All Ye Lands - Grade 6 History Textbook

Price: $55.00

Quantity: 4 available

Views: 154

Catholic Schools Textbook Project This is the first volume of five books aimed at grades 6-9 to teach world history and geography. Produced with the absolute highest quality in design, color, illustrations, paper and bindings, this textbook project for Catholic schools employs the writing and editing talents of a group of highly qualified teachers, authors, editors and artists to present these magnificent texts. Produced under the direction of general editor Dr. Rollin Lasseter of the University of Dallas, this volume covers world history and culture up through the Middle Ages, as well as developments in China, Japan, Russia, Europe, Africa and the Americas up to the mid 1800's. The lavish use of color photos, drawings and maps combined with the excellent writing make this volume and series the best available today. Ilustrated Length: 352 pages Edition: Hardcover

Title: All Ye Lands - Grade 6 History Textbook

Inscription: World Cultures and Geography

Categories: Home Schooling, Curriculum

Seller ID: 527