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1 Catechism of the Catholic Church
i p 
Second Edition Incorporates all the final modifications made in the official Latin text of the Catechism, and includes a more extensive analytical index and a new glossary of terms used. The Catechism draws from Scripture, Western and Eastern traditions of the Church, the Liturgy, Magisterium, the Code of Canon Law and the teachings of the saints. The first Universal Catechism in over 400 years, approved by Pope John Paul II and intended for all adult Catholics, this long-awaited historic document is a beautifully written and clearly stated synthesis of the Catholic Church's teaching on faith, morals, prayer, and the sacraments Length: 928 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 19.95 USD
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2 Catechism of the Catholic Church: (Compact Edition) hardcover
lig 0385508190 / 9780385508193 
The Catechism of the Catholic Church draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, Church Tradition and teaching, and the lives of the saints. It is divided into four sections, explaining Catholic belief, liturgy, the moral life, and prayer. Revised according to the text promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1997, it provides a complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. The convenient compact edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is now available in a durable hardcover version. This compact version of the Catechism includes a handy subject index that makes it perfect for educational use.Pages: 822 
Price: 14.95 USD
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3 Catechism of the Catholic Church: (Compact edition) paperback, revised
doubleday or lig 0385479670 / 9780385479677 
The Catechism of the Catholic Church draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, Church Tradition and teaching, and the lives of the saints. It is divided into four sections, explaining Catholic belief, liturgy, the moral life, and prayer. Revised according to the text promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1997, it provides a complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. This convenient compact version of the Catechism includes a handy subject index that makes it perfect for educational use. 
Price: 8.99 USD
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4 Catechism Tabs

A Tabs for the updated Catechism of the Catholic Church give quick and easy reference to the teachings of the Church on 25 topics. Includes a subject index. Easily find any topic. 
Price: 4.00 USD
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5 Companion to Catechism
ip 0898704510 / 9780898704518 A Compendium of Texts
The Catechism of the Catholic Church reads "often the texts of Sacred Scripture are not quoted literally but merely indicated as a reference ('Cf.') in the footnotes. For a deeper understanding of those passages, the reader should go to the texts themselves. These Biblical references are a working tool for catechesis." This Companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church Book of References contains all the passages of Sacred Scripture referred to in the Catechism arranged according to the paragraphs in which the references are made. But that is only a beginning. The Catechism also refers to conciliar texts, papal documents, writings of the Fathers and of the Saints. There are more than 3,600 of these references extending from the earliest credal formulations of the ancient Church to the documents of Vatican II and beyond to the magisterial teaching of Pope John Paul II. The Book of References includes all the texts referred to arranged, along with the Scripture passages, according to the paragraphs of the Catechism in which they are referred. This Book of References is a valuable instrument in teaching, understanding, and implementing the Catechism. It is a handy one-volume reference library for use with the Catechism. "... I ask the Church's pastors and the Christian faithful to receive this Catechism in a spirit of communion and to use it assiduously in fulfilling their mission of proclaiming the faith and calling people to the Gospel life." — Pope John Paul II Length: 975 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 39.95 USD
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6 Companion to Catechism
ip 0898704502 / 9780898704501 
A Compendium of Texts The Catechism of the Catholic Church reads "often the texts of Sacred Scripture are not quoted literally but merely indicated as a reference (`Cf.') in the footnotes. For a deeper understanding of those passages, the reader should go to the texts themselves. These Biblical references are a working tool for catechesis." This Companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church Book of References contains all the passages of Sacred Scripture referred to in the Catechism arranged according to the paragraphs in which the references are made. But that is only a beginning. The Catechism also refers to conciliar texts, papal documents, writings of the Fathers and of the Saints. There are more than 3,600 of these references extending from the earliest credal formulations of the ancient Church to the documents of Vatican II and beyond to the magisterial teaching of Pope John Paul II. The Book of References includes all the texts referred to arranged, along with the Scripture passages, according to the paragraphs of the Catechism in which they are referred. This Book of References is a valuable instrument in teaching, understanding, and implementing the Catechism. It is a handy one-volume reference library for use with the Catechism. "... I ask the Church's pastors and the Christian faithful to receive this Catechism in a spirit of communion and to use it assiduously in fulfilling their mission of proclaiming the faith and calling people to the Gospel life." -- Pope John Paul II Sewn Hardcover Length: 975 pages Edition: Hardcover 
Price: 44.95 USD
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7 I Can Pray For Chart Unlaminated
On this illustrated chart, your children will learn about all the various people they can and should pray for in their daily lives. With inspiring illustrations and instructive activities, Catholic youth will learn valuable tools in becoming devout ? 
Price: 13.99 USD
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8 Mary, Our Mother and Guide (Leader's Guide)
ip 1932589198 / 9781932589191 Mary and Mother Guide - Understanding Mary's role
Mary and Mother Guide - Understanding Mary's role in Salvation History, the Church, and Our Lives Today For Catholics, Mary comes to us in much the same way our own mothers do. She is part of the family and there is a natural bond there. Yet many of us don't fully understand her role in the family. Some people think that having deep emotional attachment to Mary is all there should be. Others never develop much of a relationship with her and struggle when they are greeted with the hostility surrounding Mary outside the Catholic Church and are unable to explain our devotion to Mary. These misconceptions keep us from more fully knowing and learning from Mary who, like no other, can show us how to more fully know her son Jesus and be faithful children of God. In this edition of the Catholic Faith Explorers series: Mary, Our Mother and Guide, you will learn with the Leader's Guide: * what Scripture and Tradition have the say about Mary, * who she is for us and how she points us to her Son, * how Mary is related to us in the Body of Christ, * how we can deepen our relationship with her as we deepen our relationship with God and his Holy Church, and * how Mary shows us how to be better disciples of Jesus Christ.Length: 3 ring binder Edition: Paperback 
Price: 25.95 USD
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9 Mary, Our Mother and Guide (Participant's Workbook)
ip 193258918X / 9781932589184 
Mary and Mother Guide - Understanding Mary's role in Salvation History, the Church, and Our Lives Today For Catholics, Mary comes to us in much the same way our own mothers do. She is part of the family and there is a natural bond there. Yet many of us don't fully understand her role in the family. Some people think that having deep emotional attachment to Mary is all there should be. Others never develop much of a relationship with her and struggle when they are greeted with the hostility surrounding Mary outside the Catholic Church and are unable to explain our devotion to Mary. These misconceptions keep us from more fully knowing and learning from Mary who, like no other, can show us how to more fully know her son Jesus and be faithful children of God. This edition of the Catholic Faith Explorers series: Mary, Our Mother and Guide, you will learn with the Participants Workbook: * what Scripture and Tradition have the say about Mary, * who she is for us and how she points us to her Son, * how Mary is related to us in the Body of Christ, * how we can deepen our relationship with her as we deepen our relationship with God and his Holy Church, and * how Mary shows us how to be better disciples of Jesus Christ. BULK DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! 1-19 copies $7.95 ea. 20-34 copies $7.50 ea. 35-49 copies $7.15 ea. 50-75 copies $6.75 ea. 76-149 copies $6.45 ea. 150-249 copies $5.95 ea. 250-349 copies $5.50 ea. 350-449 copies $5.15 ea. 450-599 copies $4.75 ea. 600-749 copies $4.35 ea. 750+ copies $3.95 ea. (equal to wholesale discount of 50%) Edition: Paperback Discount will be applied at check-out. 
Price: 7.85 USD
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10 Sez Who? (Leader's Guide)
ip 1932589082 / 9781932589085 Sez Who? Why Church authority established by Jesus
Sez Who? Why Church authority established by Jesus is so important today. We live in a time marked by a crisis in authority that has been seen in scandals in every spectrum of society: the family, government, business, and even the Church. As a result, people are often highly suspicious of authority and many Catholics struggle to place themselves with trust under the authority of the Church. In Sez Who? we learn that God promised to be with us always and established the authority of the Church so that we can know him, and live in happiness and peace now and in eternity. The infallibility of the Church relies entirely upon God’s own holiness and integrity, not on the holiness and personal integrity of the Church’s members. Therefore, it can always be trusted. With Sez Who? In this edition of the Catholic Faith Explorers series, participants learn with the Leader's Guide: * about the Christian concept of authority and truth * why Jesus established the authority of the Church and guides her by the Holy Spirit * how Church doctrines are not intended to constrict or burden us, rather help us to know and live the truth according to God’s will * when and how the Church speaks infallibly, and * how lay people are called to be informed and mindful, not mindless regarding Church teachings. 
Price: 25.95 USD
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11 So Why Do We Do This? (Leader's Guide)
ip 1932589031 / 9781932589030 So Why Do We Do This? Understanding the Why and Ho
Most Catholics know the prayers and movements of the Mass, but many of us can’t really explain why we do the things we do in the Mass. We don’t remember what the gestures and prayers are all about and can become so entrenched in the ritual aspect of the Mass that we no longer recognize the miracle taking place right before our eyes. So Why Do We Do This? In this edition of the Catholic Faith Explorers series, participants learn with the Leader's Guide: * how the Mass came about * why it is different from other religious “services” * the significance of each element of the Mass * how each of us are active participants in the Mass and * more about the life-changing impact of receiving the EucharistLength: 3 ring binder Edition: Paperback 
Price: 25.95 USD
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12 So Why Do We Do This? (Participant Workbook)
ip 1932589023 / 9781932589023 So Why Do We Do This? Understanding the Why and Ho
So Why Do We Do This? Understanding the Why and How of the Mass Most Catholics know the prayers and movements of the Mass, but many of us can’t really explain why we do the things we do in the Mass. We don’t remember what the gestures and prayers are all about and can become so entrenched in the ritual aspect of the Mass that we no longer recognize the miracle taking place right before our eyes. With So Why Do We Do This? In the Participants Workbook edition of the Catholic Faith Explorers series, you will learn: * how the Mass came about * why it is different from other religious “services” * the significance of each element of the Mass * how each of us are active participants in the Mass and * more about the life-changing impact of receiving the Eucharist BULK DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! 1-19 copies $7.95 ea. 20-34 copies $7.50 ea. 35-49 copies $7.15 ea. 50-75 copies $6.75 ea. 76-149 copies $6.45 ea. 150-249 copies $5.95 ea. 250-349 copies $5.50 ea. 350-449 copies $5.15 ea. 450-599 copies $4.75 ea. 600-749 copies $4.35 ea. 750+ copies $3.95 ea. (equal to wholesale discount of 50%) Edition: Paperback Discount will be applied at check-out. 
Price: 7.95 USD
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13 The Apostles' Creed Chart Laminated
Know what you believe! The Apostles' Creed was written by the Church Fathers as a brief summary of what the early Church taught. Perfect for confirmation classes, religious education classes, and RCIA preparation. Reproducible worksheets on the back show the Bible references for each statement of the Creed. (Laminated) 
Price: 13.99 USD
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14 The Mass for Children: A Middle-Grader's Guide to Understanding Mass DVD
L 0764818163 / 9780764818165 
This upbeat video explains the Mass to a group of students and answers their questions. It uses strong images of Jesus throughout, and concentrates on real-life situations. In several short vignettes, it shows how we can bring problems with family and friends to Mass and experience reconciliation through the Eucharist. Download Presenter's Guide. DVD video Playing time: 33:45 minutes 
Price: 19.95 USD
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15 Today's Disciples (Leader's Guide)
ip 1932589104 / 9781932589108 Today’s Disciples - The essential role of the lait
Today’s Disciples - The essential role of the laity in the Church. Never before in the history of the Church has the essential role of the layperson been so dramatically emphasized as it is now. Particularly since Vatican II, the Church has called for a renewal in the life and role of the laity. Yet, for many of us we don’t understand what that means. To be able to fulfill our important role in the Church, we must more clearly understand the Church’s teaching on laity. We must recognize that the lay state is indeed a “vocation” and integral to the mission of the Church. With the Today’s Disciples Leader's Guide edition of the Catholic Faith Explorers series, participants will learn: * the lay state is a “vocation” derived from our Baptism * the role of the laity is essential in accomplishing the mission of the Church * laypeople are called to engage in the affairs of the world and direct them according to God’s will * the unique capability that laypeople have to bring Christ’s divine message of salvation to every aspect of life, and * how to discern one’s callingLength: 3 ring binder Edition: Paperback 
Price: 25.95 USD
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16 Today's Disciples (Participant's Workbook)
1932589090 / 9781932589092 Today’s Disciples - The essential role of the lait
Today’s Disciples - The essential role of the laity in the Church. Never before in the history of the Church has the essential role of the layperson been so dramatically emphasized as it is now. Particularly since Vatican II, the Church has called for a renewal in the life and role of the laity. Yet, for many of us we don’t understand what that means. Edition: Paperback To be able to fulfill our important role in the Church, we must more clearly understand the Church’s teaching on laity. We must recognize that the lay state is indeed a “vocation” and integral to the mission of the Church. In the Today’s Disciples edition of the Catholic Faith Explorers series, with the Participant's Workbook you will learn: * the lay state is a “vocation” derived from our Baptism * the role of the laity is essential in accomplishing the mission of the Church * laypeople are called to engage in the affairs of the world and direct them according to God’s will * the unique capability that laypeople have to bring Christ’s divine message of salvation to every aspect of life, and * how to discern one’s calling. BULK DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE! 1-19 copies $7.95 ea. 20-34 copies $7.50 ea. 35-49 copies $7.15 ea. 50-75 copies $6.75 ea. 76-149 copies $6.45 ea. 150-249 copies $5.95 ea. 250-349 copies $5.50 ea. 350-449 copies $5.15 ea. 450-599 copies $4.75 ea. 600-749 copies $4.35 ea. 750+ copies $3.95 ea. (equal to wholesale discount of 50%) Discount will be applied at check-out. 
Price: 7.95 USD
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17 A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication Catechism of the Catholic Church
lig 9781574551098 
Today, over 45 million Americans live without any health insurance. The ones who are sick will face the fear that there may be no one to help them. This video examines ethical dilemmas from the patient's perspective that arise with regard to health care. It presents the problem of the uninsured in America and examines the issues of rationing, universal access to health care, and the difficult matter of reining in the costs of health care. This ethics education program is designed for parishes, high schools, and colleges. Each 30-minute DVD is divided into four chapters and covers a particular case-study. The package includes a DVD for showing to groups and a CD-ROM for use by individuals on their personal computers. The program promotes learning through Q & A sessions, group dicussions, and more. Facilitation guides that follow the DVDs can be downloaded online or from the DVD or CD-ROM in Adobe Reader. 
Price: 149.95 USD
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18 Anonymous Baltimore Catechism No 1

Baltimore Catechism No 1. Since 1885, the Baltimore Catechism has been used as an incomparable tool for passing on the faith to the next generation. The modern revival of this Catechism reflects a growing desire among Catholics to understand and learn the truths of their Faith. The Baltimore Catechism clearly and concisely explains what Catholics believe in an accessible question and answer format. Baltimore Catechism No. 1 is a superb teaching instrument with 33 lessons appropriate for grades 4-7. The content is structured and limited in order to be easily grasped by young children. Parents and catechists will enjoy using this Catechism to instruct their children and students in the fundamentals of Catholicism. 
Price: 4.95 USD
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19 Anonymous The Penny Catechism

The Penny Catechism. 300 questions and answers on all aspects of the Faith. Excellent basic class text and short summary of Catholic teaching for everyone. Easy to read, won't overwhelm the prospective convert! Great for missionary work or apologetics. An official catechism. Impr. 72 pgs 
Price: 4.00 USD
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20 approved sources Divinity Game
Fun Board Game based on The Catechism of the Catho
Offering over 650 questions and answers, simultaneously playable at three different skill levels, this board game offers a great way for all family members (11 and older) to join in the fun. This game is ideal for classrooms, youth groups, sacramental preparation and small group retreats. 
Price: 19.95 USD
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