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1 James D. Davidson Catholicism in Motion: The Church in American Society
l 0764813455 / 9780764813450 
Catholicism in Motion is a collection of articles by sociologist James D. Davidson, Ph.D., on issues facing Catholics in the United States. The book looks at the state of Catholicism in America past, present, and future, and at the average American Catholic from economical, political, social, and cultural standpoints. Part II of the book examines opportunities and challenges facing contemporary Catholics, including clergy issues and parish education. The final section is devoted to current beliefs and practices of American Catholics. Well-researched, this book is an informative collection of important data. It includes graphs and indexes for easy interpretation of what is presented. Every Catholic will find it enlightening and motivating, and all Church leaders will want to read this book. Pages: 224 Paperback 
Price: 19.95 USD
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2 James D. Davidson Catholicism in Motion: The Church in American Society
lig 0764813455 / 9780764813450 
Catholicism in Motion is a collection of articles by sociologist James D. Davidson, Ph.D., on issues facing Catholics in the United States. The book looks at the state of Catholicism in America past, present, and future, and at the average American Catholic from economical, political, social, and cultural standpoints. Part II of the book examines opportunities and challenges facing contemporary Catholics, including clergy issues and parish education. The final section is devoted to current beliefs and practices of American Catholics. Well-researched, this book is an informative collection of important data. It includes graphs and indexes for easy interpretation of what is presented. Every Catholic will find it enlightening and motivating, and all Church leaders will want to read this book. Paperback PDF Samples * Table of Contents & Introduction * Index * Chapter 5: Challenges with Authority, Sexual Abuse, and Other Problems Pages: 224 
Price: 19.95 USD
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3 James D. Davidson Catholicism in Motion: The Church in American Society
lig 0764813455 / 9780764813450 
Catholicism in Motion is a collection of articles by sociologist James D. Davidson, Ph.D., on issues facing Catholics in the United States. The book looks at the state of Catholicism in America past, present, and future, and at the average American Catholic from economical, political, social, and cultural standpoints. Part II of the book examines opportunities and challenges facing contemporary Catholics, including clergy issues and parish education. The final section is devoted to current beliefs and practices of American Catholics. Well-researched, this book is an informative collection of important data. It includes graphs and indexes for easy interpretation of what is presented. Every Catholic will find it enlightening and motivating, and all Church leaders will want to read this book. Paperback Pages: 224 
Price: 19.95 USD
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