Christ And The Americas. Christ and the Americas is the long awaited high school American history text by best selling author Dr Anne Carroll. It fills a great void because it gives proper attention to and appreciation for the role of the Catholic Church in American history. Beginning before Columbus and concluding with the 1990's, this book covers the vast panoply of American history in a fast paced yet thorough manner. Because of it's scores of amazing insights and penetrating analysis it renders history understandable and makes it come alive. With study questions at the end of each chapter,... View More...
The Exodus Study Set Questions (48 pages) guide participants through their study with thought-provoking questions about the book of Exodus and related portions of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Comprehensive Study Set Responses (46 pages) provide answers and further commentary on the questions as well as a substantive review of each lesson. Each lesson is designed to be followed by the corresponding talk from the DVD or CD series. About Exodus: Called to Freedom: The Exodus can be viewed as the defining moment in Israel's history, for it was then that God called Israel out of slavery ... View More...
In this DVD series Dr. Tim Gray provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the book of Exodus. Each 30 minute talk is designed to follow a lesson in the Exodus Study Set. About Exodus: Called to Freedom: The Exodus can be viewed as the defining moment in Israel's history, for it was then that God called Israel out of slavery in Egypt and to a life of freedom as His people. Exodus: Called to Freedom looks through the lens of Christ and the Church to show that, more than just seeking to free His people from the domination of Pharaoh, God desired to free His people from the far more s... View More...
Alba House Gospels (Small size) A fresh new translation of the Gospels from the Greek reflecting the spirit and style of the original, this version of the sacred text has as its one overriding concern to render the Good News as faithfully as possible in a manner which will be readily grasped by the ordinary reader. While slang has been avoided, a conscious effort has been made to model the text after the spoken language, since the Greek of the Gospels, generally speaking, reflects the spoken Koine Greek of the first century A.D. A further unique feature of this translation is the use of a poe... View More...
Sometimes when teaching children an aspect of our Catholic Faith, it is helpful to have a special activity to reinforce the lesson. They need exercises that train the mind or move the heart. For this reason, Catholic teachers and parents will appreciate these one hundred thoughtfully crafted activities drawn from the new universal Catechism of the Catholic Church. The worksheets, memory games, Bible studies, etc. in this book require little preparation or materials and are designed to supplement any catechetical text or program for children in grades 1 through 8. Though simple to use, these... View More...
"James V. Schall has written a delightfully odd book about books, because he believes that (1) to be educated is to confront the great questions about what is; that (2) many modern students, in or out of school, never learn to raise, much less answer, the great questions, thus are uneducated in the deepest sense; and that (3) great books, past and present, which wrestle deeply yet non-technically with these questions rather than passively mirroring popular culture with its myopia and prejudices, can fill this vacuum for anyone, in or out of school. It contains unusually sane reflections on edu... View More...
As the founder and director of the Courage and Encourage support groups, Fr. John Harvey is aware of the sensitive nature of homosexuality. With his extensive experience ministering to couples with same-sex attraction, Fr. Harvey presents the Church's teaching in an objective and pastorally-sensitive manner. Priests, religious, and laity alike will benefit from this many questions considered here including: What is the basis of the Church s teaching regarding homosexuality? What do many consider to be the cause of same-sex attraction. Can a person overcome same-sex attraction? Why is it import... View More...
Confession, Penance, Reconciliation. The ancient Sacrament of Penance is called many names but has one purpose... the forgiveness of sins. Many Catholics and other Christians are at best uncertain as to the need for confession, and many are anxious at the idea of sharing their sins with a priest. In this much-needed book, Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Sean Brown put all the confusion and anxiety to rest by answering the most common questions and objections to this indispensable sacrament. As humans, we have an innate desire to be at peace. Sin destroys this peace, leaving the soul in a weak and depr... View More...
Based on our best-selling adult initiation program Journey of Faith, these handouts explore Catholic belief and practice from a child's perspective, involving participants in Scripture and the parish community. Thought-provoking questions help children in grades 3-5 relate the handout material to their own personal life experiences. Photographs and whimsical illustrations have been added to enhance the information presented, making it "user friendly" and more appealing to those exploring the faith for the first time. Pages: 16 View More...
Based on our bestselling adult initiation program Journey of Faith, these handouts explore Catholic belief and practice from a child's perspective, involving participants in Scripture and the parish community. Thought-provoking questions help children in grades 3-5 relate the handout material to their own personal life experiences. Photographs and whimsical illustrations have been added to enhance the information presented, making it "user friendly" and more appealing to those exploring the faith for the first time. Pages: 12 View More...
Based on our best-selling Adult Initiation program Journey of Faith, these handouts explore Catholic belief and practice from a child's perspective, involving participants in Scripture and the parish community. Thought-provoking questions help children in grades 3-5 relate the handout material to their own personal life experiences. Photographs and whimsical illustrations have been added to enhance the information presented, making it "user friendly" and more appealing to those exploring the faith for the first time.Pages: 48 View More...
Based on our best-selling Adult Initiation program Journey of Faith, these handouts explore Catholic belief and practice from a child's perspective, involving participants in Scripture and the parish community. Thought-provoking questions help children in grades 3-5 relate the handout material to their own personal life experiences. Photographs and whimsical illustrations have been added to enhance the information presented, making it "user friendly" and more appealing to those exploring the faith for the first time. Pages: 8 View More...
Based on our bestselling adult initiation program Journey of Faith, these handouts explore Catholic belief and practice from a child's perspective, involving participants in Scripture and the parish community. Thought-provoking questions help children in grades 3-5 relate the handout material to their own personal life experiences. Photographs and whimsical illustrations have been added to enhance the information presented, making it "user friendly" and more appealing to those exploring the faith for the first time.Pages: 8 View More...
Considered one of Frank Sheed’s best books, A Map of Life is also regarded as one of the best and most popular short summaries of the Catholic faith ever written. Focusing on the major truths of our existence and purpose in life, Sheed draws on God’s revelation to show what the divine master plan is for us and how each part of the plan is related. Beginning with “The Problem of Life’s Purpose” and “The Problem of Life’s Laws”, he covers such important parts of the map of life as “The Creation and Fall”, “The Incarnation”, “The Mystical Body”, “The Trinity, “Law and Sin”, “The Supernatural L... View More...
Virgin and Statue Worship Quizzes. 101 Questions and Answers on 2 topics very often misunderstood by non-Catholics. Shows that Catholics do not at all adore statues or Mary! (Statues are "3-D pictures.") Shows that the honor paid to Mary, though special even among the Saints, is not the adoration paid to God! etc., etc. No. 0179 View More...
After setting forth guidelines for arriving at sound ethical and moral decisions, including how to form a correct conscience, Catholicism and Ethics applies these guidelines to such vital health-care issues as artificial insemination, cloning, "test tube" babies, organ and tissue transplants, artificial nutrition and hydration, and the use of ordinary vs. extraordinary means. The book also traces the history of the Church’s opposition to artificial contraception, shows why abortion and physician-assisted killing are terrible crimes, and presents sample health-care proxies governing end-of-life... View More...
James J. Drummey, editor of the weekly "Catholic Replies" column that has appeared in The Wanderer newspaper since 1991, has been involved in the religious education field for more than 30 years. He is the author of two question-and-answer books, Catholic Replies and Catholic Replies 2, co-author of the five-volume Catholicism textbook series that is being used in hundreds of Catholic high schools and parish religion programs, and a popular speaker and defender of the Catholic Church. Softcover, 112 pages View More...
After taking notice of the terrible consequences that follow from ignoring God and essential moral standards, Catholicism and Life discusses in detail the moral code handed down to us in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. The book touches on many of the moral dilemmas facing individuals today and offers practical advice on how to resolve those dilemmas by adopting God's blueprint for our lives. Catholicism and Life also traces the scriptural basis for the Sacraments and explains in detail how God pours out His graces on us through these seven channels, particularly through the H... View More...
After taking notice of the terrible consequences that follow from ignoring God and essential moral standards, Catholicism and Life discusses in detail the moral code handed down to us in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. The book touches on many of the moral dilemmas facing individuals today and offers practical advice on how to resolve those dilemmas by adopting God's blueprint for our lives. Catholicism and Life also traces the scriptural basis for the Sacraments and explains in detail how God pours out His graces on us through these seven channels, particularly through the H... View More...