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Brother Ugolino & St. Bonaventure The Little Flowers / The Life of St Francis The Little Flowers / The Life of St Francis
The Little Flowers / The Life of St Francis. The Fioretti, or Little Flowers of St. Francis, is comprised of a series of stories and anecdotes from the life of St. Francis of Assisi and his followers as recorded by Brother Ugolino. St. Bonaventure composed the second book in this volume-The Life of St. Francis-after consulting the order's documents and interrogating the surviving companions of St. Francis. Bonaventure's biography is definitive and authoritative, describing St. Francis' life, miracles, and vocation. Both books in this volume offer rewarding insights into the life of one of the most admired saints of all time and the founder of one of the great orders of the Church. 364 pp Price:
23.00 USD
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