This is truly a landmark text. Dr. McDonald explores the struggles of today's Catholic family in a thorough and challenging way. He has left nothing out. This books is destined to be read with avid interest and kept as a standard reference for years to come. Fr. Bob Bedard, Founder, The companions of the Crosss This book is clearly graced and deeply insightful. This work may be cruical to helping families be restored to Christ, our Savior. Michael D. O'Brien, Founding Editor, Nazareth Family Journal 236 pages. View More...
Denzinger Sources of Catholic Dogma. A comprehensive source book on authentic Catholic dogma. English translation of Father Heinrich Denzinger's Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum. First published a century and a half ago. Handbook of articles of faith and morals since the pontificate of Blessed Pope Pius IX. The Enchiridion has been updated periodically; this edition was issued in 1957. Includes all articles and creeds of the Catholic Faith beginning with the twelve apostles, all dogmatic definitions stamped with the authority of the Apostolic See (ex cathedra), decrees of the solemn magi... View More...
Annulment. A perplexing word. To some, both Catholics and non-Catholics alike, it is synonymous with ?Catholic divorce.? Others think that an annulment makes children illegitimate. Many questions abound regarding this issue. This book seperates fact from fiction. View More...
Few topics in the Catholic Church are more misunderstood than annulments. To some, both Catholics and non-Catholics alike, it is synonymous with "Catholic divorce." Written in everday language, Annulments and the Catholic Church is an invaluable resource for lay people who want to understand this challenging issue and pastoral leaders who need to offer guidance on questions of theology and canon law. This book addresses the most common questions people have about annulments, including: * How is an annulment different from a divorce? * Are there too many annulmen... View More...
Excommunication. To our modern ears, the very word evokes something dark and foreboding, something out-of-place in contemporary society. Many associate excommunication with the medieval Church, with the Inquisition and witch-hunts, and think it has no place in our more enlightened, tolerant times. Yet this ecclesiastical discipline is as relevant today as it was five hundred or a thousand years ago, an unfortunate last resort in combating the rebellion the Church faces in every age from some of her members. In this intriguing book, canon and civil lawyer Edward N. Peters offers a compelling... View More...
Available for the first time in a comprehensive English translation, this thoroughly annotated but easy-to-use presentation of the classic 1917 Code of Canon Law by canon and civil lawyer Dr. Edward Peters is destined to become the standard reference work on this milestone of Church law. More than just of historical interest, the 1917 Code is an indispensable tool for understanding the current 1983 Code under which the Roman Catholic Church governs itself. Dr. Peters' faithful translation of the original Latin text of 1917, along with his detailed references to such key canonical works as C... View More...
Written for a type of priest frequently encountered by the author – the priest who wants very much to do the right thing but has never been able to get going. The personal, chatty style of the letters conceals a rich theology of Eucharist, Sacraments, prayer, preaching, and the liturgical year, with a psychological underpinning giving the material a more human expression. Length: 153 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
This book examines the practice of the nine First Fridays devotion. With this simple practice, one can obtain eternal salvation. Bestseller. While supplies Last. 298 pages View More...
Since the 17th century the history of deaconesses in the Church has been the subject of numerous monographs. What is most evident about the history of deaconesses, however, is how complex the whole subject is. In this exhaustive and thoroughly researched work, Martimort presents a very readable analysis that has become the standard study of the role of women deaconesses in the early Church. He presents in as complete and objective fashion as possible the history, who and what these deaconesses were and what their functions were. "An excellent book on the topic of ordination of women to the ... View More...
Shows that the Ten Commandments are rooted in common sense and good judgment, and a nation committed to law and order is committing civil euthanasia by outlawing the Ten Commandments from the public forum. 54 pages View More...
This compelling explanation of the Catholic faith focuses on seven topics that are hardest hit by competing modern world-views, pointing out the strong scriptural foundation for the Trinity, the Eucharist, the Church, salvation, confession, purgatory, and Mary. The seven appendices alone are worth the price of this book. Softcover, 311 pages View More...
The mixed results of the ecumenical dialogue since the Second Vatican Council have made it clear that the primacy of the Bishop of Rome remains the single most serious obstacle on the path of ecumenism. In his landmark 1995 encyclical Ut unum sint, Pope John Paul II reiterated the constant teaching that the Catholic Church “has preserved the ministry of the Successor of the Apostle Peter, the Bishop of Rome”. He also invited leaders and theologians of other Christian communities to engage in a “patient and fraternal dialogue on this subject…to find a way of exercising the primacy which, whi... View More...
This clear and unequivocal call for personal reform as the basis of authentic renewal in society and in the Church is rooted in several sources. The work of an internationally recognized Biblical scholar (Rudolph Schnackenburg) is woven in with the observations of contemporary social critics as well as behavioral scientists. The author does not spare anyone's feelings in an attempt at a critical and objective analysis of the serious problems of the Catholic Church and "mainstream" religious denominations in America. This book definitively places the onus for reform on the individual Christi... View More...
Classic Catholic Converts presents the compelling stories of over 25 well-known converts to Catholicism from the 19th and 20th centuries. It tells of powerful testimonials to God's grace, men and women from all walks of life in Europe and America whose search for the fullness of truth led them to the Catholic Church. It is the witness of brilliant intellectuals, social workers, scientists, authors, film producers, clergy, businessmen, artists and others who, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, studied and prayed their way into the Church. Fr. Charles Connor writes insightful and wonde... View More...