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J. Brennan Mullaney, Jr Listings

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1 J. Brennan Mullaney, Jr AUTHENTIC LOVE Theory and Therapy

Love is the basic drive and goal of human life, the Alpha and Omega of every human act. Love is the rock-bottom explanation for every single thing that we do. That is the first of eighteen principles of love theory and love therapy covered in this book. Here are revolutionary ideas that can subsume, unify and make sense out of t he hundreds of contradictory personality theories floating around the mental health marketplace. The author begins with the simple logic that says: Truth is one. There cannot be hundreds of human drives, all of them being truly “fundamental.” There is only one fundamental drive: It is love. Recognizing that t here will never be enough professionals to help everyone with emotional problems, Mullaney proclaims that hope for the future lies in his basic tenet: “Love heals!” Since professionals do not have a corner on the market on the capacity to love, he has written this book for lay people and professionals alike in the conviction that it will help all those concerned about others. 542 pages 
Price: 26.95 USD
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