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1 Charles Callan Tansill Back Door To War
The Roosevelt Foreign Policy, 1933-1941
Back Door To War. A 1952 hardback Edition that went through five printings. Proves that America engineered herself into World War II. Utterly thorough! Based on government documents and other primary sources. 690 pgs, 
Price: 25.00 USD
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Charles Callan Tansill on Braintreeusedbooks.com
Charles Callan Tansill on Collinsbooks.com
Charles Callan Tansill on Eldersbookstore.com
Charles Callan Tansill on Naughtonsbooks.com
Charles Callan Tansill on Rogercoybooks.com
Charles Callan Tansill on Sauconybookshop.com

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