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Author Name:   Anonymous

Title:    The Old World and America Set

ISBN Number:   0895556200 / 9780895556202

Seller ID:   293

The Old World and America. A famous 5th-8th grade world history text. Guides the student from Creation through the Flood, pre-historic people, the ancient East, Greeks, Romans, the triumph of the Church, Middle Ages, Renaissance, discovery of the New World and Protestant Revolt, ending with the early exploration of the New World. A great asset for home-schoolers and Catholic schools alike! No. 1002. (ISBN: 9780895552020) (This product can also be purchased as part of the following set: The Old World and America Set.) The Old World and America Answer Key. An extremely valuable and helpful resource that will save hours for the busy teacher or homeschooling parent. It will also enable the 5th-8th grade student to work his way independently through the 37 chapters of The Old World and America. Clear, easy to use, well laid out. Gives page numbers for easy reference. Any potential difficulties are noted. Makes using the text a pleasure. No. 1550. (ISBN: 9780895556202) (This product can also be purchased as part of the following set: The Old World and America Set.)

Price = 27.00 USD
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