What is the nature of woman? What is the "feminine genius" that Pope John Paul II speaks about? Why can woman rightly be called "God’s masterpiece?" In this inspirational talk, Christopher West answers these profound questions and more. Building on the Pope’s revolutionary Theology of the Body, West notes that woman's true greatness lies in her ability to bring new life into the world. In this light, the Blessed Virgin Mary can be seen as the central icon for femininity because the essence of her being was receptivity – her "yes" to God is a model for all women to follow. Softcover View More...
Your Call to Greatness, the first step in The Gift series, is a life-changing experience. You will come to see, perhaps for the first time, who you really are - and what you are called to be. God's plan for us is stamped right into our bodies, and understanding this plan will give you a new lens through which to see your life, your relationships, and the world around you. In this one-hour talk, Christopher West addresses and answers some of the most fundamental questions of human existence, including: * What is our "call to greatness" and what is the key to unlocking it? * What... View More...
Your Call to Greatness, the first step in The Gift series, is a life-changing experience. You will come to see, perhaps for the first time, who you really are - and what you are called to be. God's plan for us is stamped right into our bodies, and understanding this plan will give you a new lens through which to see your life, your relationships, and the world around you. In this one-hour talk, Christopher West addresses and answers some of the most fundamental questions of human existence, including: * What is our "call to greatness" and what is the key to unlocking it? * What... View More...
Your Call to Greatness, the first step in The Gift series, is a life-changing experience. You will come to see, perhaps for the first time, who you really are - and what you are called to be. God's plan for us is stamped right into our bodies, and understanding this plan will give you a new lens through which to see your life, your relationships, and the world around you. In this one-hour talk, Christopher West addresses and answers some of the most fundamental questions of human existence, including: * What is our "call to greatness" and what is the key to unlocking it? * What ... View More...
Your Call to Greatness, the first step in The Gift series, is a life-changing experience. You will come to see, perhaps for the first time, who you really are - and what you are called to be. God's plan for us is stamped right into our bodies, and understanding this plan will give you a new lens through which to see your life, your relationships, and the world around you. In this one-hour talk, Christopher West addresses and answers some of the most fundamental questions of human existence, including: * What is our "call to greatness" and what is the key to unlocking it? * What ... View More...
The Parent Guide provides an informative overview of the entire course with an easy to understand explanation of Catholic teaching on sexual morality. Included are: helpful suggestions for exercises, communication, and family activities; specific lesson objectives, practical answers to today's problems; benefits of chastity education in the home, and recommended readings.Length: 71 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
The Student Text/Workbook is divided into 4 units which may be learned during a week or a month, or longer, depending on your individual curriculum needs.Length: 135 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
The Teacher Guide includes comprehensive notes and a complete duplication of the student text, making it easier to correlate both notes and text. Also included are specific lesson objectives, helpful suggestions for the exercises and suggested readings.Length: 199 pages Edition: Paperback View More...
In today’s world, it is all too easy for a young woman to fool herself with lies about love. What does she tell herself? “Guys don’t want a pure girl.” “Nobody’s getting hurt.” “It’s all fun and games.” “It’s my body. It’s my choice.” “If I say no, I might lose him.” “I can’t be alone.” “It’s too late for me.” “What good guy would want me?” “It’s impossible to stay pure.” Every woman longs for love, but many have given up. In Pure Womanhood, Crystalina Evert restores a woman’s hope. By her powerful testimony and blunt words of wisdom, she shows that real love is possibl... View More...
As young people enter the pivotal time of discovery, transition, growth, and crucial decision-making that are the teenage years, it's important they receive thorough catechetical instruction that speaks to their world. Combining fruitful group interaction with personal journaling, Liguori's Journey of Faith for Teens helps young people hear what God is saying about the issues they face, showing them the peaks and pitfalls as they learn to find their own way in the Church. Based on our bestselling Adult Initiation program, Journey of Faith for Teens addresses controversial issues, scientific... View More...
As young people enter the pivotal time of discovery, transition, growth, and crucial decision-making that are the teenage years, it's important they receive thorough catechetical instruction that speaks to their world. Combining fruitful group interaction with personal journaling, Liguori's Journey of Faith for Teens helps young people hear what God is saying about the issues they face, showing them the peaks and pitfalls as they learn to find their own way in the Church. Based on our best-selling Adult Initiation program, Journey of Faith for Teens addresses controversial issues, scientifi... View More...
As young people enter the pivotal time of discovery, transition, growth, and crucial decision-making that are the teenage years, it's important they receive thorough catechetical instruction that speaks to their world. Combining fruitful group interaction with personal journaling, Liguori's Journey of Faith for Teens helps young people hear what God is saying about the issues they face, showing them the peaks and pitfalls as they learn to find their own way in the Church. Based on our bestselling Adult Initiation program, Journey of Faith for Teens addresses controversial issues, scientific... View More...
As young people enter the pivotal time of discovery, transition, growth, and crucial decision-making that are the teenage years, it's important they receive thorough catechetical instruction that speaks to their world. Combining fruitful group interaction with personal journaling, Liguori's Journey of Faith for Teens helps young people hear what God is saying about the issues they face, showing them the peaks and pitfalls as they learn to find their own way in the Church. Based on our bestselling Adult Initiation program, Journey of Faith for Teens addresses controversial issues, scientific... View More...
This program takes a comprehensive look at the world of neonatology in the 21st century. You will meet doctors and nurses who work diligently to do everything they can to help babies and parents deal with the life and death issues of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Take a closer look at the ethical issues presented to the medical profession and the parents of children simply born too soon. This ethics education program is designed for parishes, high schools, and colleges. Each 30-minute DVD is divided into four chapters and covers a particular case-study. The package includes a DVD for show... View More...
Provides an in-depth look at complicated clinical, ethical, and legal issues involved in the highly publicized Terri Schiavo case. Expert physicians debate whether Terri was or was not in a persistent vegetative state, prominent ethicists debate whether feeding and hydration therapies should continue, and attorneys debate whether she should live or die. This ethics education program is designed for parishes, high schools, and colleges. Each 30-minute DVD is divided into four chapters and covers a particular case-study. The package includes a DVD for showing to groups and a CD-ROM for use by... View More...
Stem cell research is helping scientists unlock the mystery of human life and develop life-saving therapies. Imagine the use of embryonic stem cells to grow into any cell of the human body and potentially treat crippling diseases. While much hope has been generated by this research, this program discusses the moral and ethical concerns raised by the use of embryonic stem cells. This ethics education program is designed for parishes, high schools, and colleges. Each 30-minute DVD is divided into four chapters and covers a particular case-study. The package includes a DVD for showing to group... View More...
An Ideal Resource for Any Person Who Works in Ministry Good Leaders, Good Shepherds is the fictional story of a priest who finds himself overwhelmed at a new pastoral assignment. With the help of two Catholic leaders, he discovers the God-given capacity to lead and shepherd his flock. In these pages, priests, religious, and lay leaders will: Find hope and confidence in their ministry Discover an effective model of leadership that all church ministries can use Understand how to productively work with different personality styles Gain new insights into leading groups in a way that empowers their... View More...
Pope John Paul II wrote that the "little domestic church, like the greater Church, needs to be constantly and intensely evangelized: hence its duty regarding permanent education in the faith." In a systematic course for mothers that's equally useful for groups and individuals, this talented author shows how to remodel your home based on the spiritual design of Holy Mother Church. The focus is on the importance of the home as a center of living faith, a domestic church, as well as the vocation of motherhood. 6x9 Softcover, 256 pages View More...
Faith Enrichment for Adult Catholics A Program of Renewal Through Education In His Image is a serious program of renewal through education. It is designed to challenge adult Catholics to enrich their faith by taking advantage of several of God's gifts: Scripture, prayer, Church teaching and community. In His Image, like the Faith itself, centers on the love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ. As true God he reveals God to us; as true man he reveals us to ourselves and makes clear our vocation to share God's life in community. Renewal of the Church is simply a question of deepening our l... View More...