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Charles Singer Listings

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1 Charles Singer The Way of the Cross
This international bestseller is a beautiful and colorfully illustrated Way of the Cross. Its simple reflections are written in contemporary language, yet with much reverence and will appeal to young people. This version of the Stations offers great insights into the story of Christ's Passion and ties that profound event to the daily experiences and feelings of ordinary school children. All fourteen traditional stations and a reflection on the Resurrection conclude with a joyful statement of faith or a practical challenge for concrete living. This booklet can be used with groups or classes even outside the Lenten season and will become a cherished keepsake for any child. For grades 3 - 6. Pages: 32 Size: 5.75" X 5.75" Inches Paperback 
Price: 4.95 USD
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2 Charles Singer Via Crucis Dialogado
Hermosamente ilustrado, este Vía Crucis contiene meditaciones breves dirigidas a los jóvenes. Incluye las 14 estaciones, terminando con la resurecció de Cristo. Este se convertirá sin duda en el favorito de muchos niñas. Adecuado para nivel primaria. Pages: 30 Size: 5.75" X 5.75" Inches 
Price: 4.95 USD
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Charles Singer on Antiquarianbooks.biz
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Charles Singer on Brimstonesbooks.com
Charles Singer on Dunawaybooks.com
Charles Singer on Greensleevesbooks.co.uk
Charles Singer on Hardingsbooks.com
Charles Singer on Johnbalebooks.com
Charles Singer on Leurabooks.com.au
Charles Singer on Moodybooks.net
Charles Singer on Phatpocket.com
Charles Singer on Psychobabel.co.uk
Charles Singer on Ravenroostbooks.com
Charles Singer on Sauconybookshop.com
Charles Singer on Schoonerbooks.com
Charles Singer on Tiberbooks.com
Charles Singer on Weberrarebooks.com

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