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Fr. Carty Listings

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1 Fr. Carty Padre Pio The Stigmatist

Padre Pio The Stigmatist. Famous for the stigmata, Padre Pio (d. 1968) possessed many other miraculous gifts. Describes his reading of hearts, conversions, celestial perfume, prophetic insight, bilocation, cures, etc. 120 fascinating pictures. An all-time favorite of our customers! 368 pgs. 
Price: 16.50 USD
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2 Fr. Charles M. Carty The Stigmata and Modern Science

The Stigmata and Modern Science. Fascinating accounts of a much misunderstood reality, describing well-known and well documented cases: St. Francis of Assisi, Padre Pio, Therese Neumann, etc. A scientific and theological examination. Sparks the interest of all. 31 pages 
Price: 3.00 USD
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3 Fr. Carty Who Is Terese Neumann?

under construction 
Price: 4.00 USD
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