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Kathleen L. Riley, Ph.D. Listings

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1 Kathleen L. Riley, Ph.D. Fulton J. Sheen An American Catholic Response to the Twentieth Century

Thomistic philosopher and professor at the Catholic University of America, prolific writer, pioneer of the electronic gospel on radio and TV, convert-maker, head of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and Bishop of Rochester in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen lived in the religious spotlight for most of his life. His personal odyssey mirrored that of the Catholic Church in facing the challenges of the times: two world wars, national and international depression, fascism, nazism, communism, capitalism, the sexual revolution and the upheaval following the Council. An "American son born of our American heartland," as Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, called him, Sheen may one day enjoy the additional distinction of being the first American-born male saint. This thoroughly documented study of his life was the first in-depth analysis of the man and his times when it was penned as a doctoral dissertation in 1988. All subsequent works have built on its scholarly and balanced insights.357 pp 
Price: 23.95 USD
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