Joseph M. Champlin ListingsIf you cannot find what you want on this page, then please use our search feature to search all our listings. Click on Title to view full description
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Joseph M. Champlin Firm, But Kind and Gentle: A Practical Handbook for Pastoral Ministry A Unknown to many, official Catholic documents and directives which seek to be faithful to Christ's teachings and the Church's long tradition are also surprisingly flexible in their applications to specific pastoral situations. While reflecting firmness and fidelity, they, at the same time, frequently mirror in their flexibility a kind and gentle spirit. As Pope Benedict XVI stated recently in a conversation with four German broadcast journalists: "Christianity, Catholicism isn't a collection of prohibitions: It's a positive option. It's very important that we look at it again because this idea has almost completely disappeared today." This book has been written especially for priests, deacons, and the increasing number of pastoral ministers who regularly encounter situations like those treated in this volume. Readers will find here both reassurance and challenge as they seek to be firm but kind and gentle in applying the directives of the Church to individual pastoral circumstances.140 pp Price:
13.95 USD
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Joseph M. Champlin From Time to Eternity and Back: A Priest's Successful Struggle with Cancer A There is probably nothing in the world more devastating than the totally unexpected news that you are suffering from an incurable cancer. And that is all the more true when you have always been at the top of your game, full of energy and enthusiasm and in excellent physical health. But like life itself, good health is an unmerited gift to be treasured, used and acknowledged with gratitude. The reflections in these pages take us on a journey with the author from time to eternity and back as we agonize with him, are buoyed up with hope, then cast into despair, all the while asking ourselves many of the questions he had to ask himself. Why? Why me? Why now? What is God trying to say to me? Will I be able to handle this? Where do I turn for strength when I have no strength to turn? What really matters in life? We learn to appreciate with him the little things: a restful night, a tasty meal after days of not being able to keep anything down, a prayerful celebration of the Eucharist, time with friends, the genuine concern of others, the knowledge that God loves us and is with us through it all.117 pp. Price:
13.95 USD
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Joseph M. Champlin The Marginal Catholic: Challenge, Don't Crush A When an inactive Catholic seeks the sacraments there are many delicate and complex issues involved, each charged with emotional intensity. In a treatment characterized by pastoral wisdom, Monsignor Joseph Champlin addresses such issues as how to respond to parents who seldom attend Mass, but who request the baptism of a child, or an inactive couple that seeks a Church wedding. He summarizes official Church directives and provides practical, pastoral suggestions for resolving the concerns of all involved. "The goal," he explains, "is to challenge peripheral Catholics who seek a baptism or marriage in the Church, but not to crush them." 204 pp. Price:
13.95 USD
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