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Janice T. Connell Meetings with Mary
Through the centuries and across the world, the Virgin Mary has appeared to ordinary people of every race and culture, from scholars to illiterates, from the devout to the unbelieving, from young children to the dying. In this exquisite and inspiring volume, Janice T. Connell chronicles authenticated Marian apparitions and messages Mary has brought from God-as mother, comforter, Queen of Angels, and Prophet of the Apocalypse. Drawn from scripture, legend, and never before-published eyewitness accounts, these are personal stories-the author's own, and her interviews with other visionaries-filled with beauty, wonder, and joy. 383 pages Price:
12.95 USD
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Janice T. Connell Queen Of The Cosmos pp What is happening in an obscure mountain village in Yugoslavia may be the most important event in the history of the Church since the Day of Pentecost. According to six young people from the village of Medjugorje, the Virgin mary has been appearing to them since June of 1981. If they are telling the truth-and countless journalists, investigators, clergy and laymen have found them to be without guile-then they are conveying a message of the utmost urgency. Jesus taught his followers to judge a tree by its fruit... In Medjugorje, the entire countryside is undergoing a profoud spiritual awakening. And it is spreading: more than twelve million people have made a pilgrimage there, many returning home determined to live out what they experienced. What is the message of the one whom the six young visionaries call "the Blessed Mother"? From the beginning she has called for conversion, prayer, fasting, reconciliation, and peace. In her own words:"I am the light bearer...Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Light for all God's children to Paradise. Jesus is Life. Jesus is God. Jesus, the Master, the Lord, the Ruler, has redeemed all God's children...God alone is the fullness of life. To enjoy this fullness and obtain peace, you must return to God." Queen of the cosmos, is a distillation of many of Jan's personal and private interviews with the Visionaries. Their simple, unadorned testimony will cause you to examine the depths of your soul, as perhaps no other book ever has. 150 pages Price:
9.95 USD
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