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Author Name:   Steve Weidenkopg Dr. Alan Schreck

Title:    Epic: A Journey Through Church History, 20-Part Study (20 CDs)

Publisher:    c

Seller ID:   3037

The epic story of the Catholic Church spans thousands of years. With an unlikely beginning in a remote outpost of the Roman empire, the Catholic Church now claims over a billion living members. The persecutions, martyrdoms, conquests, and triumphs all came together to shape Western civilization as we know it today. Our identity as Catholics means that we are the inheritors of the deeds of holy men and women who for 2,000 years have built a great civilization and spread the Gospel throughout the world. Church history is not just the recitation of popes, people, places, and events; it is a story of adventure, intrigue, rebellion, reform, and devotion. This story is, in fact, our story; this is our family. If we know our past, and how we fit into the story, we will be better prepared to face whatever may come in the future. Utilizing the same structure as The Great Adventure, Epic presents twelve color-coded time periods of Church History that identify the main events in Church History, Culture, and Politics, as well as the Popes, Martyrs, Saints and Doctors of the Church. Developed by teachers and historians Steve Weidenkopf and Dr. Alan Schreck, this exciting learning system will teach you Church history from a truly Catholic perspective. What you will learn... * Learn about the major people, places, and events of the two-thousand years of Church history. * Remember the 12 time periods of Church history using a unique color-coded system. * Learn the true story of the Crusades. * Understand the rationale for the medieval inquisitors and the Spanish Inquisition. * Discover the revolutionary character of the Protestant Reformation. * Know the real story of the confrontation between Galileo and the Church. * Discover the massive persecution of Christians in the twentieth century. * Learn about the workings of the Holy Spirit throughout Church history.

Price = 139.95 USD
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