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Robert Faricy, SJ Scholastica Blackborow Listings

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1 Robert Faricy, SJ Scholastica Blackborow The Healing of the Religious Life

This work is full of hope and realistic optimism held out to modern religious and to any Christian pondering the future of a dedicated life in a religious community. From the foreward by George Maloney, SJ The healing of the Religious Life is a book of hope, hope for the apparently dwindling and dying religious congregations of the western Church. Sister Scholastica and Father Faricy show us how to shift the basis of our attempts at renewal from the interminably revolving cycle of discussion and from the forests of paper in which we feebly hope to the original source of each of our congregations-the breath of the Holy Spirit, breathing where it will. Let us lift our faces to that wind, to that gale which alone can sweep us into the future he is designing. Lucy Rooney, S.N.D. De N. From the authors: This book is meant neither for those religious who are completely satisfied with the way the religious life is going...nor for the complacent; nor is it for those who have lost all hope. It is for those religious who, like us, know that the Lord is faithful to his promises, that the Lord does not want their religious institutes simply to go into oblivion...that he wants to guide us to new and better things for the religious life and for us religious. 79 pages. 
Price: 7.95 USD
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