During Lent the Church calls us to fast, give alms, and pray more intensely. This leaflet provides prayers with Lenten themes that can be used by individuals, families, and other groups at any time of the day. Reflection on these prayers and what they call to mind can help us contemplate the deeper meaning of this holy season. Useful for anyone. Pastors will want all parishioners to have this helpful resource. Pages: 2 Size: 3.5" X 8.5" Inches Folded Leaflet • Pack of 25 • This item is non-returnable View More...
Este folleto provee oraciones y temas cuaresmales que pueden ser usados por individuos, familias y otros grupos cualquier hora del día. El contenido de estas oraciones nos ayuda a profundizar el significado de este tiempo sagrado. Family Prayers for Lent Contains prayers with Lenten themes that can be used by individuals, families, or other groups. Helps to contemplate the deeper meaning of the season. Folleta • paquete de 25 • Este producto no es retornable. This item is non-returnable View More...
As the formal RCIA process ends, many new Catholics feel uneasy trying to establish their rightful place within the parish community. This pamphlet introduces neophytes to their new obligation as Catholics who are called to model their Christianity in the world through service to others. Deluxe pamphlet Pages: 32 Nonreturnable View More...