Donna Colwell Rosser ListingsIf you cannot find what you want on this page, then please use our search feature to search all our listings. Click on Title to view full description
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Donna Colwell Rosser DETOUR Forced Onto a New Road When Our Unmarried Daughter Became Pregnant A An unmarried daughter's telling you that she's pregnant has a way of getting your attention and holding it as almost nothing else ever could. To a parent who has struggled to bring her children up to respect God, themselves and others, it can seem almost inconceivable that her own daughter could have found herself in such a situation. The impact was nothing short of devastating to all concerned: the girl herself was forced into making the kind of mature decisions she was not at all used to making, the mother and father had four other children to think of as they strove to do what was best for their daughter and her unborn child, there was family pride to think of and other relatives and friends to contend with to say nothing of doctors and unexpected health problems. Most of all a decision regarding the little child itself had to be made. Abortion was out of the question for a Catholic pro-life family, and taking the child in to be brought up as one's own created problems too. Adoption was yet another possibility but it brought with it the enormous pain of loss and separation. Through it all there was the unbelievable emotional strain of coping day by day with a reality no one had planned for or really wanted. What do you do? To whom do you turn? How do you find the strength to carry on? Daily Mass, prayer and the support of family and friends ultimately proved to be the lifeline that the author needed for survival. She wrote this book to give hope to those who may have had to face or are presently facing a similar situation. 111 pages Price:
10.95 USD
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Donna Colwell Rosser Detour: Forced onto a new road when our unmarried daughter became pregnant A An unmarried daughter's telling you that she's pregnant has a way of getting your attention and holding it as almost nothing else ever could. To a parent who has struggled to bring her children up to respect God, themselves and others, it can seem almost inconceivable that her own daughter could have found herself in such a situation. The impact was nothing short of devastating to all concerned. The girl herself was forced into making the kind of mature decisions she was not at all used to making. The mother and father had four other children to think of as they strove to do what was best for their daughter and her unborn child. There was family pride to think of, and other relatives and friends to contend with, to say nothing of doctors and unexpected health problems. Abortion was out of the question for a Catholic pro-life family, and taking the child in to be brought up as one's own created problems too. What do you do? To whom do you turn? How do you find the strength to carry on? 104 pp. Price:
10.95 USD
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