Therese Johnson Borchard ListingsIf you cannot find what you want on this page, then please use our search feature to search all our listings. Click on Title to view full description
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Therese Johnson Borchard Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes l 0764802836 / 9780764802836 Known for its miraculous stories of healing, Lourdes, a small, previously obscure French village is the site of numerous appearances of the Blessed Virgin, including the famous apparitions in 1858 witnessed by a shy 14-year-old girl--Bernadette Soubirous. This collection of prayers to Our Lady of Lourdes is a tribute to Mary's appearance before Bernadette and her appeal for prayer and penance. The nine devotions within these pages form a novena to Our Lady of Lourdes that can be used for personal devotion or as a part of community prayer. Pamphlet This item is not returnable. Price:
1.00 USD
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