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1 Benedictine Sisters Confession-Its Fruitful Practice, With an Examination of Conscience

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Price: 4.00 USD
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2 Fr Paul O'Sullivan, O.P. (E.D.M) The Secret of confession

This must be the most intriguing and delightful book ever written on the Sacrament of Confession. The beloved Fr. Paul O'Sullivan-author of all the About the Angels, How to be Happy/How to be Holy, Read Me or Rue It, and many other extremely popular books and booklets-brings forth in this little gem a host of true stories about confession, plus quotations on Confession from Holy Scripture and from the Saints of the early Church. many of his anecdotes involve non-Catholics, showing how confession has won the admiration even of Protestants. He combines all these elements to prove that Confession comes from Our Lord Himself, that is gives renewed courage and youthfulness of spirit to the heart and soul, and that by means of weekly Confession any sin can be conquered! 96 pages 
Price: 8.95 USD
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3 Fr. Francis Randolph Pardon and Peace
ip 089870832X / 9780898708325 A Sinner's Guide to Confession
Fr. Francis Randolph presents a very positive and practical understanding of the immense value of the sacrament of confession for the modern Catholic. Father Randolph helps the reader to see how the sacrament of confession meets the deepest needs of the penitent on the spiritual, emotional and psychological levels. Step by step we follow the different stages of the rite, looking at the various elements of the sacrament and what they mean for the average sinner in the box. The author draws on his own experiences, on both sides of the grille, to explain what is actually happening in this sacrament, and why it is so helpful for growing in the love of God and neighbor. Because of so much recent confusion over the nature and purpose of the sacrament, the book tackles the common objections and anxieties over confession, and recommends frequent confession for getting rid of stress and anxiety, and growing in confidence before God. "A clear, sound, eminently sensible exposition of the why and how of one of Christ's often-neglected sacramental gifts. Both Catholics who seldom approach this sacrament and Catholics for whom it is an established part of their spiritual lives will find a lot that is helpful and inspiring here, as will priests and catechists." —Russell Shaw, Author, Why We Need Confession "An intelligent and compassionate explanation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and of all aspects of penance and the forgiveness of sin. Very helpful for younger Catholics, for older Catholics, and questioning non-Catholics." —Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, Author, Arise from Darkness Length: 185 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 12.95 USD
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4 Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Sean Brown Go In Peace: Your Guide to the Purpose and Power of Confession

Confession, Penance, Reconciliation. The ancient Sacrament of Penance is called many names but has one purpose... the forgiveness of sins. Many Catholics and other Christians are at best uncertain as to the need for confession, and many are anxious at the idea of sharing their sins with a priest. In this much-needed book, Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Sean Brown put all the confusion and anxiety to rest by answering the most common questions and objections to this indispensable sacrament. As humans, we have an innate desire to be at peace. Sin destroys this peace, leaving the soul in a weak and deprived state. In Go In Peace, the authors demonstrate that, through the power of confession, one is freed from the burden of sin and brought to peace with God and himself. You will learn: * The biblical basis of confession * Why Christ gave the Church the power to forgive sins * Why this sacrament is required by the Church * What elements are necessary for a good confession * Why some sins require confession for forgiveness * The psychological benefits of confession * The spiritual benefits of confession. * ...and much more! # Language: English # Soft cover, 102 pages 
Price: 11.99 USD
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5 Justin Cardinal Rigali Encounter with Mercy

A helpful guide to confession to inspire and encourage frequent confession - concise, practical, and user-friendly 
Price: 4.95 USD
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6 St. Alphonsus Liguori Preparation for Death

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Price: 16.95 USD
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