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1 Deluxe Leather Burgundy Diary
Reserve your copy of the first-ever leather-bound edition of Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska. This deluxe edition - pages come with glided edges and ribbon marker. Includes 20 pages of color photographs. - measures 7 1/8" x 4 3/8". 768 pages. 
Price: 29.95 USD
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2 Divine Mercy, No Escape

This is the moving story of St. Faustina, a young Polish nun chosen by God to share His message of mercy with the whole world. Filmed in Poland, the Vatican, Germany, and the United States. Narrated by Broadway and screen legend Helen Hayes. 
Price: 14.95 USD
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3 Padre Pio Book Set

Padre Pio Book Set. Set of 5 books about or by Padre Pio. See below for a list of individual items in Padre Pio Book Set. Padre Pio The Stigmatist, Who is Padre Pio?, Meditation Prayer on Mary Immaculate, The Agony of Jesus, and Stories of Padre Pio 
Price: 25.00 USD
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4 St. Gertrude the Great
Herald of Divine Love
St. Gertrude the Great. A brief life of this 12th century German Benedictine nun, the only female saint titled "The Great." Discusses her method of prayer, some sample prayers, and covers some of her revelations. Shows the depth and sublimity of Our Lord's love for souls who give themselves completely to Him. Contains many actual words of Our Lord from His conversations with Gertrude. Beautiful and inspiring to see how much Jesus loves us and wants to be loved! Here is a soul that never denied Him anything, who kept her baptismal innocence and so was extremely pleasing to her Divine Spouse 
Price: 3.00 USD
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5 The Life of Venerable Mary of Agreda

On the life of venerable Mary of Agreda. 
Price: 9.95 USD
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6 Thematic Concordance to the Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska
c w 
This comprehensive reference tool is a must have to keep next to your Diary. Soft cover. 
Price: 19.95 USD
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7 Trinity in Aquinas
ip 0970610629 / 9780970610621 
Gilles Emery belongs among the world's premier theologians of the Trinity. With an introduction by the renowned Dominican Thomist Jean-Pierre Torrell, Trinity in Aquinas combines historical erudition and mature speculative insight. In scholarly prose of rare clarity and precision, Emery explores the key themes of Trinitarian theology: divine unity, the Trinitarian character of the divine act of creation, the integration of biblical exegesis and speculative theology, and the development of Trinitarian doctrine, and the controversy over the filioque. As Emery teaches, "The theological activity of knowledge of God and love of God, in the saints, 'imitates' or 'represents' the activity of God the Father who pronounces the Word and breathes the Spirit." Emery instructs all believers who seek, by means of intellectual contemplation inspired by love, to share more deeply in the "theological activity" of the saints. About the Author: Gilles Emery is a Dominican priest of the Swiss province of Preachers and professor of dogmatic theology at University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Edition: Paperback 
Price: 29.95 USD
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8 A Study Edition Prepared by Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D. SAINT TERESA OF AVILA
ics 0935216707 / 9780935216707 
A Study Edition, with Introduction, Commentary, Discussion Questions, and Glossary Prepared by Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D. St. Teresa of Avila is an unsurpassed teacher of Christian prayer and spirituality, and in The Way of Perfection she is at her best. Now, with the help of this study edition, everyone can enjoy the benefits of her wisdom. In The Way of Perfection, St. Teresa gives practical counsels and advice on prayer, destined originally for the few nuns who embraced the reformed Carmelite life she established. As a handbook for spiritual formation, it presented them with the basic Christian spirituality undergirding their Constitutions and Rule. Over the centuries, the book's appeal has reached far beyond the walls of Carmelite monasteries, and The Way of Perfection has become a spiritual classic. More and more today, Teresa's instructions speak to all those interested in prayer, providing them with basic guidelines for praying and showing how to avoid potential pitfalls. But as the readership and interest grow, so does the need for some help in working with this sixteenth-century text. The principles and teachings in Teresa's book, first presented within the limited horizons of her own situation, clearly lend themselves to broader applications, and can work well in all walks of life. This study edition-with its introduction, commentary, notes, discussion questions, and glossary-provides what is needed to assist contemporary readers in making these applications and delving more deeply into the text's spiritual riches.544 pages, paper 
Price: 19.95 USD
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9 Abbe Francois Trochu Saint Bernadette Soubirous

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Price: 21.95 USD
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10 Abbe Theodore Ratisbonne St. Bernard of Clairvaux

St. Alphonsus Liguori. Bishop; Confessor; Founder of the Redemptorists; Doctor of the Church; author of 111 books; the most published author in history. The Catholic world stands in the shadow of this brilliant man who read everything significant written in the history of the Church. His incredible life; miracles and achievements. St. Alphonsus says; He who prays will be saved; he who does not will be lost. A most inspiring life! 392 pgs; PB 
Price: 21.00 USD
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11 Abbott Giuseppe Ricciotti The Age Of Martyrs
The Age Of Martyrs. In The Age of Martyrs; the famous Catholic historian Abbot Giuseppe Ricciotti records the epochal events of Roman history from the rise of Diocletian (284) to the death of Constantine the Great (337); a period which witnessed the last and greatest of the 10 persecutions of the Christians by the Roman government. Impr. 305 pgs 
Price: 18.00 USD
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12 Adalbert Albert Vogl Therese Neumann
Mystic and Stigmatist
Therese Neumann. The life and remarkable gifts of Therese Neumann (1898-1962); who bore the stigmata from 1926 to 1962; and suffered the Passion of Jesus on Fridays. She went without food and drink (save Communion) for 26 years. Also tells of her visions; language phenomena; mystical recognition of the Holy Eucharist; of priests; priestly blessings and relics; her bilocation and other mystical gifts. Twenty pictures in color and over 50 in black and white. Impr. 272 pgs 20 color Illus;57 b&W; Illus 
Price: 16.50 USD
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13 Albert Bessieres, S.J. Wife, Mother & Mystic

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Price: 10.95 USD
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14 Alma Power-Waters Saint Catherine Labouré and the Miraculous Medal
ip 089870765X / 9780898707656 
For more than a hundred and fifty years the Miraculous Medal has been known and worn by Catholics throughout the world. It has been used and promoted by great saints and Popes as a most powerful sacramental. Less well known is the story of the French Sister to whom the Blessed Virgin manifested the Medal in 1830. This Vision Book for 9 - 16 year olds tells the story of Catherine Labouré, a Burgundy farm girl who, after a prophetic dream of St. Vincent de Paul, became a Sister of Charity in Paris and later in Enghien, where she cooked and mended and cared for the inmates of a home for elderly men. To this obscure Sister the Blessed Virgin appeared, made prophecies, and commissioned the making of the Medal which soon came to be known as "miraculous" because of the favors wrought. St. Catherine Labouré lived a life of prayer and service to the poor, and was canonized in 1947. Illustrated "A series which should be found wherever there are young Catholic readers." –Ave Maria "The Vision Books are splendid in design and format." –Catholic Standard and Times "The entire series of Vision Books is recommended for solid training of youth." –The Tablet Cover art by Chris Pelicano Length: 140 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 9.95 USD
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15 Amy LeBlanc Strength of a Woman: Forgotten Heroines of the Bible

Our world hungers for heroes, and this is especially true for women, particularly young women and teenagers. To meet this need comes this compilation of wonderfully told stories of heroic female figures from the Old and New Testaments, women who don't need last names, because their example still cries out to us down through the ages: Judith, Hannah, Esther, Susanna, Veronica, Our Lady, and many more. In her first book, Amy LeBlanc vividly tells each woman's own story of faith in God and love for Him in a beautiful, engaging style. Through her genius for detail that makes each scene come alive, you will feel the breeze that Hannah felt on her face and experience the overwhelming joy in her heart as God answers her dearest wish. Every tale starts with a relevant Scripture quotation. Ladies, in this hard-to-put-down series of reverent stories that reads like a novel, your search for authentic heroines is successful. You have now met them, seen through their eyes and felt through their heart. These heroic women move us closer to God, helping us experience a palpably real understanding of His workings among the women He loves. Sit down with a cup of tea and draw near to our elder sisters in Faith, and enjoy! 146 pages 5.5 x 8.5 softcover 
Price: 14.95 USD
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16 Andre Frossard Forget Not Love: The Passion of Maximilian Kolbe
ip 0898702755 / 9780898702750 The Passion of Maximilian Kolbe
The famous French author's unique writing style captivates the reader with the heroic story of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a modern apostle of Catholic evangelization, Marian spirituality, and a martyr of charity. With the encouragement of Pope John Paul II and the help of documentation (some unpublished) given to him by the Vatican, Frossard chronicles the dramatic and moving life of this Polish Franciscan who volunteered to die in place of a fellow prisoner in Auschwitz. While his heroic martyr's death is well known, Frossard shows how Kolbe's whole life was on of extraordinary generosity in devotion to his ideal of "love without limits." Kolbe was that rare combination of mystic, intellectual genius, theologian, and down-to-earth practicality. His tremendous creative energies (despite constant bouts of tuberculosis and less than one lung) enhanced the lives of all those who knew him, the millions who read his publications, and the countless persons inspired by his example. Forget Not Love reveals the interesting and impressive details of Kolbe's childhood, vision of Mary, brilliance in his studies, his founding of the largest monastery in the world (700 Franciscans), massive printing apostolate, missionary journeys to Japan, and his final act of love in Auschwitz. Frossard has captured the heart of the man whom Pope John Paul II declared "the patron saint of this difficult century." "Frossard really captures the life and love of Saint Maximilian. Here was a true saint—aglow with grace yet tough as nails—just like we need today. Read this and prepare to rekindle a holy passion for the divine grace to live the daily grind." — Scott Hahn, University of Steubenville "Despite my familiarity with the facts I found it impossible to put this book down. Frossard blends literary skill with scholarship and emotional impact to recount one of the greatest lives of the 20th century. Religious biography at its best!" — Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., Author, The Reform of Renewal André Frossard is a noted French author and journalist whose many books include Portrait of John Paul II and Be Not Afraid. 199 pages 
Price: 14.95 USD
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17 Ann Ball Modern Saints-Book Two

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Price: 37.00 USD
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18 Ann Ball Modern Saints-Book Two

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Price: 23.00 USD
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19 Anne Catherine Mary Magdalen

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Price: 14.95 USD
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20 Anne Catherine The Life of the blessed Vigin Mary

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Price: 18.00 USD
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