Lent and Easter Wisdom from Fulton J. Sheen: Daily Scripture and Prayers Together With Sheen's Own Words

By: A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication

Price: $9.95

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Timeless words from the pen of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen inspire the heart and imagination as readers embark on a Lenten journey toward a better understanding of their spiritual selves. Covering the traditional themes of Lent--sin and salvation, death and Resurrection, sorrow and hope, ashes and lilies--these 50 passages and accompanying mini-prayers offer readers a practical spiritual program as a retreat from the cares and concerns of a secular world view. Pages: 128 Size: 5.5" X 8.25" Inches Paperback

Title: Lent and Easter Wisdom from Fulton J. Sheen: Daily Scripture and Prayers Together With Sheen's Own Words

Author Name: A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication

Location Published: L-p30-2010

Categories: Easter, Lent

Seller ID: 60002