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As a child and adult, Edith Stein made love of family, friends, and the whole human race a priority in her life. As a German during World War I, she wanted to serve and to heal which she did as a Red Cross nurse. As a woman she wanted to fight for women's rights which she did as a very young suffragette and leader of the Catholic Women's Movement in Europe. Her hunger was to learn, to understand truth and to philosophize. Her seminal work as philosopher and theologian wedded phenomenology to scholasticism and brought her wide acclaim as an innovative thinker. As a convert to Catholicism she wanted to be faithful to her Jewish heritage in imitation of Christ's passion, and to expiate for the human sins which caused the Shoah. And she did all three -- to the point of martyrdom. This is the story of her life and thought. 164 pp
Title: The Life and Thought of St. Edith Stein
Categories: Saints, Autobiography,
Publisher: A:
Seller ID: 7226