Michael Campbell Jonston, SJ ListingsIf you cannot find what you want on this page, then please use our search feature to search all our listings. Click on Title to view full description
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Michael Campbell Jonston, SJ In the Midst of Noise L-p12-2010 What does the phrase "making a retreat" bring to your mind's eye? The quiet of a monastery? A hermitage deep in the woods? Needless to say, such images make modern, overscheduled people sigh with longing. We've convinced ourselves that there simply isn't time for us to withdraw from "the world" and recharge our spiritual batteries. This friendly and encouraging book offers hope. It outlines a way for you to put aside the cares and preoccupations of your busy life for a few minutes by means of a 30-day retreat that follows the principles of the famed Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Michael Campbell-Johnston's warm, first-person approach will immediately put you at ease. He uses dialogue to navigate the exercises, quoting Scripture and prayers as the starting and ending points for each day's mini-retreat. You will emerge from this experience feeling renewed and grounded in your faith! Paperback Pages: 128 Size: 5" X 7" Inches Price:
12.99 USD
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