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1 Thomas Woods How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization
ip 0895260387 / 9780895260383 
In the wake of Pope John Paul II�s death, many are asking: What is the future of the Catholic Church? Given its recent scandals, students of theology might discount its influence on Western civilization and simply cast it off as a corrupt religion. That would be a big mistake; as New York Times bestselling author Thomas Woods chronicles in his book, the Church has had a pivotal role in shaping Western civilization for the last two thousand years. How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization uncovers the lost truth of the Church�s contributions to our history, including: * How the father of atomic theory, the father of aviation, and the father of Egyptology were all Catholic priests * How Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market economics five hundred years before Adam Smith * How the Catholic Church was the great defender of the sanctity of human life and the individual against the state * How the Church invented charitable work�and the charitable spirit�as we know it in the Western world * How the Church bestowed the most unique gift to the World�what we now know as the university In this magnificent volume, students and faithful alike will come to comprehend the Catholic Church�s monumental impact on society and western civilization as a whole. �Prof. Woods has put the Catholic Church squarely back where it should be: at the center of the development of the values, ideas, science, laws, and institutions which constitute what we call Western civilization.� �Dr. Paul Legutko, Stanford University Length: 310 pages Edition: Hardcover 
Price: 29.95 USD
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