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Victor R. Claveau (ed.) Welcome Home! ip 0898707927 / 9780898707922 Fallen Away Catholics Who Came Back Here are the compelling stories of eleven "reverts", Catholics who fell away from the Church and eventually came back home. Some of the people are very well-known, like Fr. John Corapi, Rick Strom and Jesse Romero, and others are known only in their smaller circles. But each person's story of why he left the Catholic Church and why he returned is a unique and moving tale of God's mercy, love and grace. There is one common denominator, though, among the writers of Welcome Home! To parapharse Archbishop Fulton Sheen, few hate the Catholic Chruch for what she teaches, but millions hate it for what they think she teaches. The defining moment of illuminating grace almost always came when our storytellers began to examine Catholic teaching for themselves. "I have no doubt that those who read Welcome Home! will take from these intriguing conversion stores a renewed spirit of confidence and devotion. In it they will also find an informative source of Catholic apologetics that will especially attract those who have shared similar life experiences in their sincere search for truth and reconciliation with the Church of their youth, which is indeed the Covenant Family of God where the One who is Truth Itself abides forever." —Fr. Bill Casey, C.P.M.Length: 221 pages Edition: Paperback Cover art by Chris Pelicano Price:
14.95 USD
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