Catechism of the Catholic Church

Price: $29.95

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Second Edition Incorporates all the final modifications made in the official Latin text of the Catechism, and includes a more extensive analytical index and a new glossary of terms used. The Catechism draws from Scripture, Western and Eastern traditions of the Church, the Liturgy, Magisterium, the Code of Canon Law and the teachings of the saints. The first Universal Catechism in over 400 years, approved by Pope John Paul II and intended for all adult Catholics, this long-awaited historic document is a beautifully written and clearly stated synthesis of the Catholic Church's teaching on faith, morals, prayer, and the sacraments Length: 928 pages Edition: Paperback

Title: Catechism of the Catholic Church

Author Name:

Categories: Catechism, Catholic Faith,

Publisher: i p:

Seller ID: 560