Church and New Media

Price: $14.95

Quantity: 5 available

A 25-year-old part-time blogger and full-time mechanical engineer is convinced that the Catholic Church needs to embrace new media as it did print, radio, and television. If She wants to connect with her flock, Brandon Vogt says, the Church needs to engage the digital revolution. And some of the Church's most influential shepherds agree. With endorsements from three cardinals, two archbishops, and a Vatican communications official, Vogt has produced a groundbreaking book on technology and faith, which also includes contributions from dozens of other Catholic new media experts. People around the world are adjusting to the greatest communication shift since the dawn of the printing press. Millions today communicate through Facebook, YouTube, blogs, and Twitter, which means the effectiveness of the Church's message depends on engaging these New Media tools. Author Brandon Vogt - a mechanical engineer by profession - is a writer and speaker who blogs about theology, technology, social justice, and books. This rare convergence of talent and professional background has positioned him to write a primer that is virtually a stand-alone resource.

Title: Church and New Media

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Categories: General Books,

Publisher: DOSP:

Seller ID: 228