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General Books

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1 Elizabeth Coatsworth
ip 1883937876 / 9781883937874 
A hot July day with thunderheads, and a violent storm to come; a day with hidden heaviness for Uncle Joseph, who fears he may lose Five Bushel Farm; a secretly anxious day for Andrew, who goes with Sally to meet their old friend Pierre; a day in which Sally and Andrew will race courageously against danger and face many troubles—yet with all this…a wonderful day! In this last novel in the series we glimpse a bit of Sally’s future, resting on her own good sense and buoyant heart Edition: Paperback Ages 8 and up 
Price: 11.95 USD
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2 Ethics Education: Access To Healthcare : Program 6: "The Patient's Perspective" DVD
L 0976609959 / 9780976609957 
Today, over 45 million Americans live without any health insurance. The ones who are sick will face the fear that there may be no one to help them. This video examines ethical dilemmas from the patient's perspective that arise with regard to health care. It presents the problem of the uninsured in America and examines the issues of rationing, universal access to health care, and the difficult matter of reining in the costs of health care. This ethics education program is designed for parishes, high schools, and colleges. Each 30-minute DVD is divided into four chapters and covers a particular case-study. The package includes a DVD for showing to groups and a CD-ROM for use by individuals on their personal computers. The program promotes learning through Q & A sessions, group dicussions, and more. Facilitation guides that follow the DVDs can be downloaded online or from the DVD or CD-ROM in Adobe Reader. 
Price: 149.95 USD
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3 Fear and Anxiety Finding Peace in the Heart of Jesus

Price: 6.50 USD
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4 Glories of Czestochowa and Jasna Gora
s 1932773975 / 9781932773972 
The stories of healing attributed to the miraculous image of Our Lady of Czestochowa and the famous Shrine of Jasna Gora. 156 pages. 
Price: 9.95 USD
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5 Images of God in Prayer

Price: 8.00 USD
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6 John Paul II & St. Thomas Aquinas
ip 1932589287 / 9781932589283 
246 pages Hardcover 
Price: 24.95 USD
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7 Papal Diplomacy and the Quest for Peace
ip 9781932569016 
This book examines the relationship of the Holy See's involvement with the League of Nations and concludes with the Papacy of Pope Pius XI in 1939. It presents the case for why the Holy See should continue in its labor in the venue of international organizations. A timely book. "It provides a valuable perspective on current cotroversies over the role of the Holy See in international affairs." --Mary Ann Glendon Harvard University Length: 301 pages Edition: Paperback 
Price: 24.95 USD
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8 Sacraments for Children: An Introduction to the Seven Sacraments for Middle-Grade Children DVD
L 0764818171 / 9780764818172 
Eleven middle-grade friends in a summer-camp setting take viewers on a learning adventure to discover the meaning behind the symbolism of the sacraments. Download Presenter's Guide. DVD video Playing time: 55 minutes 
Price: 19.95 USD
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9 The Complete Chronicles of Narnia
ip 0060281375 / 9780060281373 
The Chronicles of Narnia have enchanted millions of readers over the last fifty years, and the magical events described in C.S. Lewis's immortal prose have left many a lasting memory. For here is a world where a witch decrees eternal winter; where there are more talking animals than people; and where battles are fought by Centaurs, Giants, and Fauns. Now all seven Chronicles are bound together in this one magnificent volume with a personal introduction by Douglas Gresham, stepson of C.S. Lewis. Pauline Baynes' original and much-loved illustrations have been made even more memorable by the addition of color. This spectacular gift edition will guarantee that C.S. Lewis's timeless world of Narnia will catch the imagination of yet another generation of readers. 
Price: 50.00 USD
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10 The Lord of the Rings - Commemorative Edition
ip 0395595118 / 9780395595114 
This glorious over-sized deluxe volume is a treasure for Tolkien fans—The Lord of the Rings in a special commemorative edition with 50 inspired illustrations by Alan Lee, a noted English artist whose vision matches Tolkien’s own! This stunning single-volume tome features the entire trilogy with maps, lay-flat binding, and ribbon marker. The book to have for all serious Tolkien readers.Length: 1,193 pages Edition: Hardcover 
Price: 69.95 USD
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11 The Rising Sun on a Day in August

"The Assumption of Mary into heaven, an event celebrated each year on August 15th, has a special significance for Japan and Japanese Catholics" 
Price: 16.95 USD
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12 Women of Grace: Full of Grace
ip 0892839600 / 9780892839605 

Price: 13.95 USD
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13 Work and Human Fulfillment
ip 0970610653 / 9780970610652 
Catholic Social Teaching has been described as the best kept secret of the Church. This is particularly regrettable now that the Catholic Church is one of the few global voices to uphold the 'primacy of labor over capital'. Work and Human fulfillment explores the recent changes in the world of work and summarizes the key positions taken by the Church on work and employment in this globalized economy.Length: 337 pages Edition: Hardcover 
Price: 65.95 USD
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14 A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication Dear Padre: Questions Catholics Ask
l 0764809873 / 9780764809873 
A helpful tool for understanding the Catholic faith, presented in an easy-to-digest question-and-answer format. Compiled from the popular "Dear Padre" column, which has appeared in Liguori's parish bulletin series since the late 1970s. The questions selected include those on contemporary issues that ordinary Catholics in the pew can easily imagine themselves asking. The answers of the various priest-columnists are very pastoral in nature and written in easily understood language. Paperback Pages: 288 
Price: 14.95 USD
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15 A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication How to Survive Being Married to a Catholic: A Frank and Honest Guide to Catholic Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices
lig 089243452X / 9780892434527 
Uses a lively cartoon format. This book gives clear and honest answers to over 80 questions often asked by non-Catholic partners in interfaith marriages. Booklet Pages: 64 
Price: 9.95 USD
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16 A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication The Essential Bible Handbook: A Guide for Catholics
lig 0764808362 / 9780764808364 
Intended to help readers understand the place of the Bible in Catholic tradition, the history of the Bible, biblical interpretation, and the use of the Bible in prayer. This handbook is invaluable for preparing Sunday Lectionary readings and includes a suggested plan for reading the Bible, a chart of New Testament parables, and much more. Paperback Pages: 304 
Price: 14.95 USD
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17 A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication The Essential Catholic Handbook of the Sacraments: A Summary of Beliefs, Rites, and Prayers
l 0764807811 / 9780764807817 
Finally! The answers to 50 of the most-asked questions regarding the Eucharist! Designed to bring a better understanding of the Eucharist and the rituals involved in Mass, devotion, and prayer, this book is formatted in a way that is easy to read and understand. As it shows how prayer and worship form the core of the spiritual renewal of the Catholic community, this book addresses these questions and more: * I see people bow before the altar and tabernacle--is there a relationship between the altar and the Eucharist? * My parish has processions--why are they important, and why don't all parishes have them? * What is the difference between the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus? * What is Benediction? Religious and devotional practices are the language we use to communicate with God. 50 Questions From the Pews: The Eucharist helps the reader participate more fully and richly in the Eucharist. Pages: 96 Paperback 
Price: 6.95 USD
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18 A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication The Essential Catholic Handbook: A Summary of Beliefs, Practices, and Prayers Revised and Updated
l 0764812890 / 9780764812897 
This invaluable book for those who want a topical summary of "what it means to be Catholic," is now even more useful. This expanded edition includes a new Introduction, the current list of holy days of obligation observed in the United States, the Prayer for Vocations preferred by Pope John Paul II, a new section on how to prepare for a sick call, an index, and much more. An important reference work for any interested Catholic, especially those involved in church ministry. Includes a glossary of key terms and cross-referenced to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Paperback Pages: 304 
Price: 11.95 USD
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19 A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication The Word Into Life, Year A: A Guide for Group Reflection on Sunday Scripture
l 0764816268 / 9780764816260 
Journey of Faith: The Word into Life contains exercises to assist Christian initiation groups of all ages "break open" the Word of God in the Sunday Scriptures. Includes cross-referencing to help you use Journey of Faith catechetical handouts in a lectionary-based approach to Christian initiation. Paperback Pages: 176 
Price: 9.95 USD
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20 A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication The Word Into Life, Year C: A Guide for Group Reflection on Sunday Scripture
l 0764815369 / 9780764815362 
Journey of Faith: The Word into Life contains exercises to assist Christian initiation groups of all ages "break open" the Word of God in the Sunday Scriptures. Includes cross-referencing to help you use Journey of Faith catechetical handouts in a lectionary-based approach to Christian initiation. Paperback Pages: 176 
Price: 9.95 USD
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