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1 Christopher M. Bellitto Church History 101
One may read about the "early church" or the "Renaissance popes" without a clear idea of the who-where-when-what-why-and-how of those eras. This easy-to-read volume answers the basic question "what did the Church look like in this particular period?" for the four traditionally recognized eras of Church history: early, medieval, Reformation, and modern. Each chapter includes a map and timeline to locate the reader in time and place. The timeline identifies what else was going on. Then they address these topics: 1) The Big Picture: a broad overview of the era; 2) The Church's Hierarchy: a look at the popes, cardinals and bishops with their concerns; 3) The Church in the Pews: what was Christianity like for the average person; and 4) What made this period unique--taking a comparative approach. All chapters conclude with discussion questions and a list for further reading. Pages: 144 Size: 5.125" X 7.375" Inches 
Price: 14.99 USD
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2 Christopher M. Bellitto Church History 101: A Concise Overview
l 0764816039 / 9780764816031 
One may read about the "early church" or the "Renaissance popes" without a clear idea of the who-where-when-what-why-and-how of those eras. This easy-to-read volume answers the basic question "what did the Church look like in this particular period?" for the four traditionally recognized eras of Church history: early, medieval, Reformation, and modern. Each chapter includes a map and timeline to locate the reader in time and place. The timeline identifies what else was going on. Then they address these topics: 1) The Big Picture: a broad overview of the era; 2) The Church's Hierarchy: a look at the popes, cardinals and bishops with their concerns; 3) The Church in the Pews: what was Christianity like for the average person; and 4) What made this period unique--taking a comparative approach. All chapters conclude with discussion questions and a list for further reading. Pages: 144 
Price: 14.95 USD
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3 Christopher M. Bellitto Church History 101: A Concise Overview
l 0764816039 / 9780764816031 
One may read about the "early church" or the "Renaissance popes" without a clear idea of the who-where-when-what-why-and-how of those eras. This easy-to-read volume answers the basic question "what did the Church look like in this particular period?" for the four traditionally recognized eras of Church history: early, medieval, Reformation, and modern. Each chapter includes a map and timeline to locate the reader in time and place. The timeline identifies what else was going on. Then they address these topics: 1) The Big Picture: a broad overview of the era; 2) The Church's Hierarchy: a look at the popes, cardinals and bishops with their concerns; 3) The Church in the Pews: what was Christianity like for the average person; and 4) What made this period unique--taking a comparative approach. All chapters conclude with discussion questions and a list for further reading. Pages: 144 Paperback 
Price: 14.95 USD
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