The Treasure of My catholic Faith utilizes the New Catechism of the Catholic Church as its fundamental reference to present the truths of the faith. Therefore, fidelity to the doctrine approved by the Magisterium of the Church is assured. Over the course of this grade school program the whole of the Catholic doctrine is presented. The students will receive teachings on all aspects of Catholicism."The Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee the Use of the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has found this catechetical text, copyright 2003 to be in conformity with the catechism of the C... View More...
The Treasure of My catholic Faith utilizes the New Catechism of the Catholic Church as its fundamental reference to present the truths of the faith. Therefore, fidelity to the doctrine approved by the Magisterium of the Church is assured. Over the course of this grade school program the whole of the Catholic doctrine is presented. The students will receive teachings on all aspects of Catholicism. "The Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee the Use of the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Soft cover View More...
Celebrate First Holy Communion! Betty is going to receive First Holy Communion! Come along with three sisters, Betty, Lilly and Rita, as Betty receives Jesus for the very first time in Holy Communion. As Betty comes to know the truth about the bread and wine at Mass, your little one will draw closer to Christ in the Eucharist. Celebrate Reconciliation! It is a special day! Betty is going to church to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the very first time! Come along as she prays about God’s goodness and how much God loves her and wants to forgive her sins. Your little one will co... View More...
Three Brothers Tote Kit Includes the following: Family Prayer Activity Card Provides a fun family activity to reinforce the Sacraments - in full color and laminated for durability. Go Fish Sacrament Card Game Features selected illustrations from the Sacrament book series on 52-cards plus instruction card. Celebrate First Holy Communion! Betty is going to receive First Holy Communion! Come along with three sisters, Betty, Lilly and Rita, as Betty receives Jesus for the very first time in Holy Communion. As Betty comes to know the truth about the bread and wine at Mass, your little o... View More...
Celebrate First Holy Communion! Betty is going to receive First Holy Communion! Come along with three sisters, Betty, Lilly and Rita, as Betty receives Jesus for the very first time in Holy Communion. As Betty comes to know the truth about the bread and wine at Mass, your little one will draw closer to Christ in the Eucharist. Celebrate Reconciliation! It is a special day! Betty is going to church to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the very first time! Come along as she prays about God’s goodness and how much God loves her and wants to forgive her sins. Your little one will co... View More...
Today’s Disciples - The essential role of the laity in the Church. Never before in the history of the Church has the essential role of the layperson been so dramatically emphasized as it is now. Particularly since Vatican II, the Church has called for a renewal in the life and role of the laity. Yet, for many of us we don’t understand what that means. To be able to fulfill our important role in the Church, we must more clearly understand the Church’s teaching on laity. We must recognize that the lay state is indeed a “vocation” and integral to the mission of the Church. With the Today... View More...
Today’s Disciples - The essential role of the laity in the Church. Never before in the history of the Church has the essential role of the layperson been so dramatically emphasized as it is now. Particularly since Vatican II, the Church has called for a renewal in the life and role of the laity. Yet, for many of us we don’t understand what that means. Edition: Paperback To be able to fulfill our important role in the Church, we must more clearly understand the Church’s teaching on laity. We must recognize that the lay state is indeed a “vocation” and integral to the mission of the Church... View More...
A Catholic religion curriculum for children 3 years old through kindergarten with the text/workbooks for each pre-school level that presents the faith in a lively, colorful manner with state of the art graphics. * Founded on two unifying key truths: God and creation. * Stresses the dignity of each child made in God's image. * Presents the faith in terms and activities children understand. * Each lesson includes Bible stories, "Concepts of Faith", home activities and fun workshops. Length: 172 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
A Catholic religion curriculum for children 3 years old through kindergarten with the text/workbooks for each pre-school level that presents the faith in a lively, colorful manner with state of the art graphics. * Founded on two unifying key truths: God and creation. * Stresses the dignity of each child made in God's image. * Presents the faith in terms and activities children understand. * Each lesson includes Bible stories, "Concepts of Faith", home activities and fun workshops. Length: 111 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
A Catholic religion curriculum for children 3 years old through kindergarten with the text/workbooks for each pre-school level that presents the faith in a lively, colorful manner with state of the art graphics. * Founded on two unifying key truths: God and creation. * Stresses the dignity of each child made in God's image. * Presents the faith in terms and activities children understand. * Each lesson includes Bible stories, "Concepts of Faith", home activities and fun workshops. Length: 108 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
A Catholic religion curriculum for children 3 years old through kindergarten with the text/workbooks for each pre-school level that presents the faith in a lively, colorful manner with state of the art graphics. * Founded on two unifying key truths: God and creation. * Stresses the dignity of each child made in God's image. * Presents the faith in terms and activities children understand. * Each lesson includes Bible stories, ``Concepts of Faith", home activities and fun workshops. Length: 175 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
Image of God Perform-a-text combines text and activity in one book. Clear, comprehensive and interesting presentation of the Catholic Faith based on seven key concepts: God, Creation, Christ, Church, Grace, Sacraments and Commandments. Stories from Scripture, lives of the saints and contemporary situations give students Catholic role models and examples of living the faith. The lessons are complimented by colorful illustrations. THEME: Emphasis on a deeper understanding of the nature and persons of God, and who we are as images of God. The powers that god gives us and how we should use t... View More...
Image of God # Teacher's manuals are very detailed, thorough and full of practical ideas.Review and discussion questions stimulate classroom dialogue and help children verbalize what they have learned. # Liturgical and Holiday lessons help children participate in the Church year. Prayer service suggestions build a spirit of community as children pray together spontaneous and formal prayers. # Living the Lesson sections relates concepts of faith to everyday living. Length: 286 pages Edition: Paperback Who Loves Me Always? - Grade 2 Student Text - Paperback Who Loves Me Always? -... View More...
This complete kit to start your study group includes: an elegant Women of Grace tote bag, Johnette’s book, Full of Grace, a beautifully bound Study Guide, Facilitator’s Guide with answer key, theme song CD and 8 lectures by Johnette on VHS or DVD (please specify format when ordering). Women of Grace Study Series Women excert a powerful influence in the home, the workplace, in the public square, in family faith formation, and in parish involvement. They must be grounded in their own faith so that they can heed and respond to Vatican II’s call to “aid humanity in not falling”. Johnnette Benk... View More...
This beautifully bound, illustrated study guide is required for all participants. (also included in the Facilitator Kit) Women of Grace Study Series Women excert a powerful influence in the home, the workplace, in the public square, in family faith formation, and in parish involvement. They must be grounded in their own faith so that they can heed and respond to Vatican II’s call to “aid humanity in not falling”. Johnnette Benkovic, host of The Abundant Life on EWTN, has developed this small-group study program to catechize all women so they can heed God’s special call. It is faithful to t... View More...
Journey of Faith: The Word into Life contains exercises to assist Christian initiation groups of all ages "break open" the Word of God in the Sunday Scriptures. Includes cross-referencing to help you use Journey of Faith catechetical handouts in a lectionary-based approach to Christian initiation. Paperback Pages: 176 View More...
The Word into Life is a valuable tool that will help leaders of Christian initiation groups "break open" the word of God proclaimed in the Sunday liturgy. Whether group participants are adults, adolescents, or children, The Word into Life offers commentary and questions for discussion to bring the Sunday Scriptures alive. Pages: 176 Paperback View More...
Our Pioneers and Patriots Set. Includes text book plus the Answer Key No. 1855. See below for a list of individual items in Our Pioneers and Patriots Set. Items included in Our Pioneers and Patriots Set : Our Pioneers and Patriots, and Our Pioneers and Patriots - Answer Key. View More...
Now you can compare the places mentioned in the Bible with modern day cities and countries. Make Bible study even more interesting by showing where Bible places are today. The Then and Now Bible Maps book gives you full-color Bible maps with clear plastic overlays of modern cities and countires in this 20-page 8 1/2" x 11" spiral bound book. This helps to engage your Bible studies by showing you where a Bible city of country is today. * Daniel was taken as a POW to Iraq (where the ruins of Babylon are today south of Baghdad) and lived there the rest of his life. * Th... View More...