The most readable apologetics book on the market today, Catholicism and Reason offers a systematic presentation of Catholic beliefs that will prepare the reader to be a knowledgeable and articulate defender of the Catholic Faith. The book focuses on such topics as the existence of God, the historical reliability of the Gospels, the humanity and divinity of Christ, proofs for the resurrection, the founding of the Catholic Church on Peter, and the signs or marks that point to the Church of Jesus Christ today. Also discussed are infallibility, ecumenism, the Blessed Trinity, original and actual s... View More...
An easy-to-read account of salvation history that is suitable for Catholics of all ages, from high-schoolers to senior citizens, Catholicism & Scripture first provides a one-chapter summary ("The Big Picture") of the Bible from Adam to St. Paul. The text then presents a chapter-by-chapter account of the important persons and events in both the Old and New Testaments, and shows how the ancient but ever-new Word of God can be applied to everyday life in the twenty-first century. The book is unique in discussing the life of Christ through the twenty Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Myste... View More...
Starting with the importance of the Beatitudes in living out our call to holiness, Catholicism and Society offers valuable insights and sound advice on the role of marriage and family in building a good and just society. The book discusses the purposes of marriage, the interplay of husbands and wives and parents and children, how to raise teenagers, and how to combat the anti-family evils of contraception, abortion, and euthanasia. Catholicism and Society also applies Christian moral principles to the role of women in society, the treatment of the elderly, racial discrimination, morality in pu... View More...
For the 25th anniversary year of the historic document Humanae Vitae(1968), Janet Smith has gathered together twenty-one outstanding essays and articles by well-respected thinkers to provide the demonstration that Pope Paul VI was not simply correct, but prophetic. While this document is still widely neglected and misunderstood, the Church continues to proclaim that contraception is a moral evil and that the view of man, sexuality, and marriage that leads to the use of the Pill is not one that is compatible with human dignity, sexual responsibility and spousal love. Many are unaware that th... View More...
This booklet contains a synopsis of each presentation, reflection questions, and possible action responses for each talk as well as an opening and closing prayer to be used with each adult study group session. The Third Annual Conference on The Catholic Church in the 21st Century sponsored by the Catholic Community Foundation of Kansas City took place on June 4, 2005. Six distinguished Catholic theologians addressed a symposium of over six hundred people on the topic of Spirituality for the 21st Century. The symposium treated this topic from the following perspectives: 1. What is Spirit... View More...
In this book, Jeff Cavins explores the reasons why many Catholics don't seem to fully appreciate the unparalleled gifts of the Holy Eucharist, and why some have even left the Church for evangelical Christianity. He responds to the most commonly-heard complaint of these former Catholics that they simply were not being "fed" by their Church and that they longed for a more personal relationship with Christ. Softcover, 141 pages View More...
Here, Jeff Cavins shares his "re-conversion" story, the story of his return to the Catholic faith after twelve years as a Protestant minister. He starts with his upbringing as a typical Catholic, the experiences which led him to embrace evangelical Christianity as a teenager, and the events that brought him "home" to the Catholic Church. This talk will bolster your belief in the truth of the Catholic faith. View More...
Amazing Grace for the Catholic Heart will help you celebrate your Catholic faith like no other book you have ever read. It will take your heart and soul on a joyous spiritual retreat from the challenges and struggles of everyday life. This collection of 101 stories of faith, inspiration, hope and humor attest to the power and beauty of God s amazing grace. View More...
The Church Teaches. 354 pages of famous dogmatic Church pronouncements: The Athanasian Creed; Oath against Modernism; Interpretation of Sacred Scripture; Condemnation of the Modernists; Papal Infallibility; etc. Fully indexed; excellent reference! 416 pgs View More...
Contemporary political venues have put religious belief at the forefront of our thinking. Yet, we live in a world where religion has become a tool people can use to their advantage rather than a means of growing closer to God. In this revised edition of In Search of Belief, Sister Joan Chittister challenges readers to reflect upon whether they truly live what they say they believe or whether they have created their own images of God to suit whatever is convenient for their personal and/or social situations. With a new foreword by Tom Roberts (National Catholic Reporter) and a new Introducti... View More...
This highly-praised major work by Johannes Quasten is a four volume set considered the standard for anyone who wants to do a serious study of the Church Fathers. It is the first work of its kind originally in English that covers from the Apostles' Creed to Irenaeus to the Golden Age of Greek and of Latin Patristic Literature.Length: 1,760 pages (4 volumes) Edition: Paperback View More...
This book gets its title, and is based upon, the words with which Pope John Paul II reaffirmed the teachings of the Vatican Council II on the role of the laity in the active life of the Church. It is full of examples of lay apostles and saints of TODAY. 218 pages View More...
Rev. Dowling shows how salvation is an ongoing process in the life of Catholics. In the process of salvation, Catholics feel empowered by God's grace. They cooperate with that grace to respond to God's call to eternal life. Pamphlet Pages: 24 View More...
The Fathers of the Church have been a vital source of wisdom and inspiration for countless saints, popes, peasants, and converts throughout the history of the Church. In this powerful one-volume library, Father Willis presents more than 250 selected doctrinal topics in an exhaustive selection of writings from the major sources of the Fathers. He lets the Fathers speak for themselves on a wide variety of spiritual themes. “The Teachings of the Church Fathers is arranged thematically, much like the Catechism of the Catholic Church, to which this book is a useful supplement. He has gathered ke... View More...
A complete overview and history of Catholic spirituality from the Apostles to the present day. Aumann's excellent and interesting survey of the many spiritual traditions in the Catholic Church shows the wonderful variety of saints and spiritualities that are part of our rich Catholic heritage. Length: 336 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
One of the great philosophers of the 20th Century, Josef Pieper, gives a penetrating introduction and guide to the life and works of perhaps the greatest philosopher ever, St. Thomas Aquinas. Pieper provides a biography of Aquinas, an overview of the 13th century he lived in, and a wonderful synthesis of his vast writings. Pieper shows how Aquinas reconciled the pragmatic thought of Aristotle with the Church, proving that realistic knowledge need not preclude belief in the spiritual realities of religion. According to Pieper, the marriage of faith and reason proposed by Aquinas in his great... View More...
In the decade following the Second Vatican Council - roughly 1965-1975 - the Jesuit order underwent an internal transformation probably greater than any it had experienced in its previous 400 years. The Re-Formed Jesuits provides a detailed history of this Jesuit experience in the United States. This history has great significance beyond itself. The entire Catholic Church has undergone a similar transformation, stemming from similar roots. A detailed history like the present one provides a unique window into that larger scene. The Jesuit history is part of a major cultural shift in the West... View More...