Thought-provoking words from renowned spiritual writer, Henri J. M. Nouwen, lead readers along a journey of conversion during Lent and Easter week. These periods of penance and celebration, lavish with rituals, help us become more sensitive to our own weaknesses and Christ's victory over sin. Through it all, Father Nouwen comforts and reassures us with reminders that God loves and accepts us even in our human state. Each daily reflection--from Ash Wednesday through the Second Sunday of Easter--begins with thoughts from Father Nouwen on an appropriate theme, supported by Scripture, prayer, a... View More...
Celebrate the writings of this nineteenth-century Carmelite nun who is remembered most for her letters, her poetry, and her "simple way" to holiness as described in her autobiography. The profound impact Thérèse had upon spirituality in the twentieth century was recognized by her swift canonization only 28 years after her death and again in 1997 by Pope John Paul II, who named her a Doctor of the Church. This book, with its concise overview of St. Thérèse's writings, will be appreciated by all devotees of the Little Flower. Pages: 144 Hardcover View More...