In the twelve months before his sudden death, Hans Urs von Balthasar had been writing a series of reflections on the twelve articles of the Apostles' Creed. These texts, which are undoubtedly among the last things he wrote, take on the character of a legacy, a spiritual testament. For they amount in their extraordinary compactness and depth to a little "summa" of his theology. What he had set out in detail in numerous book over five decades, he summarizes here in contemplative plainness and simplicity. All the characteristics that make von Balthasar's work so distinctive and valuable are to... View More...
The Church's teaching on Hell has been generally neglected by theologians, with the notable exception of Fr. von Balthasar. However, what he has said has stirred controversy both in Europe and in the United States. Here he responds in a clear and concise way, grounding his reflections clearly in Scripture. Revelation gives us neither the assurance that all will be saved, nor the certitude that any are condemned. What it does require of us is the "hope that all men be saved" rooted in a love of Christ that reaches even into the depths of Hell. Length: 254 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
Virtually every aspect of Catholicism which is controversial within the Church or a stumbling block to non-Catholic Christians is treated in this book. Rather than avoiding what is most glaringly un-modern or what is most criticized by non-Catholics, Balthasar reviews these elements one by one, and shows how they are rooted in the central Christian mysteries and the commonly accepted tradition. What is specifically Catholic is not defended polemically, but described in such a way that others can see, even from their own point of view, the inner consistency with the mystery affirmed by all. Her... View More...
It is not only the Catholics who attend Sunday Mass, but also the priests who preach at Mass who feel overwhelmed by the three scripture readings in which for the most part only the first from the Old Testament and the third from the Gospel have any interconnection, while the second from the apostolic letters stands by itself. This book seeks to present the common theses that connect all three of the readings for Sundays and feasts of the Lord in the three year cycle of readings. The reflections here are meant to be theological and spiritual suggestions that the one who is preaching can dev... View More...
Written in the 1950s, this book defines and anticipates, in a prophetic way, the role of the laity in the Church, and the intimate relationship between the Church and the world. These two themes were recognized by the Second Vatican Council especially in the two constitutions "On the Church" and "The Church in the Modern World." Von Balthasar's "bastions" are barriers erected over the centuries which separated the laity from the clergy and the Church from the Length: 90 pages Edition: Paperbackworld. He pleads for a Church that interprets "the signs of the age," grasps them and answers t... View More...
Overcoming the dualism between the Church and the world requires a decisive engagement: the yeast must disappear into the dough in order to become bread, but this bread must in turn be consecrated to God. With his characteristic theological depth and historical breadth, von Balthasar discusses the development of secular institutes-groups of lay people who live the life of the counsels, poverty, chastity, and obedience, in the world-as a response to the problems of our time. In the process, he sketches the outlines of a theology of states of life in the Church, presents a fascinating account of... View More...
enri de Lubac Reflects on the Circumstances that Occasioned His Writings Henri de Lubac In the words of Hans Urs von Balthasar, this memoir ``explains the genesis, meaning and fate of the books of Father de Lubac, and situates them within the course of the various stages of his life, his studies, his meetings, his friendships as well as his legendary exiles and banishment." Written by one whose life intertwined deeply with the great personalities and events of the pre- and post-Vatican II periods, the book provides a unique perspective on the intellectual and religious life of the Church and... View More...
De Lubac shows that Christian Tradition is a living force and in the Apostle's Creed there is both depth and relevance for today's understanding of the Christian message. Length: 353 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
Considered by many the bright jewel among the many enriching books of Cardinal Henri de Lubac, this work is a hymn to the beauty of the Church, under some of whose leaders for a time he unjustly suffered. The Splendor of the Church is, in a sense, a personal testimony of the great theologian's humility and love of the Church of Christ. It is also a classic work in the theology of the Church. Indeed, de Lubac's profound insights significantly contributed to Vatican II's Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, especially in its treatment on the Church as mystery and as the Sacrament ... View More...
Essays of a Catholic. Belloc turns his powerful mind, erudition, robust common sense and supreme confidence in the Catholic Faith to a host of topics, including The New Paganism, Legend, Usury, The Schools, The Two Cultures of the West, The Catholic Church and The Modern State, etc. Belloc predicted--and explains--the chaos we now witness. This brilliant work is a tonic sorely needed by Catholics today! View More...
There are times when you just know, as if by instinct, and often before you're able to say exactly why, that an argument you're hearing is fatally flawed; it gives off something like the hollow thunk of cheap glass. But then there are those rare and precious times when you read a book or an article and - ping! - there's no mistaking: This is the real thing. At the banquet table of apologetics, James Akin's The Salvation Controversy is the finest of fine crystal. 154 pages View More...
The Faith of Our Fathers. Explains the basic tenets of the Catholic Faith and why we hold them. Delves into the historical background of virtually everything people find hard to understand about our Religion, such as priestly celibacy, sacred images, the Church and the Bible, the primacy of Peter, Communion under one kind, invocation of the Saints, etc. First published in 1876, when there was much anti- Catholic sentiment in the U.S., it sold 1.4 million copies in 40 years and has been reprinted many times since. View More...
Catholicism in Motion is a collection of articles by sociologist James D. Davidson, Ph.D., on issues facing Catholics in the United States. The book looks at the state of Catholicism in America past, present, and future, and at the average American Catholic from economical, political, social, and cultural standpoints. Part II of the book examines opportunities and challenges facing contemporary Catholics, including clergy issues and parish education. The final section is devoted to current beliefs and practices of American Catholics. Well-researched, this book is an informative collection o... View More...
Catholicism in Motion is a collection of articles by sociologist James D. Davidson, Ph.D., on issues facing Catholics in the United States. The book looks at the state of Catholicism in America past, present, and future, and at the average American Catholic from economical, political, social, and cultural standpoints. Part II of the book examines opportunities and challenges facing contemporary Catholics, including clergy issues and parish education. The final section is devoted to current beliefs and practices of American Catholics. Well-researched, this book is an informative collection o... View More...
Catholicism in Motion is a collection of articles by sociologist James D. Davidson, Ph.D., on issues facing Catholics in the United States. The book looks at the state of Catholicism in America past, present, and future, and at the average American Catholic from economical, political, social, and cultural standpoints. Part II of the book examines opportunities and challenges facing contemporary Catholics, including clergy issues and parish education. The final section is devoted to current beliefs and practices of American Catholics. Well-researched, this book is an informative collection o... View More...
The best comprehensive Q and A book on the Faith in print today. Here are the answers to more than 800 of the most difficult religious and moral questions of the day- from abortion to homosexuality to Marian apparitions to women priests. Contains hundreds of quotations from official Church sources. This book should be in every catholic home and in the hands of everyone writing, teaching, or speaking abou the truths of the Catholic faith. Makes it easy to find answers to the common and unusual questions that intrigue and perplex us. Softcover, 240 pages View More...
After setting forth guidelines for arriving at sound ethical and moral decisions, including how to form a correct conscience, Catholicism and Ethics applies these guidelines to such vital health-care issues as artificial insemination, cloning, "test tube" babies, organ and tissue transplants, artificial nutrition and hydration, and the use of ordinary vs. extraordinary means. The book also traces the history of the Church’s opposition to artificial contraception, shows why abortion and physician-assisted killing are terrible crimes, and presents sample health-care proxies governing end-of-life... View More...
James J. Drummey, editor of the weekly "Catholic Replies" column that has appeared in The Wanderer newspaper since 1991, has been involved in the religious education field for more than 30 years. He is the author of two question-and-answer books, Catholic Replies and Catholic Replies 2, co-author of the five-volume Catholicism textbook series that is being used in hundreds of Catholic high schools and parish religion programs, and a popular speaker and defender of the Catholic Church. Softcover, 112 pages View More...
After taking notice of the terrible consequences that follow from ignoring God and essential moral standards, Catholicism and Life discusses in detail the moral code handed down to us in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. The book touches on many of the moral dilemmas facing individuals today and offers practical advice on how to resolve those dilemmas by adopting God's blueprint for our lives. Catholicism and Life also traces the scriptural basis for the Sacraments and explains in detail how God pours out His graces on us through these seven channels, particularly through the H... View More...