Catholic Faith | - 276 items found in your search |
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Catechism of the Catholic Church i p Second Edition Incorporates all the final modifications made in the official Latin text of the Catechism, and includes a more extensive analytical index and a new glossary of terms used. The Catechism draws from Scripture, Western and Eastern traditions of the Church, the Liturgy, Magisterium, the Code of Canon Law and the teachings of the saints. The first Universal Catechism in over 400 years, approved by Pope John Paul II and intended for all adult Catholics, this long-awaited historic document is a beautifully written and clearly stated synthesis of the Catholic Church's teaching on faith, morals, prayer, and the sacraments Length: 928 pages Edition: Paperback
19.95 USD
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Catechism of the Catholic Church: (Compact Edition) hardcover lig 0385508190 / 9780385508193 The Catechism of the Catholic Church draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, Church Tradition and teaching, and the lives of the saints. It is divided into four sections, explaining Catholic belief, liturgy, the moral life, and prayer. Revised according to the text promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1997, it provides a complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. The convenient compact edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is now available in a durable hardcover version. This compact version of the Catechism includes a handy subject index that makes it perfect for educational use.Pages: 822
14.95 USD
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Catechism of the Catholic Church: (Compact edition) paperback, revised doubleday or lig 0385479670 / 9780385479677 The Catechism of the Catholic Church draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, Church Tradition and teaching, and the lives of the saints. It is divided into four sections, explaining Catholic belief, liturgy, the moral life, and prayer. Revised according to the text promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1997, it provides a complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. This convenient compact version of the Catechism includes a handy subject index that makes it perfect for educational use.
8.99 USD
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Our Father's Plan - Bible Facilitator Guide ip 0898709415 / 9780898709414 A Catholic Bible Study of Salvation History Written and successfully piloted by St. John the Apostle Church Bible Study in Oregon, this 24-week series is based on, and follows, the extremely popular 13-hour Our Father’s Plan film series hosted by Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins on EWTN, available on video through Ignatius Press. Using the Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition, this in-depth Bible study begins with Genesis, continues through various Old Testament books, into the New Testament with the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Each week’s lesson includes a specific Bible reading, a group of detailed study questions on the scripture reading, cross-referencing to The Catechism of the Catholic Church, concluding with a 25 minute film segment from the video series. An accompanying facilitator's answer guide is also available. “A wonderful study guide for our film series, Our Father’s Plan. I am happy to have it available on a broader scale for Bible study.” —Scott Hahn Length: 51 pages Edition: Paperback
6.95 USD
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Our Father's Plan - Study Guide ip 0898709407 / 9780898709407 A Catholic Bible Study of Salvation History Written and successfully piloted by St. John the Apostle Church Bible Study in Oregon, this 24-week series is based on, and follows, the extremely popular 13-hour Our Father’s Plan film series hosted by Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins on EWTN, available on video through Ignatius Press. Using the Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition, this in-depth Bible study begins with Genesis, continues through various Old Testament books, into the New Testament with the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Each week’s lesson includes a specific Bible reading, a group of detailed study questions on the scripture reading, cross-referencing to The Catechism of the Catholic Church, concluding with a 25 minute film segment from the video series. An accompanying facilitator's answer guide is also available. “A wonderful study guide for our film series, Our Father’s Plan. I am happy to have it available on a broader scale for Bible study.” —Scott Hahn Length: 100 pages Edition: Paperback
12.85 USD
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Our Lady and the Church ip 0972598111 / 9780972598118 Our Lady and the Church is one of the great works of twentieth-century theology—a profound meditation on the riches to be found in the writings of the Early Church Fathers about Mary. Filled with richly poetic, sometimes startling imagery, Our Lady and the Church is the rare book that appeals with equal power to both the mind and the heart. "Hugo Rahner's great achievement was his rediscovery, in the Fathers, of the indivisibility of Mary and the Church. This marvelous book is one of the most important theological rediscoveries of the twentieth century." —Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger "With engaging clarity, this pioneering study sets forth the vast range of biblical metaphors the Fathers applied to Mary and the Church: ark of the covenant, valiant woman, treasure-laden ship. This rich theology of poetry and image has much to say to our more prosaic age." —Avery Cardinal Dulles Length: 168 pages Edition: Paperback
12.95 USD
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Papal Diplomacy and the Quest for Peace ip 9781932569016 This book examines the relationship of the Holy See's involvement with the League of Nations and concludes with the Papacy of Pope Pius XI in 1939. It presents the case for why the Holy See should continue in its labor in the venue of international organizations. A timely book. "It provides a valuable perspective on current cotroversies over the role of the Holy See in international affairs." --Mary Ann Glendon Harvard University Length: 301 pages Edition: Paperback
24.95 USD
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The Active Catholic
The Active Catholic. Written as Christ speaking to His disciples who engage in the active life. Short; powerful one-sentence messages. Profound; inspiring; sobering and insightful. Truly unusual and great! No.
9.00 USD
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The Catholic Mass... Revealed: Book c A beautifully written explanation of the extraordinary gift that is the Catholic Mass. It is designed as a companion to the DVD and Audio Commentary CD. Imprimatur by the Most Rev. Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Atlanta. Soft Cover Book, 96 Pages
14.95 USD
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The Light and the Lens (Leader's Guide) ip 1932589058 / 9781932589054 The Light and the Lens. Understanding Scripture an The Light and the Lens. Understanding Scripture and Tradition. Despite the fact that the Church teaches that “access to sacred Scripture ought to be wide open to the Christian faithful,” many Catholics feel intimidated, skeptical, or even a bit fearful to begin a serious study of the Bible and don’t know how to start. Catholics are taking to Scripture in greater numbers. As they do, they make the surprising discovery that the Bible is a thoroughly Catholic book! In The Light and the Lens Leader's Guide in the Catholic Faith Explorers series, participants will learn: * how revelation has been handed down in both written and unwritten form: Scripture and Tradition * where we got the Bible * how the covenants in the Old Testament lead us to the new and everlasting covenant of the New Testament – Jesus Christ * about the role of Scripture in the Church and guidelines for sensible scripture reading, and that * Scripture is vital to our life as disciples of Jesus Christ.Length: 3 ring binder Edition: Paperback
25.95 USD
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A Biblical Theology of Discernment Authenticity 089870619X / 9780898706192 Most people assume that the way to mend divisions and factions in our world - marriages, parishes, dioceses, religious orders - is to engage in civil discussions, attend local, regional or national meetings, draw up committee reports and recommendations. To a point this may help, but sad experience makes clear that these approaches alone never heal the polarization problems which plague our civil and ecclesial life. The Biblical therapy is radically different - and it achieves results. This book explores the divine strategy in detail. Research discovers in Scripture 40 or 50 themes that bear on discovering truth and recognizing that it has been solidly found. We learn how we discern whether we are being led by the Holy Spirit or by our own unredeemed inclinations and desires, whether it is the spirit of God or the prince of darkness that is operating in our disagreements and programs. We find in these themes clear responses to key questions: • Why are there divisions and factions in the Church? • How are these polarizations to be healed? • What are the sure signs that some people have truth, while others are in error? • What are the conditions for finding and maintaining a shared vision in marriage, parishes, dioceses, religious orders, the universal Church? Fr. Thomas Dubay is the author of the best-seller Fire Within. Length: 279 pages Edition: Paperback
16.95 USD
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A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication Catechism of the Catholic Church lig 9781574551098 Today, over 45 million Americans live without any health insurance. The ones who are sick will face the fear that there may be no one to help them. This video examines ethical dilemmas from the patient's perspective that arise with regard to health care. It presents the problem of the uninsured in America and examines the issues of rationing, universal access to health care, and the difficult matter of reining in the costs of health care. This ethics education program is designed for parishes, high schools, and colleges. Each 30-minute DVD is divided into four chapters and covers a particular case-study. The package includes a DVD for showing to groups and a CD-ROM for use by individuals on their personal computers. The program promotes learning through Q & A sessions, group dicussions, and more. Facilitation guides that follow the DVDs can be downloaded online or from the DVD or CD-ROM in Adobe Reader.
149.95 USD
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A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication Handbook for Today's Catholic: Revised Edition lig 0764812203 / 9780764812200 Handbook for Today's Catholic, popular for decades, is now even more valuable. This revised and updated edition includes a new introduction, the current list of the Holy Days of Obligation observed in the United States, the prayer for vocations favored by Pope John Paul II, a new section on how to prepare for a sick call, and much more. Handbook for Today's Catholic, Revised Edition, retains all the features of the previous edition presented in easy-to-understand language, with content divided into the following four sections: Beliefs, Practices, Prayers, and Living the Faith. Handbook for Today's Catholic, Revised Edition, is also fully indexed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. RCIA and parish adult faith formation groups, high school religious education classes, inquirers into the Catholic Faith, and anyone who wants to have the essentials of Catholicism at their fingertips will welcome this affordable faith resource. Paperback Pages: 128
4.95 USD
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A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication The Essential Catholic Handbook of the Sacraments: A Summary of Beliefs, Rites, and Prayers l 0764807811 / 9780764807817 Finally! The answers to 50 of the most-asked questions regarding the Eucharist! Designed to bring a better understanding of the Eucharist and the rituals involved in Mass, devotion, and prayer, this book is formatted in a way that is easy to read and understand. As it shows how prayer and worship form the core of the spiritual renewal of the Catholic community, this book addresses these questions and more: * I see people bow before the altar and tabernacle--is there a relationship between the altar and the Eucharist? * My parish has processions--why are they important, and why don't all parishes have them? * What is the difference between the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus? * What is Benediction? Religious and devotional practices are the language we use to communicate with God. 50 Questions From the Pews: The Eucharist helps the reader participate more fully and richly in the Eucharist. Pages: 96 Paperback
6.95 USD
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A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication The Essential Catholic Handbook: A Summary of Beliefs, Practices, and Prayers Revised and Updated l 0764812890 / 9780764812897 This invaluable book for those who want a topical summary of "what it means to be Catholic," is now even more useful. This expanded edition includes a new Introduction, the current list of holy days of obligation observed in the United States, the Prayer for Vocations preferred by Pope John Paul II, a new section on how to prepare for a sick call, an index, and much more. An important reference work for any interested Catholic, especially those involved in church ministry. Includes a glossary of key terms and cross-referenced to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Paperback Pages: 304
11.95 USD
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