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1 Lewis Berry John Henry Cardinal Newman: In My Own Words
L-p8-2010 0764819100 / 9780764819100 
This timely compilation of John Henry Cardinal Newman's own words on a wide variety of subjects will inspire readers to live an authentic Christian life. Brother Berry's careful selections convey the heart of Newman's teachings, story, and spirit, deepening your familiarity with this saintly and influential man of God. As an Anglican priest, Newman led the Oxford Movement that sought to return the Church of England to its Catholic roots. His conversion to Catholicism in 1845 rocked Victorian England. After becoming an Oratorian priest, he was involved in the establishment of the Birmingham Oratory. In 2008, the Vatican approved the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman, the nineteenth century convert and theologian who has had an immense impact upon English-speaking Catholicism. Canonization would make Cardinal Newman the first English person since the seventeenth century to be officially recognized as a saint by the Church Pages: 128 Size: 5" X 7" Inches 
Price: 15.99 USD
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