are to be found here: breadth of vision, loveliness of style, and an intuitive-contemporary passion that allows him to "pray intellectually and think 'cordially'." In his warm and extensive introduction to the book, Medard Kehl speaks of von Balthasar's "unclouded, almost childlike joy in the richness and beauty of the Mystery" of the threefold God, which "is evidenced in his interpretation of the creed." Length: 112 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
11.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Dare We Hope ip 0898702070 / 9780898702071 With a Short Discourse on Hell The Church's teaching on Hell has been generally neglected by theologians, with the notable exception of Fr. von Balthasar. However, what he has said has stirred controversy both in Europe and in the United States. Here he responds in a clear and concise way, grounding his reflections clearly in Scripture. Revelation gives us neither the assurance that all will be saved, nor the certitude that any are condemned. What it does require of us is the "hope that all men be saved" rooted in a love of Christ that reaches even into the depths of Hell. Length: 254 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
16.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Elucidations ip 0898706211 / 9780898706215 The object of these 'elucidations' by the renowned theologian Balthasar is to offer a concise and summary treatment of a few essential questions concerning the substance of the Christian life, experience, and faith, which today are in dispute or-as is true of many-are disappearing into oblivion. Each chapter stands on its own. Together they bear witness to an underlying comprehensive vision; they are a few rays which all radiate from the same center. Among the some twenty-five chapters/topics Balthasar covers are "The Personal God", "The Marian Principle", "Authority and Tradition", "Unmodern Prayer", "The Pope TLength: 321 pages Edition: Paperbackoday", and much more. Price:
14.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Epilogue ip 089870281X / 9780898702811 The great trilogy of theology by Hans Urs von Balthasar includes The Glory of the Lord, Theo-Drama, and Theo-Logic. His Epilogue, a single volume, is the closing of his masterwork, giving final details and overview to the prior volumes in the trilogy. Length: 120 pages Edition: Hardcover Price:
10.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Explorations in Theology, Vol. 1 : Word Made Flesh ip 0898702658 / 9780898702651 The first of four volumes of von Balthasar's many essays and conferences. Each focuses on a specific aspect of theology or spirituality and presents it with all the richness which comes from his immense erudition, but in a style that is directed and intelligible since few of these essays were intended for scholarly audiences. These volumes present a rare opportunity to experience Balthasar's synthetic and comprehensive treatment of major themes in theology without having to make one's way through much more extensive works which cover a much wider scope. These volumes will provide an excellent introduction to the thought of von Balthasar for those unfamiliar with him, and their chapters will focus on specific themes treated throughout his works for those who are familiar with him. An excellent overview of the writings and thought of one of the outstanding theologians of this century. Length: 277 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
19.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Explorations in Theology, Vol. 3 : Creator Spirit ip 0898704375 / 9780898704372 In this third book, Balthasar presents various ways in which something of the Creator Spirit should be experienced through his manifestations: in the way in which he leads human persons to the living God ("Faith"), in the way in which he distinguishes the spirits of this time ("Crisis"), in the way in which he initiates into the mystery of the Incarnate One ("Night"), in the way in which he breathes through the finite structures of human life as that which is incomprehensibly open ("Breath"), and in the way in which he reveals himself as love ("Spirit"). Length: 545 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
29.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Explorations in Theology, Vol. 4 : Spirit and Institution ip 0898705436 / 9780898705430 The fourth volume in von Balthasar's essays is built around the theme of Spirit and Institution, the two central features of the Church which Balthasar approaches from different angles. The third volume is built around the theme of the Holy Spirit as the Creator Spirit. The first volume was constructed around the mid-point of the Word become man, and the second volume around the Church which becomes configured to him. The first part of the book looks at who man is, and then examines the distinctively Christian experience of God. Part two is a whole section on the Church which includes topics like celibacy and the priesthood today, how we should love the Church, and understanding Christian mysticism. The third and final part is an eschatology in which Balthasar gives a brilliant summary of heaven, hell and purgatory. Length: 470 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
24.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar First Glance at Adrienne Von Speyr ip 0898700035 / 9780898700039 A personal introduction to Adrienne von Speyr, a contemporary Swiss convert, mystic, wife, medical doctor, author and co-foundress of a secular institute. Fr. von Balthasar, her spiritual director for 27 years, includes an appraisal of her contributions to theology and spirituality, a complete bibliography, her prayers, and passages from her more than sixty books. Length: 249 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
14.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Heart of the World ip 0898700019 / 9780898700015 A great Catholic theologian speaks from the heart about the Heart of Christ, in a profound and lyrical meditation on Our Lord's love for his Bride the Church. Length: 219 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
14.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar In the Fullness of Faith ip 089870166X / 9780898701661 On the Centrality of the Distinctively Catholic Virtually every aspect of Catholicism which is controversial within the Church or a stumbling block to non-Catholic Christians is treated in this book. Rather than avoiding what is most glaringly un-modern or what is most criticized by non-Catholics, Balthasar reviews these elements one by one, and shows how they are rooted in the central Christian mysteries and the commonly accepted tradition. What is specifically Catholic is not defended polemically, but described in such a way that others can see, even from their own point of view, the inner consistency with the mystery affirmed by all. Here is a form of thought which is truly ecumenical precisely because it is fully Catholic. "We are not only interested in those aspects of the mystery of the Roman Catholic Church which set her apart from the other Christian communities, but also to show how often they are central beliefs by describing what is specifically Catholic in such a way that the partner in dialogue can see, even from his own standpoint, the inner consistency." — Hans Urs von Balthasar Length: 130 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
11.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Light of the Word ip 0898704588 / 9780898704587 Brief Reflections on the Sunday Readings It is not only the Catholics who attend Sunday Mass, but also the priests who preach at Mass who feel overwhelmed by the three scripture readings in which for the most part only the first from the Old Testament and the third from the Gospel have any interconnection, while the second from the apostolic letters stands by itself. This book seeks to present the common theses that connect all three of the readings for Sundays and feasts of the Lord in the three year cycle of readings. The reflections here are meant to be theological and spiritual suggestions that the one who is preaching can develop further and from which he can select individual perspectives. Rather than seeking immediately concrete applications, Fr. von Balthasar attempts to elucidate the content which is immediately present in the passages. Organized by each Sunday and feast day of the liturgical year for years A, B, & C, these reflections are meant to be theological and spiritual suggestions that the one who is preaching can develop further and from which he can select individual perspectives. Length: 385 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
24.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Love Alone is Credible ip 0898708818 / 9780898708813 In Hans Urs von Balthasar’s masterwork, The Glory of the Lord, the great theologian used the term "theological aesthetic" to describe what he believed to the most accurate method of interpreting the concept of divine love, as opposed to approaches founded on historical or scientific grounds. In this newly translated book, von Balthasar delves deeper into this exploration of what love means, what makes the divine love of God, and how we must become lovers of God in the footsteps of saints like Francis de Sales, John of the Cross and Therese of Lisieux. Based in the theological aesthetic form, Love Alone is Credible brings a fresh perspective on an oft-explored subject. A deeply insightful and profound theological meditation that serves to both deepen and inform the faith of the believer. Length: 160 pages Edition: Paperback Price:
14.95 USD
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Hans Urs von Balthasar Mary for Today ip 0898701902 / 9780898701906 The acclaimed theologian von Balthasar gathers from the Sacred Scriptures and the richest tradition of the Church the elements of a portrait which shows Mary's place and her relevance for today. Price:
9.95 USD
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