Baltimore Catechism No 1. Since 1885, the Baltimore Catechism has been used as an incomparable tool for passing on the faith to the next generation. The modern revival of this Catechism reflects a growing desire among Catholics to understand and learn the truths of their Faith. The Baltimore Catechism clearly and concisely explains what Catholics believe in an accessible question and answer format. Baltimore Catechism No. 1 is a superb teaching instrument with 33 lessons appropriate for grades 4-7. The content is structured and limited in order to be easily grasped by young children. Parents a... View More...
Catechism of the Council of Trent. Previously known as the "Roman Catechism," this authoritative catechism was produced by the Council of Trent and originally published in 1566. St. Pius IV and participants in the Council he convened during the Protestant Reformation recognized the need for a systematic explanation of the Catholic faith. The Catechism of the Council of Trent, organized for methodical instruction of the faithful, still serves as an excellent compendium of the Church's doctrine and life. Scholars and amateur Church historians will certainly want to have this primary source close... View More...
Devotion to the Holy Spirit. Explains the classic seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to obtain them. It shows how the Holy Ghost works in our souls, and what the soul is like with the Holy Spirit and also without Him. Plus, contained here are many prayers to the Holy Spirit that will draw us closer to Him. This little book is the key to receiving the Holy Spirit profoundly into our hearts and receiving the treasures of sanctity that He wants to pour out upon us. 80 pages View More...
Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother. Many Catholics are unaware of our holy traditions on and powerful devotions to the Sorrows of Mary. Based on Scripture and the lives of the Saints, this little book will open eyes and hearts to the Sorrows of Our Lady. View More...
Good St. Anne. St. Anne, the beloved Mother of Our Lady and Grandmother of Our Lord, has proved herself a heavenly helper in every need. She is especially invoked as Patroness of Mothers, Comfort of the Sorrowing, Mother of the Poor, Health of the Sick, Patroness of the Childless, Help of the Pregnant, Model of Married Women and Mothers, Protectress of Widows and Patroness of Laborers. 63 pgs. View More...
This beautiful book contains messages and lessons of love received from the Eternal Father, Our Lord. The Blessed Mother and Saints like Padre Pio and St. Francis of Assisi. Each lesson, taught by our Divine Teachers, will benefit everyone at any level of spirituality. These heavenly messages are messages of love, teachings of truth, and prophetic warnings. They are an urgent plea from heaven for conversion of heart. 398 pages. View More...
Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven. A dynamite little booklet covering every aspect of Fatima--the story, the message, the meaning for today. Over 7 million sold in all editions! Fatima is the hope of the world! Tells about the prophecies, some of which have already come to pass. There were 3 secrets, confided to 3 shepherd children - the third of which was supposed to be revealed by 1960 - the eve of Vatican II. 32 pages View More...
Our Pioneers and Patriots Set. Includes text book plus the Answer Key No. 1855. See below for a list of individual items in Our Pioneers and Patriots Set. Items included in Our Pioneers and Patriots Set : Our Pioneers and Patriots, and Our Pioneers and Patriots - Answer Key. View More...
Prayer -- The Great Means of Grace. Based on Scripture and the lives and words of the Saints, this booklet shows the great power of our seemingly lowly prayers of petition especially the Our Father and Hail Mary. According to the great St. Alphonsus Liguori, the choice bewteen going to Heaven or to Hell depends on whether or not we pray! View More...
St. Jude Thaddeus. In desperate circumstances, the Faithful have always turned to the sure help of St. Jude Thaddeus - Apostle, cousin of Our Lord and martyr for the Catholic Faith. This powerful Saint is invoked in cases of extreme need, grievous illness, poverty, and when circumstances seem hopeless. Plus, he is a special defender of (and helper in regaining) purity. St. Jude has obtained remedies and comfort for countless people who have turned to him in prayer. It explains his relationship to Our Lord and describes his preaching of the Gospel in Persia. There, along with St. Simon, he perf... View More...
Inscription: Universal Doctor of the Church c. 1225-1274
Seller ID: 401
St. Thomas Aquinas. The "Angelic Doctor" and "Universal Doctor," his intellect and learning were phenomenal, yet he was humble and charming. Knew the Bible by heart, remembered all he had read, could dictate to 3 secretaries at once. All the charming stories about him. Great! 38 pages View More...
Devotion to the Holy Spirit. Explains the classic seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to obtain them. It shows how the Holy Ghost works in our souls, and what the soul is like with the Holy Spirit and also without Him. Plus, contained here are many prayers to the Holy Spirit that will draw us closer to Him. This little book is the key to receiving the Holy Spirit profoundly into our hearts and receiving the treasures of sanctity that He wants to pour out upon us. View More...
The Guardian Angels. This little book reveals one of God's greatest "secrets"--how He governs the world by assigning an Angel to watch over each person, diocese, town, parish, etc. It explains how these blessed spirits protect souls and bodies in ways both miraculous and ordinary. Impr. 64 pgs View More...
The Old World and America. A famous 5th-8th grade world history text. Guides the student from Creation through the Flood, pre-historic people, the ancient East, Greeks, Romans, the triumph of the Church, Middle Ages, Renaissance, discovery of the New World and Protestant Revolt, ending with the early exploration of the New World. A great asset for home-schoolers and Catholic schools alike! No. 1002. (ISBN: 9780895552020) (This product can also be purchased as part of the following set: The Old World and America Set.) The Old World and America Answer Key. An extremely valuable and helpful r... View More...
The Penny Catechism. 300 questions and answers on all aspects of the Faith. Excellent basic class text and short summary of Catholic teaching for everyone. Easy to read, won't overwhelm the prospective convert! Great for missionary work or apologetics. An official catechism. Impr. 72 pgs View More...
Who is Padre Pio?. A remarkable life sketch of the famous saintly priest who bore the stigmata, or wounds of Christ. (Padre Pio died in 1968.) He possessed the gifts of celestial perfume, bilocation, and reading of hearts. 44 pages View More...