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Rev. R. Gerald Culleton Listings

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1 Rev. R. Gerald Culleton Prophets and Our Times

Prophets and Our Times. Old Testament and New Testament prophecies; plus (and mainly) prophecies from Saints and holy people regarding the End-of-Time era. This book contains more prophecies than most other books; and though the author thought World War II was the fulfillment of these prophecies it is obvious they are yet to be fulfilled. The great strength of this book consists in the greater number of prophecies cited; which makes it a source book for writers on the subject. 256 pgs; PB 
Price: 15.00 USD
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2 Rev. R. Gerald Culleton The Reign Of Antichrist

The Reign Of Antichrist. Old Testament and New Testament prophecies about Antichrist; plus; many; many prophecies from Saints and holy people. This is the best source we know of predictions about the "Man of Sin." A really accurate picture emerges from these pages. This book is so good that one priest used it as the source material for a number of dramatic videos on the subject. This book contains greater detail than any other we know on Antichrist. 240 pgs 
Price: 15.00 USD
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Rev. R. Gerald Culleton on Adinfinitumbooks.com
Rev. R. Gerald Culleton on Areaderscorner.com
Rev. R. Gerald Culleton on Sauconybookshop.com

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