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Title:    Mixed Three Brothers and Three Sisters Tote Set

Publisher:    c

Seller ID:   3035

Mixed Three Brothers and Three Sisters Tote Kit Includes the following: Family Prayer Activity Card Provides a fun family activity to reinforce the Sacraments - in full color and laminated for durability. Go Fish Sacrament Card Game Features selected illustrations from the Sacrament book series on 52-cards plus instruction card. Celebrate First Holy Communion! Betty is going to receive First Holy Communion! Come along with three sisters, Betty, Lilly and Rita, as Betty receives Jesus for the very first time in Holy Communion. As Betty comes to know the truth about the bread and wine at Mass, your little one will draw closer to Christ in the Eucharist. Celebrate Reconciliation! It is a special day! Betty is going to church to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the very first time! Come along as she prays about God�s goodness and how much God loves her and wants to forgive her sins. Your little one will come to know how good it is to go to Confession! Celebrate Anointing of the Sick! Oh, no! Grandpa must go to the hospital! Come along with three funny brothers, John, Henry and Freddie, (or Betty, Lilly and Rita) as Father Pat comes to their house and brings holy oil for Grandpa to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. As Grandpa �gets oily,� they learn to pray for and bless those who are sick or dying. Celebrate Matrimony! Nana and Papa are going to church for a special anniversary celebration! Come along with three funny sisters as they come to understand the forever promises of Holy Matrimony and share in the joy of promises kept. Your child will come to know about God�s plan for families through the Sacrament of Matrimony. Celebrate Holy Orders! Father Pat is coming to dinner! Eat with John, Henry and Freddie and enjoy the conversation which reveals how Father Pat decided to become a priest. Your little one will discover how to hear the call of God in their heart! Celebrate Baptism! Cousin Noah is going to church to be Baptized! Come along with three funny brothers, John, Henry, and Freddie as they go to church with Noah and discover all about �getting wet!� This is a fun read with your child that will fill in all the blanks about the �First Sacrament� for your little one. Celebrate Confirmation! Cousin Kim is fun! She plays Hide �n Seek and gives piggy-back rides! Kim is ready for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Come along with Betty, Lilly, and Rita as they go to church with Kim and learn all about receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit!

Price = 29.95 USD
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