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1 Denis Crouan The History and the Future of the Roman Liturgy
ip 1586170155 / 9781586170158 
Since the Second Vatican Council, the liturgy has become the source of conflicting opinions. This situation has given rise to disputes that continue to divide those who practice their faith. But what has created this state of affairs? Author Denis Crouan shows how the decisions made by Vatican II that aimed at restoring the Roman rite were presented poorly, applied incorrectly, and often not applied at all. In many places the Mass has been turned into a permanent work-in-progress, in which the objectivity of the liturgy yields to the subjectivity of those who take part in it. Where does the current unwillingness to apply the liturgical rules come from? Why have the directives of the last council been ignored or circumvented? This book offers answers to the questions asked by Catholics who want to understand their liturgy better, so as to put an end to deviant practices that threaten Church unity. Length: 324 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 19.95 USD
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2 Denis Crouan The Liturgy After Vatican II
ip 0898708419 / 9780898708417 
Crouan, the author of several studies on liturgical questions including the book The Liturgy Betrayed presents another penetrating work on the state of the Eucharistic Liturgy, the problems and errors that still exist, and how to correct these abuses. The responses Crouan has received to all of his writing and speaking on this topic from Catholics of every stripe show the weariness and confusion of many of the faithful regarding the Sacred Liturgy. Crouan says that the great majority of Catholics need and want, not celebrations that are “pastorally correct”, but a Eucharistic liturgy that offers all the guarantees of Catholicity and leads them to an authentic contemplation of the mysteries being celebrated. He expresses the urgency needed to examine what is going on in parish churches, and to clarify matters by acknowledging the liturgical errors in order to establish a greater fidelity to the real teaching of Vatican II and the Roman Missal. 
Price: 12.95 USD
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3 Denis Crouan The Liturgy Betrayed
ip 0898707994 / 9780898707991 
For more than thirty years the Church has been torn apart by a conflict that revolves around the question of Liturgy. In this instructive and practical work, Denis Crouan makes accessible to everyone the criteria which have been issued by the Magisterium and which define a truly Catholic Liturgy in today's Church. From a position of strength as an experienced theologian, Crouan attempts to show the real causes of the liturgical crisis that has been afflicting the Church. At the same time, his aim has been to highlight the sort of pastoral action that would allow this crisis to be overcome. His solution is not to argue for a return to the past, nor is it to promote arbitrary innovations as regards the liturgical celebration of our faith. Rather, he champions a restoration of the individual authority of the bishops in bringing about, solely with the help of the official liturgical texts, the proper application of the principles clearly enunciated by Sancrosanctum Concilum, Vatican II's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. Denis Crouan, the author of several studies on the pressing liturgical questions of our time, holds a doctorate in Catholic theology. He is also an organist, a choirmaster, a specialist in Gregorian Chant and a professor of literature and history. Length: 125 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 11.95 USD
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