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1 Joseph Pearce C.S. Lewis and the Catholic Church
i p 0898709792 / 9780898709797 
There are many Protestants and Catholics who have been deeply affected and spiritually changed by the writings of C.S. Lewis, including many converts to Catholicism who credit C.S. Lewis for playing a significant role in their conversion. But the ironic and perplexing fact is that Lewis himself, while “Catholic” in may aspects of his faith and devotion, never became a Roman Catholic. Many have wondered why. Joseph Pearce, highly regarded literary biographer and great admirer of Lewis, is the ideal writer to try to answer that question. The relationship of Lewis to the Roman Catholic Church is an important and intriguing topic of interest to both Catholics and Protestants. Pearce delves into all the issues, questions, and factors regarding this puzzling question. He gives a broad and detailed analysis of the historical, biographical, theological, and literary pieces of this puzzle. His findings set forth the objective shape of Lewis’s theological and spiritual works in their relation to the Catholic Church. This well-written book brings new insights into a great Christian writer, and it should spark lively discussion among Lewis readers and bring about a better understanding of the spiritual beliefs of C.S. Lewis. “Joseph Pearce has tackled the great Unasked Question and produced an answer with both muscle and heart. How good an answer? Daring, authoritative, discriminating; intellectually daunting and vastly suggestive. This book is a banquet of argument so provocative, important and inviting that the master himself would find it irresistible. What wouldn’t I give to watch Lewis dig in!” —James Como, Author, Branches to Heaven: The Geniuses of C.S. Lewis 
Price: 14.95 USD
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2 Joseph Pearce Flowers of Heaven
ip 1586170783 / 9781586170783 One Thousand Years of Christian Verse
This anthology provides some of the finest Christian verse written during the second millennium of Christianity. All of the great ones are here: Hildegard of Bingen, Francis of Assisi, Dante and Chaucer from the High Middle Ages; John Donne from the Reformation; English and American Romantics such as Browning and Whittier; late nineteenth-century mystics like Dickinson and Hopkins, as well the great converts of that period like Newman and Chesterton; and, T. S. Eliot speaking out of and into our own times. A conscious attempt was made to meet both the standards of academia and the tastes and sensibilities of the faithful. The selections are arranged chronologically to serve also as a history of verse. Brief biographical and anecdotal introductions reveal the varied relationships of the poets with each other and with the trials and tribulations of their day. This magnificent collection is essential for all poetry lovers for those who respond to the beauty of the written word penned in the service of spiritual truth. Joseph Pearce is the celebrated author of the literary biographies Tolkien: Man and Myth, The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde, C. S. Lewis and the Catholic Church, Literary Converts, Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G. K. Chesterton and Old Thunder: A Life of Hilaire Belloc. Length: 215 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 16.95 USD
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3 Joseph Pearce Literary Giants, Literary Catholics
ip 1586170775 / 9781586170776 
British author Joseph Pearce has firmly established himself as the premier literary biographer of our time, especially in interpreting the spiritual depths of the Catholic literary tradition. In this book, Pearce examines a plethora of authors, taking the reader through a dazzling tour of the creative landscape of Catholic prose and poetry. Literary Giants, Literary Catholics covers the vast terrain from Dante to Tolkien, from Shakespeare to Waugh. Focusing on the literary revival of the 20th century, Joseph Pearce touches on well-known authors like G.K. Chesterton and J.R.R. Tolkien, but also introduces readers to lesser-known writers like Roy Campell, Maurice Baring, and Owen Barfield. Anyone who appreciates English literature will be entranced by the wealth and depth of this new masterpiece.Length: 480 pages Edition: Hardcover 
Price: 27.95 USD
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4 Joseph Pearce Old Thunder
ip 0898709423 / 9780898709421 A Life of Hilaire Belloc
Hilaire Belloc is one of the most important, revered and reviled writers of the twentieth century. A social commentator, a master of finely crafted prose and a poet of great wit, he continues to fascinate. Joseph Pearce examines the lasting impact of this prolific writer and social commentator on British intellectual life. As President of the Oxford Union, he immersed himself in historical studies and championed Catholicism. Later, as a Liberal MP, he became disillusioned with party politics, expressing his sentiments about both socialism and capitalism in his novels and pamphlets. Considered one of the most important Christian writers of the twentieth century, admired for his understanding of modern England and in the company of men like Sassoon, G.K. Chesterton and Waugh, Belloc's fascinating character is wonderfully brought to light in all his whimsicality. Opening up the personality for the reader is the story of his long courtship of Elodie Hogan from Napa, California that overcame all sorts of hurdles, including her brief stint in a convent, and his desolation after her death. With access to previously unpublished material in the form of Belloc's letters and photographs, Joseph Pearce's major new biography uncovers a romantic, complex, and solitary character. Illustrated. Joseph Pearce is the acclaimed author of best-selling books Literary Converts, Tolkien: Man and Myth and G.K. Chesterton: Wisdom and Innocence Length: 352 pages Edition: Hardcover 
Price: 24.95 USD
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5 Joseph Pearce The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde
ip 1586170260 / 9781586170264 
Vilified by fellow Victorians for his sexuality and his dandyism, Oscar Wilde, the great poet, satirist and playwright, is hailed today, in some circles, as a "progressive" sexual liberator. But this is not how Wilde saw himself. His actions and pretensions did not bring him happiness and fulfillment. This study of Wilde's brilliant and tragic life goes beyond the mistakes that brought him notoriety in order to explore this emotional and spiritual search. Unlike any other biography of Wilde, it strips away these pretensions to show the real man, his aspirations and desires. It uncovers how he was broken by his two-year prison sentence; it probes the deeper thinking behind masterpieces such as The Picture of Dorian Gray, Salome, “The Ballad of Reading Gaol” and “De Profundis”; and it traces his fascination with Catholicism through to his eleventh-hour conversion. Published on the 150th anniversary of his birth, this biography removes the masks which have confused previous biographers and reveals the real Wilde beneath the surface. Once again, Joseph Pearce has written a profound, wide-ranging study with many original insights on a great literary figure. “The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde is a brilliant interpretive biography of a wit, bon vivant, and literary genius who still delights us a century after his death. In Joseph Pearce’s sympathetic appraisal we never forget that Wilde was not just an entertainer but a soul that found himself only after ignominy, loss, and desolation. I have read many of the other books on Wilde, and this is my favorite.” —Ron Hansen, NYT Bestselling Author of Mariette in Ecstasy “Joseph Pearce has done it again! Chesterton, Belloc, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and now Oscar Wilde have all been coaxed out of their graves for us by this grave-robber named Pearce. Oscar proves to be a very lively ghost.” —Peter Kreeft, Author, Love is Stronger Than Death “Pearce reveals a great deal more than a mere account of the facts. Here is the journey of a soul, one who frequently teetered on the brink of damnation, and at times courted it. Beautifully written, and in its own right a work of wit and wisdom.” —Michael O’Brien, Author, Father Elijah “Oscar Wilde looms larger now than ever before, not merely for his wit and rackety life, but, increasingly, for his work. Joseph Pearce has taken on Wilde’s most eminent biographers and critics, and has, with his bravura prose, turned our attention away from the prurient, and on to Wilde’s achievement. This is a major work.” —Thomas Howard, Author, On Being Catholic “Oscar Wilde has been used by the pagans and abused by the puritans, but both have dealt dishonestly with him. Joseph Pearce not only reveals Wilde as we have never seen him, but reveals himself as a master of biography.” —Dale Ahlquist, Author, G.K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense Length: 400 pages Edition: Hardcover 
Price: 21.95 USD
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6 Joseph Pearce Tolkien: A Celebration
ip 0898708664 / 9780898708660 Collected Writings on a Literary Legacy
Anticipating the great amount of interest in Tolkien’s writings due in part to the major theatrical movie release on his classic The Lord of the Rings, this highly readable collection of writings celebrates J.R.R.Tolkien’s great literary legacy and the spiritual values that undergird his imaginary Middle-earth. Tolkien: A Celebration includes personal recollections by George Sayer and Walter Hooper, and many fascinating pieces by authors such as James Schall, S.J., Stratford Caldecott and Stephen Lawhead, exploring the threads of inspiration and purpose in his major works. These dip into subjects such as The Sense of Time in Lord of the Rings, Tolkien: Master of Middle-earth, and Tolkien, Lewis and Christian Myth. Fourteen writers contributed to this insightful work on Tolkien, and it will be much-treasured by those who regard him as a literary hero. “Tolkien needs to be celebrated, because he and his writings were celebrations of the human spirit, imagination and spiritual genius. Joseph Pearce has given us a fine compilation of wit and wisdom about the great man, one that should be read by everyone concerned with the permanent things." —Michael Coren, Author, Tolkien: The Man Who Created Middle-Earth Length: 210 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 14.95 USD
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7 Joseph Pearce Tolkien: Man and Myth
ip 0898708257 / 9780898708257 A Literary Life
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings took first place in a nationwide British poll to find the greatest book of the century! He may be the most popular writer of our age, but Tolkien is often misunderstood. This major new study of his life, his character and his work reveals the facts and confronts the myths. It explores the background to the man and the culture in which he wrote. Tolkien: Man and Myth observes the relationships that the master writer had with his closest literary colleagues. It reveals his unique relationship with C.S. Lewis, the writer of the Narnia books, and the roots of their estrangement. In this original book about a leading literary life, Joseph Pearce enters the world created by Tolkien in the seven books published during his lifetime. He explores the significance of Middle Earth and what it represented in Tolkien's thinking. Myth, to him, was not a leap from reality but a leap into reality. "Pearce writes beautifully and with great depth, and the Tolkien who emerges is an impressive being - a man of literary strength and respectability." - The Tablet Joseph Pearce is a full-time writer living in Norfolk, England. He is the author of a recent major biography of G.K. Chester ton, Wisdom and Innocence. He writes for Catholic and literary journals, and is working on a study of 20th century literary converts to be published by Ignatius Press in the next year. Length: 257 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 14.95 USD
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8 Joseph Pearce Wisdom and Innocence: A Life of G. K. Chesterton
ip 0898707005 / 9780898707007 A Biography of G.K. Chesterton
Through years of meticulous research and access to the literary estate of G.K. Chesterton, Joseph Pearce presents a major biography of a 20th century literary giant, providing a great deal of important information on GKC never before published. This is a thoroughly readable and delightful biography of a multi-faceted author, artist and debater who loved the friendship of children, idolized his wife and enjoyed great friendships with the likes of Hillaire Belloc, Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells. Illustrated. "Pearce has avoided the factual errors and misjudgments made by most earlier biographers, and his research has been meticulous, with the result that this study contains a great deal of important material never before published." - The G.K. Chesterton Study Centre (London) "The most important work on Chesterton in the last 50 years." - Aidan Mackey, Chesterton Literary Estate "Biography at its best. Rarely has a biography left me feeling so close to the subject. Pearce writes beautifully clean and lucid prose. A book I will read many times." - Walter Hooper, Author, A Guide to C.S. Lewis Joseph Pearce is a British writer and author who spent five years researching and writing this biography. He credits Chesterton's writings for his conversion from agnosticism to Catholicism. Length: 536 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 21.95 USD
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