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Patricia D. Fosarelli Listings

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1 Patricia D. Fosarelli Talking to Children About Disasters
l 0764814885 / 9780764814884 
Who can forget the Asian tsunami of 2004 which was followed by mudslides in Guatemala, earthquakes in Pakistan, and hurricanes in the southern U.S. How do parents explain such devastating tragedies to their children? Kids will come up with all sorts of questions in this regard about the world and about God. This pamphlet covers some of the basics of such discussions and offers parents, teachers, and counselors guidelines for helping children deal with the unknown and with their fears. It will also help parents deepen their own faith. Pages: 24 Pamphlet This item is not returnable. 
Price: 1.00 USD
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2 Patricia D. Fosarelli Whatever You Do For the Least of These: Ministering to Ill and Dying Children and Their Families
l 0764809849 / 9780764809842 
Whatever You Do to the Least of These is one of the few books available for pastoral workers called upon to represent their churches at the bedsides of ill and dying children and adolescents. It introduces pastoral visitors, both ordained and non-ordained, to the main issues confronting children and adolescents of different ages when they are faced with illness, injury, or dying. It also highlights the issues faced by parents and siblings in these same circumstances. Pages: 128 Paperback 
Price: 14.95 USD
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