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1 Dorothy Cummings The Closet's All Mine
Being single is tough. Parents and friends bombard you with questions about when you're going to (finally!) get married and worry that not being "in a relationship" will leave you depressed and unfulfilled. This humorous narrative reveals the thoughts, advice, and fractured social life of a serious young Catholic woman who--no matter what--is determined to remain true to the Church's moral teachings. Witty and accessible, it includes such sections as "No Sex in the City"; "Men Are the Caffeine in the Cappuccino of Life"; and, "Live Alone and Like It." Set in the United States, Canada, and Europe, this book is an intelligent take on the contemporary dating scene that will leave women of faith shouting, "Hallelujah!" Wise, insightful, and at times poignant, The Closet's All Mine! is a must-read for women who wish to maintain the fine balance between dating and faithfulness to God. Pages: 224 Size: 5.25" X 7.5" Inches paperback 
Price: 16.99 USD
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